Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! Players chosen, game starting soon!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

"That will do."

The Fool waved his scepter. The combatants he had chosen were drawn into the near-empty world he inhabited.

Except one wasn't there.

"Ah, pardon me, everyone," he said to the surprised visitors, their expressions and bodies frozen. The Fool waved his hand, and the illusory image of a grey-haired man in a labcoat appeared in front of him. "This is Dr. Benjamin Jetsam, or at least it's what he used to look like. You see, Doctor Jetsam is thrust through dimensions by a being much like myself, and is forced to take on a shape suited to the world he arrives in... but, as this world of mine is actually empty, there's no form for him to take. So he technically doesn't exist here, and won't be up to speed when we start. What a pity! But don't worry, once we begin, he'll take on a form suited to the world I send him to."

The Fool paused.

"Oh, that's right! I haven't told you why I brought you here yet. It's very simple. I am known as the Fool, and I am running what is known in my social circle as a 'Grand Battle'. I'm going to send you to various worlds throughout the cosmos, and then you're all going to attempt to kill each other. Or else." He then looked around at the would-be fighters. "And of course, before we do that, it's best that you all get properly introduced! Now, I've already explained Doctor Jetsam to you, so let me move on to the next one."

The Fool raised his scepter-arm, and the image of a large sea serpent surrounded by water appeared in front of him. The creature appeared to have metallic plates replacing parts of its body.

"Allow me to introduce our next contestant, Dr. Tengeri Nyoka," he said, pointing his scepter at the illusory creature's head. "She is a Leviath, a sea serpent with the ability to telekinetically carry a bubble of water around with her. This allows her to function on land. She also has a certain degree of control over the water itself. She researched cybernetics, and the results of her research have allowed her to enhance her hydrokinesis beyond the normal limits of her species. Her eye implants also offer her the opportunity to see beyond the standard visible spectrum. She'll be a formidable opponent, I expect."

He waved his arm, and the illusion vanished. He then looked straight towards the contestants, and created another illusion; this one of a white, glowing man man wearing a blue coat and top hat, holding a wand in his hand.

"Next, we have Murdoch Miles, the Varalica magician. He performed terrible deeds to acquire his vast magical powers, and regretted his actions almost immediately. Consequently, he doesn't intend to kill again; I wonder if this battle of mine will change that? I suppose we'll just have to wait and see."

With another flourish, the illusion of Miles vanished, and was replaced with the image of a thin man with rusty brown skin and wiry hair.

"This is Tor Kajan, though don't expect him to look quite like this the next time you see him. He's a Telpori-Hal, and their species has a habit of bursting into flame, then coming out of the experience with a different body and different motivations. This also has a bit of a healing effect. As for Tor himself, he's not very fond of humans, and he's also a rather shrewd businessman. We'll see if that helps him to survive this battle!"

The illusion of Tor faded, and was soon replaced with an image of the next fighter; a stocky, well-dressed man wearing a cape.

"This is Saint Scofflaw. In short, he is a bastard. He's concealing all manner of advanced weaponry on his person, and has tried to conquer his world countless times. You most likely can't trust him at all. He has a flagrant disregard for the law, comparing it to a song which he says sounds terrible. A very interesting person. I look forward seeing what he comes up with as a plan to destroy you all - or perhaps do something else entirely. He's rather unpredictable, you see - a man after my own heart, if I do say so myself."

The villainous Scofflaw's image vanished with a simple gesture; and with another wave of his hand, the Fool produced an image of a three-foot tall dinosaur, covered in green and blue plumage and carrying a staff.

"This Deinonychus is Kerak, the Shaman of his tribe. He is quite a good storyteller, which may not seem particularly useful in a battle, but he also has claws and sharp teeth and can run rather fast. Oh, and he has an understanding of herbal medicine, so perhaps if you find a way to get on his good side, he can investigate the local flora in order to heal the wounds he's given you."

The dinosaur's image vanished, and in his place stood a small green cube with a face, arms, and legs. There was a metal band around its wrist.

"And here we have 2106062, or Velobo Calidad as he prefers to be known. He is an artificial lifeform known as a Plazmuth. He is very resilient to pain, and has a ten-foot long tongue that can stick to any surface. He is also able to think very quickly, and is far more cunning than the average member of his species. He is also quite fast. He successfully led a revolt of his people against their creators, just before I brought him here. Rather talented on the whole."

The Plazmuth disappeared. The image of the final contestant - or rather, contestants - materialized for all to see. They were a large human with a heavy device on his back, and a strange tentacled-creature riding on the human's device.

"Finally, we have TinTen Naamxe and Huebert Henderson, who I am considering as a single entry in this little competition of mine. Hubert - that's the human one, by the way - is extremely strong; a normal human wouldn't even be able to lift that plasma generator in his backpack. He's also carrying some laser weapons as backup. He tends to prefer simple solutions to his problems, though he's far from stupid. TinTen, currently riding on his backpack, is a Meipi, and quite frail; but very intelligent, and very committed to his religious beliefs. They are quite the pair, it will be interesting to see if the two of them can manage to survive against the rest of you."

The last image faded. The Fool stepped forward.

"And with that, it is time to begin this Grand Battle. We shall begin with one of my favorite realms - a place where order and chaos are constantly in conflict."

There was a flash of light. The combatants - including a now-corporealizing Benjamin Jetsam - found themselves surrounded by advanced machinery. Throughout the walls, colored lines of energy flowed everywhere.

"Welcome to the world of Vio!" said the Fool's voice. "Here, Chaos is everywhere. Only the forces of Unity can hold it off. This is a new, experimental Unity Plant, cut off from civilization. It has a barrier protecting it from a very strong force of Chaos just outside the pocket of Unity it's been set up to research. However, this particular plant is malfunctioning, so there may be odd effects from time to time. Virtually anything can happen when the Chaos is dominant, so you'll need to be prepared for the strangest of occurences. Good luck to all of you - especially to Dr. Jetsam, who is probably very confused about all of this."

The Fool's voice faded away. The battle was on.

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! Players chosen, game starting soon! - by Dragon Fogel - 12-28-2010, 05:11 AM