Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:25 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"Analysis: This appears unlikely to be part of the plan." Eximo was concerned; if the plan failed, the cleansing would likely be interrupted again. Strangely, it also found itself concerned by the weaker signal the lifeform was emitting now; it could not explain this, as this fact had nothing to do with the cleansing.
But it had no time to contemplate this matter. The plan needed to succeed, and if possible, it would be best to prevent the lifeform's death. Eximo could not fully understand precisely why this would be preferable, but it would act in accordance with this concept regardless.
"Situation analyzed. Recommended procedure: Divert larger lifeform's attention. Persuade another lifeform to attempt retrieval at that time."
The vacuum cleaner noted that the lifeform it was attempting to subdue was no longer struggling. It placed its "captive" on the ground and turned to him.
"Requesting your cooperation with this procedure. Do you accept?"
Nathan growled at thin air.
"I won't stand idle and let her die, demon! Maybe it's too late, but at the very least, I won't let her die in the clutches of that monster! And I won't let you get in my way!"
Eximo was confused. The lifeform did not seem to be talking to anyone it could detect. However, the meaning behind the words seemed to sink in.
"That appears to be an affirmative. This unit will be the diversion. The remainder of the procedure depends on you."
Nathan nodded his head, his face filled with rage. It looked like he was struggling to make even a single step, but despite that, he moved steadily and rapidly forward. It seemed that he would be cooperative, even though he never addressed Eximo - or any of the lifeforms - directly.
Eximo pulled out a knife, located Lutherion's perch, and threw it. With a painful yell, the beast turned to face him.
"It's that stupid vacuum again!" shouted Lutherion. "Can't you see I'm busy making bacon? Now I'll make you pay!"
The behemoth lunged forward, and punched downwards with its mighty arms, aiming for Eximo. Almost as an afterthought, it flicked the werewolf away with its foot, knocking it into the courthouse. Eximo barely dodged the punch, but the force from the shockwave still knocked it back.
"Lifeform's attention focused on this unit. Objective achieved. Updating near-term objective: Survival of this unit." Lutherion came closer, but soon yelled out in pain. Something else had hit him.
"DAMN YOU, DEMON!" Nathan shouted, as he leapt in the air, and sliced off Lutherion's tail with his knife. He caught Emily on the way down. Upon landing, Nathan ran to Aeon.
"Take care of her. I don't trust myself right now." Before Aeon could respond, Nathan ran back to Lutherion, and began attacking wildly.
"Analysis: This appears unlikely to be part of the plan." Eximo was concerned; if the plan failed, the cleansing would likely be interrupted again. Strangely, it also found itself concerned by the weaker signal the lifeform was emitting now; it could not explain this, as this fact had nothing to do with the cleansing.
But it had no time to contemplate this matter. The plan needed to succeed, and if possible, it would be best to prevent the lifeform's death. Eximo could not fully understand precisely why this would be preferable, but it would act in accordance with this concept regardless.
"Situation analyzed. Recommended procedure: Divert larger lifeform's attention. Persuade another lifeform to attempt retrieval at that time."
The vacuum cleaner noted that the lifeform it was attempting to subdue was no longer struggling. It placed its "captive" on the ground and turned to him.
"Requesting your cooperation with this procedure. Do you accept?"
Nathan growled at thin air.
"I won't stand idle and let her die, demon! Maybe it's too late, but at the very least, I won't let her die in the clutches of that monster! And I won't let you get in my way!"
Eximo was confused. The lifeform did not seem to be talking to anyone it could detect. However, the meaning behind the words seemed to sink in.
"That appears to be an affirmative. This unit will be the diversion. The remainder of the procedure depends on you."
Nathan nodded his head, his face filled with rage. It looked like he was struggling to make even a single step, but despite that, he moved steadily and rapidly forward. It seemed that he would be cooperative, even though he never addressed Eximo - or any of the lifeforms - directly.
Eximo pulled out a knife, located Lutherion's perch, and threw it. With a painful yell, the beast turned to face him.
"It's that stupid vacuum again!" shouted Lutherion. "Can't you see I'm busy making bacon? Now I'll make you pay!"
The behemoth lunged forward, and punched downwards with its mighty arms, aiming for Eximo. Almost as an afterthought, it flicked the werewolf away with its foot, knocking it into the courthouse. Eximo barely dodged the punch, but the force from the shockwave still knocked it back.
"Lifeform's attention focused on this unit. Objective achieved. Updating near-term objective: Survival of this unit." Lutherion came closer, but soon yelled out in pain. Something else had hit him.
"DAMN YOU, DEMON!" Nathan shouted, as he leapt in the air, and sliced off Lutherion's tail with his knife. He caught Emily on the way down. Upon landing, Nathan ran to Aeon.
"Take care of her. I don't trust myself right now." Before Aeon could respond, Nathan ran back to Lutherion, and began attacking wildly.
There's no reason for this | Or this | Death is inevitable | You can't challenge fate | The smallest change | I'm overwhelmed
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse