The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Round 1: The New Frontier

The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Round 1: The New Frontier
Re: The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Open to new players!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Name: The 24-7 Gang: Bobby Banks, Robyn Banks, Robespierre Banks, Roberta Banks, Rupert Banks (No relation)
Gender: Male, Female, Male, Female, Male
Race: Human, the whole lot of them
Text Color: 009900, dollar-bill green
Description: The 24-7 Gang are a family of thrill-seeking gangsters who have dedicated their lives to robbing banks, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If this means hopping on a bankplane to another continent, and robbing it in the process, then so be it!
The Banks family wear their masks at all times, at least when they're on the job - rumor has it they wear them in private, too, but this rumor has no basis in reality.
Bobby is a somewhat bulky man in his late thirties wearing a purple ski mask. Most news stories on the gang identify him as the leader, but in all honesty, he's not very bright and is well aware of this. He does enjoy the publicity, though. He's very protective of his family, though you'd have a hard time getting him to admit this in public - or in private, for that matter.
Robyn is a slim woman, slightly older than Bobby, wearing a red mask. She's the true leader of the gang, and Bobby's wife; she admires him mostly because he's very good at doing what she says. She tends to constantly issue orders to the family even during downtime.
Robespierre is a thin, even scrawny, teenage boy in a light blue ski mask. He loves pulling pranks, and it doesn't matter to him whether he pulls them on bank security guards or on his own family.
Roberta, the youngest, is an eight-year old girl wearing a pink ski mask and a frilly pink dress instead of the black jackets and pants the rest of the family wear. She always talks in a very cutesy voice, and is usually holding a doll or stuffed animal of some kind; she's gathered a rather large collection, but every week or so she picks a different one as her "favorite" and will never be seen without it, until next week when she tosses it back with the others.
Rupert is the only member of the gang not to wear a mask; he wears formal attire and is a man in his fifties or sixties with grey hair and an immaculately-trimmed mustache. He is always polite and has a slight British accent - at least, when he's not posing as someone on a job. He is very loyal to the family, and acts as something of a butler to them, as well as a tutor to the children.
Weapons/Abilities: Each member of the gang has their own specialty.
The main advantages Bobby brings to the team are his imposing build, and his ability to yell in a loud and booming voice. He tends to act as the muscle and/or a distraction, depending on what the heist calls for.
Robyn specializes in planning out the gang's heists, and she's an excellent shot with a gun. In addition, she's an expert at breaking into and hotwiring vehicles whenever the current one gets too hot to handle; past thefts include motorcycles, armored trucks, police cars, tanks, ocean liners, and a space shuttle that one time.
Robespierre's light build makes him good at sneaking around unnoticed, and he has a grappling hook, infrared goggles, and a harness to help him make use of this to get into hard-to-access areas unseen. In addition, he's the family pickpocket, and usually the one called on when they need to get a keycard or somebody's ID in a hurry. He also loves pulling pranks, as mentioned before, and can never resist pulling at least one trick while he's on a stealth mission. He has a few props for this purpose, such as sneezing powder and whoopee cushions, but he's also not afraid to improvise.
Roberta is the family's tech expert, and also has a knack for picking locks. She's remarkably adept at hacking, although she tends to give her stuffed-animal-of-the-week credit for that.
Finally, Rupert is a master of disguise, which may explain his willingness to go without a mask the rest of the time - it's not as if it would help security to recognize him. He's also something of a jack-of-all-trades, having previously shown an affinity for such diverse tasks as demolitions, safecracking, martial arts, cooking, laundry, vehicle repair, software engineering, and skydiving.
In addition, at the time of abduction, the family had stolen an armored van and loaded their most valuable belongings into it, among them changes of clothes, various gear for heists (including weapons), Roberta's doll and stuffed animal collection, and Robespierre's props.
For various counts of bank robbery, grand theft auto, grand theft vehicles in general, hacking, pickpocketing, con games, and jaywalking

The first major sighting of the criminals known as the 24-7 Gang happened about sixteen years ago. Their first recorded heist was a raid on the First Church of Mammon National Bank, conducted by a man and woman in their mid-twenties and an older man posing as a priest. Over the course of the evening, the trio stole $400,000 in cash and an armored car, as well as an estimated $15,000 in "gifts" from bystanders forced into acting as "guests" for a wedding between the younger thieves.

The only clue left behind was a marriage certificate in the names Bobby Banks and Robyn Banks; authorities believe these to be assumed names. A few witnesses reported that the older man was referred to as "Rupert"; it is currently unknown what connection he has to the younger couple, but there are reports of an identity thief using the name Rupert Banks 30 years ago. Digital imaging suggests the older criminal could be the same man, but this remains unconfirmed.

The Gang has acquired their nickname by engaging in a constant string of robberies since then; they immediately move across the globe from one bank to the next without a break. Furthermore, approximately nine months after that heist, the young couple was observed with a baby. It is unknown whether this boy was kidnapped or is the biological child of the "Banks" family, but in the intervening years this "Robespierre Banks" has grown up and assisted the 24-7 Gang with their heists, usually through stealthy maneuvers.

Approximately eight years ago, the Gang grew by another member; once again, this was a child. Again, it is unknown whether she was kidnapped by the Gang or born to them. She is known to the public only as "Roberta Banks". She appears to be quite talented with computer systems, and appears to have conducted a number of successful hacking attempts, but we have little knowledge of any other crimes she has conducted under the guidance of her criminal parents.

Please contact the local authorities if you have any knowledge that could lead to the arrest of these dangerous criminals...

Bobby Banks put the poster down.
"Dang!" he said to his wife. "The bounty's up to eight digits. Almost temptin' to turn somebody in." He turned to Robespierre in the backseat. "I hope you keep that in mind when you think about skippin' on your homework, son. It might be a few days before we can get you out otherwise."
"Aw, Dad!" Robespierre sighed. "I only forgot to research the security systems once, can't you let it go already?"
"Maybe when the laser burn stops feelin' so sore," Bobby grumbled.
"Shut up, Bobby!" Robyn growled at him. "We ain't turnin' the kids in. Now make yourself useful help me find a good landin' spot."
"Sorry, dear," Bobby sighed, turning back. He looked carefully at the Tower of Banking ahead. "Don't see a helipad... But I don't see any guards, either."
"I would imagine not, sir," said a voice in the back seat. "There is little air at this elevation, and thanks to an error in the shipping company's records, the new air tanks they were supposed to receive yesterday were diverted to the Sixty-Third National Bank."
Rupert smiled at Roberta, who sat beside him.
"I must say, it was highly convenient for us, wasn't it? Security here lacks proper breathing equipment for the upper levels, and we were able to pick it up at our last stop."
"You can thank Sir Toothingsburg for that," Roberta said, holding up a stuffed alligator. "He's the best!"
"Quit yappin', everyone," Robyn said. "I gotta be careful landin' this thing. You all remember what happened last time we came by copter."
Everyone was quiet as Robyn landed on the roof. They climbed out and Rupert handed out the air tanks.
"Right. Listen up, everyone!" Robyn shouted, as she adjusted her breathing mask. "This here's the tallest bank in the world. And we're gonna clean it out from top to bottom! Everyone remembers the plan, right?"
"Yes, madam."
"Yeah, mom, geez..."
"I do, Mommy! I do!"
"Uh... could you run it by me again, honey?"
Robyn glared at her husband.
"All you gotta do is head to the elevator, go down to the first floor, and cause a ruckus," she sighed. "We'll pick you up when it's over. Just don't do anything too stupid and you'll be fine. Nothing's gonna go wrong here."

"Tonight's top story: The 24-7 Gang has struck again! This morning, they conducted a daring raid on the recently-erected Tower of Banking, in which they reportedly stole cash and valuables from every single floor and commandeered an armored car for their escape. And then something strange happened: once all five members of the gang entered the vehicle, it disappeared in a flash of light.
"Police had no comment on this development, nor on the fact that the Gang has not conducted any robberies in the six hours following the incident - a rare occurrence. We'll have more details as the story develops."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The BATTLE of the CENTURY! [S!7] - Open to new players! - by Dragon Fogel - 06-27-2012, 01:06 AM