The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

The guards had seen enough. For about a third of them, that was their favorite bar, and trying to salvage it or at the very least avenge its destruction outweighed the risk of getting involved in the fight.

About three seconds later, that analysis had to be recalculated to factor in the two Yaggs set aflame by a burning bandage, and the Deejan whose head had just been blown off by a bolt of lightning.

That still might have been enough to warrant intervention, if not for Jacob's sudden appearance through a portal. On the other side of a wall of guards.

There were about twenty guards standing between the two humans now. Blitz seemed undeterred by the obstacle. Jacob just smirked and broke into a run.

The guards opted to disperse. Blitz thanked them for their cooperation by only slaughtering four of them as he ran past.

It occurred to him that Helix might be stalling for time, but he was enjoying himself too much at the moment to particularly care for whatever trick the knight had up his sleeve.


Steven crawled through the narrow access tunnel. His gloves had been able to get here a lot more easily than he had, a fact which was annoying him quite a bit.

After a while, though, the path widened and he could stand up. He wondered if he could use the gloves to open up a more convenient route once he found... well, whatever he was looking for. He wasn't sure exactly what it was.

He soon found his answer. To his left was a heavily reinforced door, and all around him were abandoned machines and broken tables. Most of the machines were in pieces. One, in the center of the room, was glowing strangely.

He stared at the air above the glowing device - there was something different about it.

He turned to the gloves.

"This is it?" he asked.

The gloves responded by joining together and flying at the strange space. They vanished into it for a moment, then reappeared and the right glove motioned for Steven to step forward.

He did, and as he approached the oddity, a path appeared before him. He could see a familiar field on the other side; someone was standing there.

He had done it. He had found the way home.

Now he just had to tell the others. After a failed attempt at opening the door - its mechanism seemed to be jammed - he told his gloves to get to work on making an easier route in and out of here; the simplest way would be to simply start breaking it down.

Escape was within sight.


Escape was within sight.

Iris didn't particularly care who died first as long as it wasn't her or Sen. She'd found a map on one of the dead scientists, and used it to locate the most secure room in the building. Specifically, the one with the most watertight doors.

She found it, and pressed the button on the nearby access panel.

And then the damn thing wouldn't open.

Cursing, she checked the map again. There was another, similarly equipped lab not too far away. She started running towards it; she wanted to be secure when the tree's growth spurt came.

She had almost arrived, when she tripped on something.

As she picked herself up, she was soon greeted by Vex stepping out from the shadows of a nearby doorway, holding a broomstick and grinning widely. She silently cursed; she could see through the former god's illusions, but apparently she couldn't catch him hiding in a dark room and waiting for her.

"Good day, my dear Iris," Vex said. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced."

Iris smiled back.

"You just helped me make up my mind," she said, readying her knife and advancing towards Vex.

"On what?" he asked as he sidestepped her blow.

"On who should die first."


Jacob hoped that Blitz would tire himself out soon. He'd feel a lot safer if he could at least put his plate armor back on. He glanced backwards to see Blitz gaining on him, and decided to risk a speed-enhancing spell to put some distance between them fast.

As a result, by the time he turned his head back to see what was in front of him, he had gained enough distance that he was heading straight for Sen and probably wouldn't be able to stop before colliding with the beast.

His guessed proved right. He knocked the Tender over and tripped on its body. He scrambled to free himself and get to his feet as soon as possible, or at least before Blitz arrived.

Then he saw the tree burst from a nearby building. Very, very quickly.

He turned to the stunned Tender and glared at it.

"What did you do this time?" he asked disapprovingly.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by Dragon Fogel - 11-17-2011, 07:10 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM