The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 2: Prospect Creek]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius stared at the rodentlike creature on the television set, then at Wardell's scarf, then back again several times. Finally, he spoke up.

"Do either of you have any idea what's happening here?"

"Well, uh," Timothy began, nervously. "It kind of started when we found the Photographer..." He pointed at the blubbering mass in the middle of the road.

Sirius turned to look, and was shocked at what he saw on the spiritual plane. Timothy wondered what the look on the angel's face meant, but soon shared it; apparently, one of the myriad gods "guiding" him had thought he should see this as well. Wardell looked at the two in bewilderment, then shrugged and started reading a book while trying to ignore his talkative scarf and the seemingly-endless string of expletives the creature on the television was spouting at the group.

Wardell would likely also have ignored the spiritual energy swirling around the Photographer, if he had been able to see it in the first place. Every so often, a small streak of energy would fly off, and then an item would be produced.

"Well, this explains the oddities on the spirit plane," Sirius commented. "He's creating items, and it seems to use spiritual energy. And the gas is probably making it worse. At this rate, it's only a matter of time..."

Sirius was suddenly interrupted by the spontaneous appearance of a blueberry pie over his head. The pie fell immediately, covering his face in a blue goop.

"...before he creates something that blows us all up, or worse," he concluded, barely holding back his anger at the sudden disturbance.

"So, uh, what should we do?" Timothy asked. He had a feeling he wouldn't like the answer.

"Simple. I'm going to kill him. No more dream-manifestations, and hopefully we'll be taken somewhere else, where there's no hallucinatory gas." He held up an arm. "You probably want to stand back, not that it really matters to me. Angel Sphere!"

The sphere of light formed, and flew towards the Photographer. But suddenly, a large wave of energy around him took shape, creating a smaller version of the arcology's dome around the dreaming Photographer. Just as with the original dome, protective glass caused the spell to bounce off harmlessly.

"Wonderful," Sirius groaned, as three ducks appeared and started circling overhead. "Now we'll need to get that idiot who can manipulate doors involved. Unless one of you has a brilliant idea."

Timothy shrugged his shoulders. Wardell buried his nose deeper in his book. Frustrated, Sirius grabbed the book and flung it away with all his strength, not caring where it ended up.

"And you! Stop hiding behind that book and help us to either find Jeremy, or break down this dome."


Elsewhere in the town of Prospect Creek, a drunken Jeremy stumbled over a book that had just landed in his path. He glanced at the title: Jumper.

"Oh, hey!" he muttered. "Thissa goodun'. Ima readit later." He shoved it in a pocket and promptly forgot about it a few second later.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 2: Prospect Creek] - by Dragon Fogel - 10-08-2010, 03:29 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM