The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 2: Prospect Creek]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius couldn't understand it. He couldn't touch Geoff at all. Was this a hallucination, perhaps caused by the gas they had been warned about? But the pain of that barstool had been real enough...

For his part, Geoff couldn't touch Sirius either. Fortunately, he didn't need to. He tried to run right through the angel; but his crossbow wouldn't pass through with the rest of his body.

Sirius grabbed the crossbow as Geoff struggled to move it to the side. It was solid. He was more confused than ever. If that was a hallucination, then how did he have something that clearly felt like a crossbow in his hands?

His thought process was interrupted by another barstool striking him in the head. He dropped the crossbow in surprise, and Geoff grabbed it, then ran away before Sirius regained his bearings.

"What is this? Why can't I touch you?" Sirius screamed at the retreating Hatallan.

"A most interestink kvestion," Steinwaffe said in response. Sirius rubbed his eyes and looked again - the gargoyle had vanished. So he was hallucinating after all.

A crossbow bolt struck his left wing as he was distracted. That only made the problem clearer - he couldn't afford to fight if he couldn't trust his own senses. As if to underscore the point, when Sirius looked towards Geoff, he saw a second, identical Hatallan loading an identical crossbow. He wouldn't be able to identify the real one and know which to worry about.

After a moment's thought, Sirius' expression turned even more sour than usual. He did have another option. As an angel, he had senses that would allow him to view the world on the spirit plane. Sirius had largely tuned out those senses centuries ago - on his world, the residents of the spirit plane were generally even more irritatingly absurd than those with a physical presence. He'd gotten used to acting without those senses to get away from some of the madness - but now, there was little choice.

Sirius' eyes began to glow a bright green. He saw the spiritual presence of everything in the room. Tables, stools, himself, the arrow headed towards him...

Everything except Geoff. Were they both hallucinations?

Sirius quickly ducked under the arrow as he considered this revelation. How was this possible? Even if Geoff had been a ghost, he would have appeared on the spiritual plane. And someone was clearly firing a real crossbow at him.

What was more, Sirius could tell the gas was still affecting him. He was hearing unfamiliar voices, even though his view of the spirit plane clearly showed that no one was speaking.

He did, however, have one way to spot his assailant. The crossbow was visible on the spirit plane, and Geoff probably had no idea that it was. Sirius could see an aura around it, which gave Geoff's location away. But the Hatallan had proven immaterial before...

Immaterial to Sirius, at least. Geoff had been able to attack the angel with a barstool. Was this a double-edged sword? Could an indirect assault succeed? It seemed worth testing. Sirius grabbed one of the broken barstools and flung it towards the crossbow.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 2: Prospect Creek] - by Dragon Fogel - 09-09-2010, 11:17 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM