The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 2: Oh Two Oh]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

It took a particular type of entrepeneuring scoundrel to visit the Oh Two Oh, observe its harsh punishment for thievery, and decide that what it needed was a fencing operation.
That individual called himself "Mister Found". He discovered quickly that, as far as the locals were concerned, there was no real difference between stealing property and selling stolen property. The penalty was the same either way.
But Mister Found was unconcerned. It was only death, after all, and after a few dozen execution attempts it became clear that trying to kill him was going to be more expensive than just letting him continue to operate. Besides, he still had to get his hands on the stolen mechandise, and anyone idiotic enough to sell directly to "Lost and Found's" would be quickly caught and punished.
That was where Mister Lost came in. He was the middleman. Unlike Found, he had no official immunity; but this was of little concern to him, because he was very good at not being caught.
Of course, this also made him difficult to track down when you had stolen merchandise to unload.

"Where's Ion?" Ab grumbled. "He's the one who knows how to contact Lost. Clever bastard, making sure we give him his cut of the sale."
"I'll check on him," Errat said. "You watch the statue."
"Oh, good idea. Maybe I can feed it another arm if it starts moving again! Got plenty to spare, don't I?"
"Quit complaining! Just put it down and keep your distance if you're so scared. I'll be back with Ion before you know it, and then this thing is Found's problem."
Ab sighed, then put Azungrada down in the corner.
"Be quick about it. I hate this thing."
Errat scurried out of the alley and through the main corridor, nimbly running under dozens of feet unnoticed as he made his way back to the bar.
When he arrived, it was closed.
"Closed? That brawl must have gotten even nastier than it looked," Errat mused. "Hope Ion's okay."
Suddenly the door opened. The bartender smiled as he stepped out.
"Come on, boys. This piece is bound to be worth good money."
Errat watched as two assistants followed the bartender out, carrying a large silver statue.
Errat recognized its shape, and the horrified features frozen on its face.
"Goddammit, Ion," he muttered. "You must've taken some real hard liquor there."


The infidel had been taken care of. Now there were other matters to deal with.
"Azungrada is pleased with you all," Augustus explained. "He has entrusted us with several tasks; of course, prime among them is that of judging this sinful world."
"You mean the ship, or Luvia?" Munke asked. "We're right by it, could see it goin' either way."
Augustus paused. He had not yet considered this, but it was clear that such decisions were within his authority as Arbiter.
"We shall cleanse the sinful from this ship," he declared authoritively, "and claim it as our own vessel. Then we shall turn our attention to the world below."
"Ooh, good. Been meanin' to get back at them since the discharge, lookin' forward to that."
"But first, there are other tasks awaiting us!" Augustus continued. "To begin with, we must find Azungrada's avatar on this plane. He has travelled with me to this point, but now He is in hiding, waiting for His loyal servants to locate Him. This is a test for us all."
"What's he look like, boss... I mean, Your Holiness?" Nova asked. "Don't mean to be disrespectful, but I only just learned about him."
"His form is that of a great silver serpent. He has mighty arms, with which to rend apart the sinful."
"Big metal snake with arms, got it," Nova replied. "Er, and I mean that very respectfully, Your Holiness."
"Incomplete data. Does Azungrada resemble a particular species of snake?" asked Worm. "This information may clarify an ambiguous situation if we are separated from you."
"He takes on the form of a mighty cobra. I trust you will commit His appearance to memory once you have laid eyes on His form for yourselves."
"Yes, Arbiter," the acolytes repeated.
"Good." Augustus smiled.
Then he recalled Azungrada's last orders. He had to partake in this useless competition, didn't he.
Well, he didn't have to describe it as it was to the acolytes. He only needed their loyalty.
"One final matter. For reasons that Azungrada has not even shared with me, we have been entered in a competition with a number of heretics. No doubt He wishes to demonstrate the superiority of His followers. The coin I claimed from the wolf-man is a part of this contest; its purpose is unclear as of yet."
What does this competition ential?
"We are to find a certain item. A petrified Roagarian Slugmonkey."
Munke grumbled.
"Gonna be tough. Can't be many of those off Roagar, and we can't go there, obviously."
"Lack of transportation?" Augustus asked.
"Try lack of a planet," Munke snorted. "They deserved it, of course, but the damned tribunal didn't see it that way."
"Arbiter, I have a suggestion," Worm spoke. "Permission to speak?"
"There is a group known as the Information Brokers. As the name suggests, they specialize in information retrieval. They would likely be able to locate both items, although they would have a price."
Augustus smirked.
"An excellent suggestion, Worm. Where might we find them?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 2: Oh Two Oh] - by Dragon Fogel - 10-02-2012, 02:08 AM