The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Augustus sighed in frustration. These birds were useless, and the fleeing encyclopedia was little better. It was clear that he was unlikely to find any genuine help; he would most likely have to construct a salvage device himself.

The Divine Arbiter scanned his surroundings. He could see a forest in one direction, and the ruins of a building in another. Both were some distance away. Augustus decided the building was more likely to contain usable materials, whatever state it was in. He made his way towards the remnants of the warehouse and left the squawking birds behind.

Not long after, he came across a man scouring the ground, and a large spider standing uncomfortably close by. The man suddenly looked up and smiled at him.

Mr. Saturday's smile unnerved most men, but Augustus had lost nearly all his fear. He believed firmly in his superiority over all beings, save Azungrada himself. Saturday was nothing more than another insect to be judged by the Divine Arbiter. He would have laughed at the suggestion that he should fear this man, even with his patron god lying at the bottom of the lake.

But Augustus could still be surprised. As he was when the man spoke to him.

"Well, hello there! Augustus the Divine Arbiter, I believe? Could you lend me a hand here?"

He spoke Augustus' language!

"Your insignificant problem is of no concern to me. However, if you assist me, Azungrada may look upon you favorably and spare your pathetic life."

"Bit late for that, I'm afraid," Saturday said, still smiling. "But it sounds to me like you're aiming to make a deal. Why don't you tell me about it, friend? Maybe we can work something out."

The man's impudence irritated Augustus, but he was still the first being to actually communicate. Grudgingly, the Divine Arbiter decided to cooperate.

"Azungrada, the Great Destroyer, has given me a test," he explained. "I am to retrieve his physical body from the depths of the nearby lake. Assist me in this task, and Azungrada may look favorably upon you."

"So, wait. You're saying your god fell in a lake?" Saturday said, grinning.

"It is a test!" Augustus shouted. "I must prove I am still worthy to serve as Divine Arbiter! Azungrada expects much of his prophet."

"Right, got it." Saturday had dealt with the religious type before; they tended to be sensitive, but they also generally upheld their end of a bargain. "Well, the favor of Azungrada is great and all, but I'd appreciate it if you did something for me first. Nothing big, just a tiny little matter in fact."

"What is it?" Augustus asked, clearly annoyed.

"Help me find my goddamn coin."

Cepra just stood around and watched as the two humans argued. She wondered what they were on about. Probably some boring human thing.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by Dragon Fogel - 01-29-2012, 01:40 AM