The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

[color=#7COFCA]Augustus smiled as he watched his god battle the enormous lizard. It had been obvious from the moment of his introduction that this "Pope Triumphian" creature was nothing more than a false prophet, spreading lies about some worthless god, rather than the very real power of Azungrada.

And how fortunate that, as soon as this contest had started, he had been deposited so close to the infidel. Clearly, Azungrada must have willed it so.

"Repent, beast! Confess to your sins of blasphemy, and perhaps Azungrada will show you mercy in the next life!"

Admittedly, based on what the Apprentice had said, it was unlikely this brute would understand Augustus' words. The Divine Arbiter hardly cared. It was Triumphian's own fault if he was not open to Azungrada's holy truth.[/color]

Triumphian growled. How dare this lowly human with his false god assault His Holiness!

Granted, the statue was powerful. But Triumphian was not about to allow himself to be defeated before the contest had even begun. Focusing his strength, the Pope lifted himself up, still grappling with the metal serpent.

Both combatants were powerful, but Azungrada had a clear advantage: it would not tire. Triumphian would not be able to hold it off forever.

Then he realized where he was, and grinned. Summoning all of his strength, he lifted Azungrada as high as he could. It was tiring, but in a moment, that would be irrelevant.

With a loud splash, Triumphian flung the false god into the lake.

[color=#7COFCA]Augustus' jaw went slack. The lizard turned to him, grinning with all of its sharp teeth showing.

"This must be very difficult for you," Pope Triumphian said, in a language Augustus couldn't understand. "To see the object you wrongfully worship so easily overcome by true holy power." In truth, the lizard was exhausted; but this mere human would still be no threat to him. This was especially clear as Augustus ran over to the shoreline and knelt.

"This... This must be a test!" Augustus shouted, tears streaming down his face. "Azungrada allowed the heretic victory to test my faith. And now, to prove my worth, I must free my god from the depths of this lake! Fear not, O Azungrada! I will not fail you!"[/color]

Triumphian laughed at the pathetic excuse for a human and bounded off; that was one competitor he had nothing to worry about now. Perhaps he could even open the poor infidel's mind to the true faith, in time. But for now the other competitors were of more concern. Augustus was weak and pathetic.

It was about a minute later that the lizard realized his coin was gone. He glanced back at the lake as he realized where it most likely lay now.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by Dragon Fogel - 08-17-2011, 07:25 PM