Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

"Well, that was less informative than I had hoped," the Fool said thoughtfully, staring at the non-implosion. Clara and "Cerise" could only watch helplessly at the destruction of three worlds.

"But I wouldn't say I didn't learn anything, and I don't just mean what happens when the delicately perfect balance holding three worlds together is disrupted. Or what a tri-universal non-implosion looks like. Fascinating things, but ultimately of little relevance. No, I learned some useful information, and I have you two to thank for that."

He stepped forward suddenly, coming uncomfortably close to the two frozen finalists.

"Well, I should say 'you three', but poor Aegis didn't make it out. Tragic, really, but I suppose you're used to that sort of thing by now. After all, you've had five rounds to adjust to the idea, yes? And speaking of that, I'm sure you both know what happens next."

The Fool stepped back, and a chair materialized behind him. He sat down in it lazily.

"Yes, it's the final round. And as thanks for your help - indirect and filled with collateral damage as it may have been - I'm going to give you a special one."

He snapped his fingers. The Fool's realm dissolved and Clara and Cerise found themselves in a metallic room, standing in front of a large viewscreen.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The Monitor's robotic face popped up on the viewscreen. And even though he was hardly designed to have an expressive face, it was clear enough that he was furious.

And the Fool took his tantrum in stride.

"Consider this your payment, ladies!" he declared triumphantly. "In exchange for your role in uncovering the mysteries of the Frozen Destinies, I've given you a chance to uncover the mysteries of the Monitor!"


"Yes, this is the Database, the high-tech tower where the Monitor stores all his most valuable knowledge. In here you can find data about yourselves, your own worlds, the other contestants and their worlds, and much more! Why, there might even be a file or two on me!"

"Your interference will not go unpunished, Fool!"

"Oh, thanks for reminding me. Yes, the Monitor doesn't appreciate anyone else being in here, so it's not as if you can just walk in and read any file you want. This place has all sorts of security precautions. And the more important the data, the better guarded it will be, I'm sure."

"This joke of yours has gone on far too long. I will transport the combatants to a proper final arena."

Bright beams of light appeared around Clara and Cerise, and then... nothing happened.

"I'm afraid I can't have you doing that. This is my reward to the lovely ladies, so only I can take them out of here. Unless they find some way out on their own, of course; who knows, you might just have some information on that!"

"Do not think this is over, Fool--"

The Monitor's voice cut out as the Fool walked over to a large wire and snapped it with his scepter."

"I think that's about it. Good luck, both of you!" He waved his hand and the two vanished, sent somewhere in the depths of the Database.

A moment later, the screen turned back on.

"You played your part well," the Monitor said. "They believe that their very presence here is in defiance of me, and so they are significantly more likely to trust the information I provide."

"I have to say, I'm surprised," the Fool replied with a smile. "I made it look like you can't control your own battle, and the strangest part is, you owe me a favor for it!"

"Reputation is overrated. Given a choice, I would prefer to be underestimated."

"I suppose I can relate to that," the Fool said, chuckling. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another stop to make before I return to my own battle."

"You have plans for further interference, do you?"

"Not with battles. At least, not so directly."


"Who are you?" Admiral Fair-Use shouted, reaching for her stun pistol.

Or rather, she tried to shout it as she tried to reach for her stun pistol, but the muscles she would have needed to do either found themselves unable to move.

"There's no need for violence," the Fool said calmly, sitting down at the main data terminal. "I just need to correct a few details in your report on the Frozen Destinies. It doesn't mention my involvement at all, you see." He tapped a few buttons, then stood up. "There! And as a little holiday bonus, I threw in a list of universes you may want to look at in your investigation." His eyes lit up. "Oh! While I'm here, why don't I write up a report on this incident and save you some trouble."

He went back to the console and read back his report.

"An extradimensional entity identifying himself both as 'Arnold Fogge' and 'The Fool' breached the Tangent's security and began altering files. Admiral Fair-Use was unable to stop him, as he mysteriously paralyzed her body, while still allowing her to hear every word he said. Strangely, this Fool's alterations to the files only served to make them more accurate, particularly on matters pertaining to himself. He claims a connection to the 'Frozen Destinies' incident, and also to the series of 'Grand Battles' we are currently investigating. His motives in revealing this information to us are known only to himself."

He stood up and smiled.

"All right, that's a long enough break. Back to work for you, now!"

He vanished, leaving the Admiral to wonder just what she'd gotten herself into.

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