Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 4 - Old Salem)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

"Hmm. Still somewhat childish in nature, I see," Drake mused to his disinterested companion. "Nevertheless, her development is promising..."

His nonexistent body froze in place.

"This is all very fascinating," the devilish man replied, "but I believe there's someone who wants to see me. Business before pleasure, you understand. Don't let me bother you, I'll take care of this quickly. We can pick up where we left off."


Aegis wondered where exactly the Reverend was going. Why had he walked away from the battlefield entirely? Was he just going to let them continue to fight until somebody died?

Aegis shrugged, and started making his way towards the others. Well, if that was the man's plan, he might as well help out a bit.


Reverend Greene walked towards the church, and sighed. This was not a decision to be made lightly. But what else could be done? Perhaps, if he was fortunate, the matter would take care of itself, but there was simply too much danger for the town if this battle continued.

The Reverend had hidden a magic scroll, retrieved from the Order of Osiris. It could produce an enormous fireball, one that surely held enough power to destroy one of the unfortunate invaders.

If not more.

And any unfortunate residents of Salem who happened to be in its path.

He knew using the scroll would have dire consequences. But he had few other options.

And then one of the other options appeared in front of him, smiling.

"Tell me, Reverend," said the devilish man. "Just how much would you like to avoid using that scroll?"

Nathaniel Greene clenched his fists. He knew what the man's price would be, but compared to everything he risked by unleashing the scroll's magic...

It was a bargain.

He nodded.

"And which one would you like me to take care of?" the other man asked, still smiling.

"The one... in the guise of Madeleine," Greene said, sweat dripping down his brow.

"Then we have a deal," the devilish man replied, laughing as he walked off. "Don't worry, I won't ask for payment in advance. I know you won't go back on your word."


B was getting frustrated. The lightning was bad enough, but having a little girl riding on his back who he couldn't reach was another. Stupid dragon arms! Why couldn't they have longer arms?

Then he remembered he didn't have to be a dragon.


The devilish man appeared where none of the combatants and none of the villagers could see him. It was a talent of his.

He held a musket in his hands, took aim at his target, and fired.


From Clara's point of view, the scene was difficult to sort out. First, Aegis had come charging in, drawing Madeleine's attention.

Then, where there had once been a dragon, there was suddenly a sparrow, and the young girl who had been riding the dragon found herself flying towards the ground.

Specifically, towards "Madeleine".

A moment later, there was the sound of a gunshot.

In the space of an instant, D'Neya landed on Aph and knocked her to the ground, intercepting the shot.

Judging by the strange colors D'Neya started to glow afterwards, it wasn't fired by an ordinary gun.


The devilish man cursed. How could he, of all people be victim to such a turn of bad luck?

And then it struck him. He returned to Drake Eon.

"You did this," the devilish man said. "You interfered."

"Interfered? I don't know what you're talking about! I just know I don't appreciate being dis-"


The devilish man grunted derisively at the spot where Eon had stood a moment before.

"And I don't appreciate being toyed with."


It would be technically correct, but somewhat imprecise, to say that what happened next was the death of D'Neya.

The bullet which struck her had been designed to disrupt a magical being, scattering their energy. It was reasonable to assume, after all, that the Monitor would count this as ending the round.

However, as D'Neya had been so near Aph when struck, the effect was somewhat different than intended. The energy flowed out of the Twilight Sprite, and was naturally drawn to the nymph.

Aph stood up, slowly. She had no time to reflect on the presence of her new tentacles, however, before the four combatants vanished from sight.


"No charge?" the Reverend asked, surprised.

"I hit the wrong target," the devilish man said, this time without a smile. "I respect the letter of my agreements, Reverend." He turned to leave.

Nathaniel Greene sighed.

"And I respect the spirit of mine. The fact of the matter is, I wanted them out of the town, and you made that happen at my request."

The devilish man paused before replying.

"Then here's my price. Live with yourself, knowing what you tried to do. I think it's fair to both of us."

He vanished, leaving the Reverend alone with his thoughts.

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