The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Arkal looked around him. Broken machines littered the area, as did a large pile of bent steel girders. There were bags of concrete as well, and a badly-damaged fence around the whole area.

Had he come from a different time, Arkal might have recognized it as a construction site. In the blacksmith's eyes, however, it was more of a material repository. He set to work at once.

He had just finished taking the treads off of a bulldozer when he was rudely interrupted by a loud voice.

"You there! Step away from the machinery and come this way at once!"

Arkal turned around, and saw two figures approaching. Both were armored, but in completely different styles; the man in the more traditional suit carried a large sword, and from the way he walked, it looked like he was in charge. The other man's armor appeared to be far more advanced; it was made largely of a material Arkal couldn't place offhand. He held a rifle, and was pointing it at the smith.

"You think he's awakened, boss? But why over here?"

The sword-wielding man turned to his cohort.

"It hardly matters. The important point is that he is human, unlike the last few to awaken. We may actually be able to find a new recruit."

He walked over to the smith.

"Greetings. Welcome to New BaTTleOpOliS. I would like to discuss the state of our fine city with you, Sir..."

Arkal paused, and extended a hand.

"Arkal. Arkal of the Silver Anvil."

The armored man shook Arkal's hand firmly.

"Greetings, Sir Arkal. I am Vandrel Reinhardt."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!] - by Dragon Fogel - 06-19-2011, 12:41 AM