The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Jen wouldn't have paid much attention to the shop normally, but then she noticed the "Closed" sign and figured, what was the point of wasting perfectly good diplomatic immunity?

She walked in and saw Arkal. He had finished the crossbow and was gathering up a stack of colorful paper from one of the shelves. The blacksmith suddenly turned towards her, apparently taking notice of her entry.

"Just don't interrupt," he said, as he started wrapping the surprisingly-durable paper around a large wooden stick. "This one won't be too strong," he muttered to himself, "but it'll get the job done."

Jen shrugged and decided to browse. Maybe she'd talk to Arkal when he was finished. Or maybe she'd go check on the fruits of her labors. She hadn't decided yet.

Her thought process was interrupted as the shopkeeper burst in, accompanied by two of the town guardsmen.

"There! He's the one!" the shopkeeper shouted. "He said he was going to make weapons out of my shop... inventory..." His eyes settled on the crossbow. "Like, um, that one, I guess."

One of the guardsmen flew over to the bow and made an appreciative buzzing sound. "Nice! But, uh, it uses hard ammo, not energy, doesn't it? Can't really recharge in a fight."

"That's why I'm workin' on this," the smith said, not looking up. "I'm gonna tie a cable to it and use it as a bolt. Reel the cable back in after firing, and I can use it again."

"Huh. But what if the bolt gets stuck?"

"I'm no fool, I'll have a release in case of an emergency. Besides, this bolt isn't made for piercing, it's made for clubbing."

The other guard sighed as he flew over. Damn rookies always get caught up in the little things.

"You're under arrest for trespassing, mister," the senior guard said, interrupting the conversation and placing a hand on the smith's shoulder. "Or maybe extortion or something, I dunno. We'll figure that out after some questioning. Now come along quietly and there won't be any trouble." He turned to his slightly embarrassed partner. "And you! Get that female over there. She's trespassing, too."

As the rookie approached, Jen grabbed what looked like a high-tech stapler and smashed his face in with it.

"Sorry, guys. I've got diplomatic immunity."

The arresting officer seemed about to say something in response, when Arkal suddenly grabbed him by the wing and flung him across the shop.

"Never interrupt a smith while he's working," he said gruffly.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!] - by Dragon Fogel - 07-19-2010, 06:47 PM