Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!]
07-12-2010, 04:58 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
The bomb struck the ground and exploded in a shower of confetti.
The lasers blasted the confetti, setting it ablaze. Nonetheless, it still served its purpose as a distraction. Arkal had already followed Xadrez' instructions to run; the chessmaster, Maxwell, Jen, and the senior Weo clone soon made their way out after him. Keleth panicked and ran straight into the Ovoid, then collected himself and left the room. The Ovoid, seemingly oblivious, soon drifted out.
Kracht stayed. The lasers were not strong enough to heat his body, and he knew where they landed quite well. And at the moment, there were three Weo clones that had caused quite a bit of trouble the last time he had left them alone. Of course, the fact that Arkal had regained his forge for the first iteration ever was a concern, but that was a problem that could be dealt with later.
The unarmed Rillians were rather confused, but soon seemed to gain enough sense to surround the man of mineral. It didn't help. He snapped the neck of one while the other two ineffectively pounded him. He swiftly moved, and a laser blasted the spot where he had been before. The second clone had made the error of trying to tackle his foe, and was incinerated by the laser in the middle of his attempted strike.
The last tried to run, but Kracht anticipated it and tripped him. He then stepped on the final Weo's back, cracking his spine.
"Now I have other business to attend to," he commented, leaving the disabled clone to be blasted by another laser. Kracht simply walked out the door.
Weo-2 had just picked up the scythe when the alarms went off.
"Oh, great. Paradise has anti-theft systems," he grumbled, running back down the hall. "Why didn't Father tell me?"
Arkal, Xadrez, and Maxwell had found themselves running down the same corridor. They soon came across a group of clones in red.
"Halt, commie mutant scum!" one of them shouted. "The Computer has ordered all Troubleshooters in this sector to eliminate y--urk!"
His speech was interrupted by Maxwell's arm changing into a hard blade and chopping his head off. The rest of the team quickly made a mental calculation of Maxwell's wrath against Friend Computers, and decided the former was a greater concern at the moment. They dropped their weapons, as their loyalty officer promptly wrote all of their names down as traitors, except her own of course.
"Weaklings," Sikarius hissed. "I have half a mind to kill them, too."
"Yeah? Do you want us to get blasted by another team popping up around the corner or something?" Maxwell whispered back. "We don't have time!"
"Ridiculous! What are the odds of--"
Sikarius' train of thought was interrupted by Arkal pointing the flamethrower on his recently-made mace at a second team around the next corner. They ran around in a panic before their leader could even issue his warning. Maxwell smirked as Sikarius stewed in silence.
Jen, Keleth and Weo-1 had taken another route.
"I still think you're all a bunch of weasels," Weo-1 commented. "But if you get me out of this alive, maybe I'll change my mind."
Jen let out a sigh. "Clive," she said to her sword, "who do you blame more for this mess? The green nutcase who's all 'I know the future' and triggered the security system, this loser who's still tagging along with us, or the freaky chess guy who shot him?"
"Wait, it was Xadrez? Dammit, why'd I run off with you two?"
Keleth said nothing. He just wanted to get out right now. Maybe he could get them to kill Jen first and then they'd get sent someplace better.
Then the Troubleshooters appeared.
"Halt!" their Team Leader said, but Clive had a little chat with his chest and convinced him not to go past the first word.
The rest of the team wasn't as cowardly as on Arkal's side, and prepared to fire. Weo punched one and grabbed his gun, then shot two others. Keleth struck one with his dagger, and knocked out the disarmed Hygiene Officer with his arm.
"There's probably more. Bet the stupid computer's sent them all after us," Jen groaned.
"This is totally because of you weasels," Weo-1 muttered.
"Don'tletmediedon'tletmediedon'tletmedie," Keleth whispered to himself. "Ohgoddon'tletmedie."
Weo-2 somehow managed to avoid any run-ins with Troubleshooter teams - perhaps because he was running towards the cloning vats, and so the Troubleshooters were behind him.
He did not, however, escape a run-in with the Ovoid.
"Huh. What do you want?" he asked, not really expecting a response. He simply continued running.
And tripped on a small object that hadn't been there a moment before. It retreated into 4D space a moment later. As Weo-2 fell, his grip on the scythe loosened and it landed on the Ovoid, who took little notice.
Soon after, Arkal, Maxwell, and Xadrez arrived from one side of the corridor, while Weo-1, Jen, and Keleth arrived on the other.
"Father!" Weo-2 shouted as he picked himself up. "I found the scythe! Er, it's right over there..." He pointed to the Ovoid.
"Great work, kid. You've done your ancestors--gurk!" As he fell to the ground, it became apparent that a dagger was stuck in the clone's back; Keleth looked nervous, and Jen was looking back at him, angry.
"You tried to kill me!" Jen shouted. "And you're a lousy shot, too!"
"Uh... I... ohgodpleasedon'tkillme!" Keleth pleaded ineffectively.
"What do you think, Clive? Yeah, me neither. But, y'know, I just can't do it. Well, I guess I could, but man, he's just so pathetic. Killing him seems like giving him too much attention."
Weo-2 disagreed.
"Father!" he shouted, charging at Keleth. The dramatic gesture was interrupted when a laser from down the hallway blew his head off.
At that moment, Troubleshooters ran in down all three corridors, firing their pistols wildly.
"Well, this is a fine mess!" Arkal grumbled, as he dug through his equipment sack. "Gotta be something in here we can use..."
The Troubleshooters drew closer.
"Enough," Sikarius told Maxwell, filling him with pain. "Raise your arm and rid us of that coward. It would be better to destroy one of the others, but sadly, we have no time for someone who will put up an actual fight."
Maxwell groaned, but obeyed. He didn't have time to argue, not with the pain this great. He raised his bladed arm and sliced off Keleth's head.
The five still-living figures vanished, as did Kracht elsewhere. The Troubleshooters scratched their heads, wondering what they'd say in their debriefings.
The bomb struck the ground and exploded in a shower of confetti.
The lasers blasted the confetti, setting it ablaze. Nonetheless, it still served its purpose as a distraction. Arkal had already followed Xadrez' instructions to run; the chessmaster, Maxwell, Jen, and the senior Weo clone soon made their way out after him. Keleth panicked and ran straight into the Ovoid, then collected himself and left the room. The Ovoid, seemingly oblivious, soon drifted out.
Kracht stayed. The lasers were not strong enough to heat his body, and he knew where they landed quite well. And at the moment, there were three Weo clones that had caused quite a bit of trouble the last time he had left them alone. Of course, the fact that Arkal had regained his forge for the first iteration ever was a concern, but that was a problem that could be dealt with later.
The unarmed Rillians were rather confused, but soon seemed to gain enough sense to surround the man of mineral. It didn't help. He snapped the neck of one while the other two ineffectively pounded him. He swiftly moved, and a laser blasted the spot where he had been before. The second clone had made the error of trying to tackle his foe, and was incinerated by the laser in the middle of his attempted strike.
The last tried to run, but Kracht anticipated it and tripped him. He then stepped on the final Weo's back, cracking his spine.
"Now I have other business to attend to," he commented, leaving the disabled clone to be blasted by another laser. Kracht simply walked out the door.
Weo-2 had just picked up the scythe when the alarms went off.
"Oh, great. Paradise has anti-theft systems," he grumbled, running back down the hall. "Why didn't Father tell me?"
Arkal, Xadrez, and Maxwell had found themselves running down the same corridor. They soon came across a group of clones in red.
"Halt, commie mutant scum!" one of them shouted. "The Computer has ordered all Troubleshooters in this sector to eliminate y--urk!"
His speech was interrupted by Maxwell's arm changing into a hard blade and chopping his head off. The rest of the team quickly made a mental calculation of Maxwell's wrath against Friend Computers, and decided the former was a greater concern at the moment. They dropped their weapons, as their loyalty officer promptly wrote all of their names down as traitors, except her own of course.
"Weaklings," Sikarius hissed. "I have half a mind to kill them, too."
"Yeah? Do you want us to get blasted by another team popping up around the corner or something?" Maxwell whispered back. "We don't have time!"
"Ridiculous! What are the odds of--"
Sikarius' train of thought was interrupted by Arkal pointing the flamethrower on his recently-made mace at a second team around the next corner. They ran around in a panic before their leader could even issue his warning. Maxwell smirked as Sikarius stewed in silence.
Jen, Keleth and Weo-1 had taken another route.
"I still think you're all a bunch of weasels," Weo-1 commented. "But if you get me out of this alive, maybe I'll change my mind."
Jen let out a sigh. "Clive," she said to her sword, "who do you blame more for this mess? The green nutcase who's all 'I know the future' and triggered the security system, this loser who's still tagging along with us, or the freaky chess guy who shot him?"
"Wait, it was Xadrez? Dammit, why'd I run off with you two?"
Keleth said nothing. He just wanted to get out right now. Maybe he could get them to kill Jen first and then they'd get sent someplace better.
Then the Troubleshooters appeared.
"Halt!" their Team Leader said, but Clive had a little chat with his chest and convinced him not to go past the first word.
The rest of the team wasn't as cowardly as on Arkal's side, and prepared to fire. Weo punched one and grabbed his gun, then shot two others. Keleth struck one with his dagger, and knocked out the disarmed Hygiene Officer with his arm.
"There's probably more. Bet the stupid computer's sent them all after us," Jen groaned.
"This is totally because of you weasels," Weo-1 muttered.
"Don'tletmediedon'tletmediedon'tletmedie," Keleth whispered to himself. "Ohgoddon'tletmedie."
Weo-2 somehow managed to avoid any run-ins with Troubleshooter teams - perhaps because he was running towards the cloning vats, and so the Troubleshooters were behind him.
He did not, however, escape a run-in with the Ovoid.
"Huh. What do you want?" he asked, not really expecting a response. He simply continued running.
And tripped on a small object that hadn't been there a moment before. It retreated into 4D space a moment later. As Weo-2 fell, his grip on the scythe loosened and it landed on the Ovoid, who took little notice.
Soon after, Arkal, Maxwell, and Xadrez arrived from one side of the corridor, while Weo-1, Jen, and Keleth arrived on the other.
"Father!" Weo-2 shouted as he picked himself up. "I found the scythe! Er, it's right over there..." He pointed to the Ovoid.
"Great work, kid. You've done your ancestors--gurk!" As he fell to the ground, it became apparent that a dagger was stuck in the clone's back; Keleth looked nervous, and Jen was looking back at him, angry.
"You tried to kill me!" Jen shouted. "And you're a lousy shot, too!"
"Uh... I... ohgodpleasedon'tkillme!" Keleth pleaded ineffectively.
"What do you think, Clive? Yeah, me neither. But, y'know, I just can't do it. Well, I guess I could, but man, he's just so pathetic. Killing him seems like giving him too much attention."
Weo-2 disagreed.
"Father!" he shouted, charging at Keleth. The dramatic gesture was interrupted when a laser from down the hallway blew his head off.
At that moment, Troubleshooters ran in down all three corridors, firing their pistols wildly.
"Well, this is a fine mess!" Arkal grumbled, as he dug through his equipment sack. "Gotta be something in here we can use..."
The Troubleshooters drew closer.
"Enough," Sikarius told Maxwell, filling him with pain. "Raise your arm and rid us of that coward. It would be better to destroy one of the others, but sadly, we have no time for someone who will put up an actual fight."
Maxwell groaned, but obeyed. He didn't have time to argue, not with the pain this great. He raised his bladed arm and sliced off Keleth's head.
The five still-living figures vanished, as did Kracht elsewhere. The Troubleshooters scratched their heads, wondering what they'd say in their debriefings.
There's no reason for this | Or this | Death is inevitable | You can't challenge fate | The smallest change | I'm overwhelmed
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse