The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Arkal was silently mulling over the issue of what to do about his forge. He barely paid attention to the rest of the group. Jenn thought he looked unhappy, but she also reasoned that wasn't really her problem, new rank aside. Besides, they hadn't gotten their gear yet.

They entered R&D. A slightly annoyed woman dressed in Yellow glared at them.

"Right, I'm very busy today, so let's keep this quick," she said. "Team Leader, here's your stuff." She thrust a box into Weo's hands. She then did the same with the other five, then paused.

"I've got two more boxes here... one for the, um, Officer of Things That Are Dumb, and another for, uh, the Officer of Good At Stupid Games." She shrugged, then handed both boxes to Weo. "Go pass those along, I guess." Then she suddenly raised her voice and shooed them towards the door. "Now get out! We have other Troubleshooter squads to experiment on - I mean, to outfit!"

Arkal checked the contents of his box as they left; it seemed to contain a backpack with a variety of tools. He'd have to see if any were useful for his smithery.

After a brief pause as everyone else checked their boxes, Weo spoke up.

"Right. Apparently I'm in charge now, even though we're supposed to be killing each other or something, but never mind that. We're heading to this Sector BSV, I guess. Anybody know which it is?"

"I do, Team Leader," Kracht replied. "But I think we should stay here for a moment."

The Rillian stared at the green man. "And why is that?"

"Two reasons. First, the last two members of our Troubleshooter squad are about to arrive." At that moment, Xadrez and the Ovoid floated down the corridor, stopping behind Maxwell. Weo looked at the two of them, then looked at the two excess boxes he had been given before shrugging and putting one on top of Xadrez' chessboard and carefully balancing the other on top of the Ovoid. He turned back to the Recording Officer.

"Fine. They're here. So what's the second reason?"

"The second reason is that we're about to get forcibly recruited by eight different secret societies," Kracht replied patiently. "And it will be easier on us if we're ready for it."

Before Weo could say another word, the lights suddenly went out. The eight found themselves either knocked out or dragged away in the next few seconds.

When Arkal came to, he found a man in a blue jumpsuit smiling at him.

"Welcome to PURGE," the man said. "We have a little job for you."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!] - by Dragon Fogel - 06-18-2010, 09:31 PM