Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
Re: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
MrGuy Wrote:Actually, you should probably go back to the Farm to do your standard chores. Can't neglect them just because you're teaching the alphabet.

Oh, right. I have to toil in the fields so I can afford the tithes! I can't forget that. Luckily, they're just downstream a bit.

"Pete! Where have you been, you should have been toiling an hour ago! We have turnips to plant, and we're behind schedule!"

I'm sorry, sir! I've been given a task by the King and I need to perform it to avoid punishment. wouldn't happen to know anything about the alphabet, would you?

"The what? Oh, never mind, just get toiling!"

Yes, sir!

This could be a problem. If I spend the day toiling, I'll have barely any time to look for letters and I'll be thrown in the dungeon! But if I don't toil, I could lose my job and possibly be thrown in the dungeon anyway. Oh, whatever shall I do?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 06-16-2016, 02:38 PM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 08-22-2016, 11:55 PM
Re: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS) - by Dragon Fogel - 12-13-2011, 03:16 AM