Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
Re: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
btp Wrote:Aquire armaments. Be courageous.

Armaments? But where am I going to find those? The closest place would be back at the blacksmith's, and I'm not sure facing the guards is much better than facing a dragon.

Fabricati Wrote:A is for ABSCOND!

A is for Abscond!

...I don't actually know what that means. But I seem to be running away now!

Unfortunately, the dragon can fly faster than I can run. It's already catching up. I think I need another plan.

Fabricati Wrote:If that doesn't work, C is for CONJURE!

What? But that's sorcery! I could be tried as a heretic and burned at the stake!


On the other hand, I suppose if I'm facing a fiery death anyhow, I may as well make the attempt. C is for Conjure!


...That seems to have given me a bouquet of flowers. I'm not sure much help this will be.

MrGuy Wrote:Consider its Achilles Heel!

Achilles' Heel? I'm not sure I can reach the dragon's heel safely, and I'm not even sure that would be very useful...

It's drawing closer. I think I'll need a better plan than just running. I'm open to suggestions!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 06-16-2016, 02:38 PM
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime - by btp - 08-22-2016, 11:55 PM
Re: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS) - by Dragon Fogel - 12-08-2011, 02:21 AM