The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Gustave Wrote:>Impale yourself on CrusherBot
[Image: command40a.png]

CrusherBot exploded!

[Image: command40b.png]

So it is, of course, pointless to attempt to impale yourself on it. Especially as none of the pieces you can find are particularly sharp. Also, you're only allowing yourself to move by having Seyn push you, and he doesn't want you damaging his pile of CrusherBot parts.

Leylite Wrote:>Curl yourself into a ball - it'll be pointless to crush yourself if there's a perfectly serviceable crushbot available to do the job for you.
[Image: command40c.png]

Yes, it would, but again, CrusherBot exploded.

[Image: command40d.png]

Dr. N. Seyn says it will take a week to repair it. Although it should be easier to get the explosive mechanism working now.

[Image: command40e.png]

So you decide to wait for him to fix it before crushing yourself.

[Image: command40f.png]

And, of course, if you're waiting for that it's pointless to keep Seyn busy helping you do pointless things instead of fixing the robot.

[Image: command40g.png]

So you ask Seyn to push you out of the room, because you can't think of a single good reason to leave the file on the Inflatable Amulet of Pomposity behind, completely unguarded.

[Image: command40h.png]

You are now in Dr. N. Seyn's waiting room.

Leylite Wrote:>Go find a president of a medical school so you can avoid getting his signature for a new medical degree for Dr. N. Seyn, who clearly doesn't need one.
[Image: command40i.png]

Well, you have no reason to believe this exploded receptionist-bot is president of a medical school, so you do believe it.

[Image: command40j.png]

It is quite easy to avoid getting a signature from a robot that's already exploded, so you enact an extremely convoluted plan to not get a signature instead.

[Image: command40k.png]

In the end, your plan somehow fails. Dr. N. Seyn now has a signed medical degree.

Xander Wrote:I have a brilliant plan, but before I can tell you, I need you to go back to the temple by taking the longest path possible.
[Image: command40l.png]

Well, if it's a brilliant plan, you don't really want to hear it.

[Image: command40m.png]

[Image: command40n.png]

[Image: command40o.png]

[Image: command40p.png]

So that means it would be pointless to take the longest possible route back to the temple and then leave before hearing the plan.

[Image: command40q.png]

[Image: command40r.png]

[Image: command40s.png]

[Image: command40t.png]

So that's what you do!

zeddidragon Wrote:The brilliant plan is to walk that path backwards while on a pogo stick.
[Image: command40u.png]

But you don't have a pogo stick! It would be pointless to follow this plan.

[Image: command40v.png]

[Image: command40w.png]

[Image: command40x.png]

[Image: command40y.png]

So, of course, you go back to the temple...

[Image: command40z.png]

...and leave again, walking backwards while on a pogo stick you don't have. And with your movement constrained by several suits of armor you aren't wearing.

[Image: command40za.png]

[Image: command40zb.png]

[Image: command40zc.png]

[Image: command40zd.png]

However, as it is very difficult to accurately retrace your steps backwards while pretending to ride a pogo stick and be stuck in a large number of suits of armor, you end up lost.

Messages In This Thread
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 09-17-2010, 07:55 PM