The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Cake Ninja Wrote:>Buy materials to make a mech using the spare 60,000 dollars you have.
[Image: command38a.png]

You ask Dr. N. Seyn if he has some materials for making a mech that you could buy for $60,000.

[Image: command38b.png]

It turns out that he does!

[Image: command38c.png]

So instead you make the offer to CrusherBot.

[Image: command38d.png]

He doesn't seem interested in making deals.

[Image: command38e.png]

So you give him the money and get no materials in exchange!

Cake Ninja Wrote:>Make a mech.
[Image: command38f.png]

You make a mech with your nonexistant materials.

Cake Ninja Wrote:>Steal the world's rubber duckys using that mech.
[Image: command38g.png]

You then order the mech to steal the world's rubber duckies.

[Image: command38h.png]

A few minutes later, when the mech that doesn't exist doesn't come back, you conclude that it must have succeeded!

Cake Ninja Wrote:>Hold them ransom for 50,000 dollars.
>Lack of profit!
[Image: command38i.png]

You inform Dr. N. Seyn that you are holding the world's entire supply of rubber duckies for ransom and will only release them for $50,000.

[Image: command38j.png]

He accepts your terms, and tells CrusherBot to pay the ransom!

[Image: command38k.png]

You receive $50,000 of your own money back.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:>Buy materials to make a mech by trading various things you've come across for slightly more valuable things in a tedious and protracted sidequest
[Image: command38l.png]

You decide that the previous experience wasn't unprofitable enough, and so you opt to start a trading sequence.

[Image: command38m.png]

Of course, since you can't leave the room, your only trading partners are a mad scientist and his psychotic robot.

[Image: command38n.png]

So you trade with various people who aren't there, and also with yourself.

[Image: command38o.png]

Eventually, you succeed in making $40,000, after losing all of the $50,000 you started with.

[Image: command38p.png]

You then offer the money to CrusherBot for materials again, with similar results to last time.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:>Make a mech out of materials other than the ones you just bought, leaving those aside.
[Image: command38q.png]

You now gather up your new nonexistent materials.

[Image: command38r.png]

You then ignore them, and instead build a mech out of the dragon statue that you converted into a mechanical bull, and the first mech that you built, which still hasn't returned.

[Image: command38s.png]

In other words, this mech doesn't exist either.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:>Steal the world's rubber duckys using that mech, but don't steal or attack any of the factories used for making more
[Image: command38t.png]

You order your new nonexistent mech to steal the world's rubber duckies, but tell it to leave all rubber duck factories alone.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:>Hold them ransom for less money than you made trading, but don't notify anyone your ransom demands or even that you have them.
>Lack of profit!
[Image: command38u.png]

You then decide that you won't tell anybody that you are holding the world's rubber duckies ransom for $30,000. In fact, you strike up a conversation with Dr. N. Seyn specifically so that you can not mention this.

[Image: command38v.png]

However, a short way into your conversation, the doctor remembers that he was attacking you!

Xander Wrote:do both for no reason.
[Image: command38w.png]

You already did. It would be pointless to do both sequences of events again simultaneously.

[Image: command38x.png]

So you set to work on doing so immediately.

[Image: command38y.png]

After the resulting confusing series of events, CrusherBot is enraged!

[Image: command38z.png]

CrusherBot's anger is starting to overload its cooling systems!

[Image: command38za.png]

CrusherBot explodes spectacularly! Unfortunately, you are not hit by any of the shrapnel.

[Image: command38zb.png]

Dr. N. Seyn is pleased, as CrusherBot's explosive mechanism hasn't been working properly lately.

[Image: command38zc.png]

In gratitude, Dr. N. Seyn joins your party!

Messages In This Thread
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 09-10-2010, 05:54 PM