The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

SleepingOrange Wrote:>Spread those cards out further,
[Image: command19a.png]

First, you retract your wings. After all, you might suddenly fall down a hole and then your wings would save you from the impact. You need to be prepared!

[Image: command19b.png]

Then you start tossing cards all over the place.

[Image: command19c.png]

You seem to have quite a lot of cards in that deck. Far more than 52. Of course, this means there's no reason to call it 52-Pick Up when you pick them all up, which is why you did that.

SleepingOrange Wrote:then go knock the candles on the pentagram over.
[Image: command19d.png]

Now it's time to mess with the candles.

[Image: command19e.png]

In doing so, you start a fire.

[Image: command19f.png]

You are now on fire.

Crowstone Wrote:>Hurl yourself at one of those nice skeletons over there
[Image: command19g.png]

You decide that any of the skeletons would be easy to hit, except that one that's mostly under the key. So you hurl yourself at that one!

[Image: command19h.png]

This sets the skeleton on fire and knocks the key away. Unfortunately, touching the fireproof key seems to have extinguished the flame on you.

[Image: command19i.png]

Your Point Meter has gone up by 1, probably for extinguishing yourself.

[Image: command19j.png]

Meanwhile, the flame has burned the pentagram, and the rock formation it was sitting on, into a pile of lava. Those must be some candles! The stairway is unaffected, though.

Kgummy Wrote:Eat throne.
[Image: command19k.png]

The throne tastes like very delicious chocolate. Well, that's not pointless either! You stop eating it.

pimpmastaflex Wrote:Destroy the throne.
[Image: command19l.png]

What an excellent idea! You can destroy it without experiencing any more of that delicious chocolate taste.

[Image: command19m.png]

You could use the skeleton to set it on fire...

[Image: command19j.png]

Or throw it into the lava where the pentagram used to be...

[Image: command19n.png]

Which means it's much more pointless to attempt to destroy it by sitting on it until it breaks.

g0m Wrote:>Do not respond to a command.
[Image: command19n.png]

You don't respond to this command. But that means you do. Which means you don't. Which means you do!

[Image: command19o.png]

A Lesser Paradox Beast appears behind the throne. It seems annoyed with you.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 06-21-2009, 12:43 AM
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM