The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

SleepingOrange Wrote:>Drop the strange crystal, key, and amulet down one of those holes.
[Image: command14a.png]

You reason that these items could all potentially be useful, so it would be pointless to dispose of them.

[Image: command14b.png]

So that's what you do!

Crowstone Wrote:>Crawl around in circles
[Image: command14c.png]

You spend several hours doing this, because of how pointless it is. And you are most definitely crawling, not just facing upwards because somebody has no idea how to make a decent crawling sprite.

Nopad Wrote:Attempt to go back in time in order to hug the wizard.
[Image: command14d.png]

You're pretty sure it's impossible to travel back in time, and it's definitely impossible with anything you have on hand. So you'll have to give it a try!

[Image: command14e.png]

After you inevitably fail, you attempt to hug the wizard anyways. Again, you are not simply facing upwards as an inferior alternative to editing a sprite to show a more detailed action.

Kgummy Wrote:Swallow fake amulet.
[Image: command14d.png]

You threw it down the hole.

[Image: command14f.png]

So you'll have to jump down after it!

[Image: command14g.png]

You are now in some sort of ornate, but still hellish, throne room. For no reason at all, you conclude it belongs to the janitor.

[Image: command14h.png]

There's the amulet! Now it's time to swallow it!

[Image: command14h.png]

Your attempt to turn the fake amulet into a swallow fails completely. Just as you had hoped!

Kgummy Wrote:Level down.
[Image: command14i.png]

You level down. Your stats are unchanged.

Schazer Wrote:Play a haunting refrain on the strange crystal.
[Image: command14j.png]

You use your incredible musical talents to perform a haunting drum solo using only the crystal and your bare hands.

[Image: command14k.png]

You put the crystal back afterwards. Hopefully nobody was around to hear that. You want your talents to go to waste!

Kgummy Wrote:Eat strange crystal.
[Image: command14k.png]

Well, you can't see any reason to, so you do.

[Image: command14l.png]

But before you can get it to your mouth, something happens.

[Image: command14m.png]

The crystal has vanished, and you have gained new skills. Well, that's not as pointless as you hoped. You resolve to only use your new skills for pointlessness.

[Image: command14n.png]

However, your Point Meter considers this action worth 2 points. You've gotten over 10 points. As a penalty, your attack power goes up by 20. Drat!

CabbageHat Wrote:> Place all of your belongings in the chest and curl into a ball nearby.
[Image: command14o.png]

The chest isn't down here.

[Image: command14p.png]

However, it seems that strange crystal has granted you the ability to fly.

[Image: command14q.png]

You fly out of the pit.

[Image: command14r.png]

Then you push the chest down the hole.

[Image: command14f.png]

You jump down the pit again.

[Image: command14s.png]

You put the key and fake amulet in the chest.

[Image: command14t.png]

Then you make an unnecessary flight back up to get the cards, since you could have just put them in the chest before dropping it.

[Image: command14s.png]

After a pointless game of 52-Pick Up, you put the cards in the chest. Then you reason that you belong to yourself, too.

[Image: command14u.png]

You get in the chest, close it, and lock it from the inside. Then you curl into a ball inside the chest. This is definitely not another spriting cop-out.

[Image: command14v.png]

And just as you finish doing that, somebody enters the room. It must be the janitor!

[Image: command14w.png]

Well, now that there's somebody here, you'd better draw attention to yourself somehow. Otherwise, you'll have successfully hidden yourself, and that would have a point!

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 06-13-2009, 01:44 PM
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM