The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Crowstone Wrote:
andanotherone Wrote:use your key as a gun and shoot the chest at point blank range.
Make sure you aim at the ground so that the bullet can bounce at the chest. At point blank range.
[Image: command10a.png]

What a pointless idea! It probably won't open the chest, and the recoil could be seriously harmful!

[Image: command10b.png]

Of course, you're still pointlessly keeping the key pointed in the same direction, so the bullet doesn't go anywhere near the chest.

[Image: command10c.png]

It keeps going for quite a while. Somewhere in the distance, the recently-damned soul of a GiantMonst hears a strange noise.

The Seeker Wrote:>Pointlessly do things that have a point
[Image: command08p.png]

You decide to do things that have a point for the sake of filling your Point Meter... but wait, how will you do that without compromising your goal of pointlessness?

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[Image: command10d.png]

That's it! You'll do a whole lot of things, some of them pointless, some of them not! That way, you can raise your Point Meter while still doing pointless things!

[Image: command10e.png]

You start getting to work on your various tasks, pointless and not, in a blur of activity. You move so fast that you keep dropping your hat.

[Image: command10f.png]

Once you're done, you check your Point Meter. You have gained 1 Point. Well, it looks like this will work if you do it for long enough, so you decide to pointlessly change your methods.

Bradley Wrote:Attempt to eat the key.
[Image: command10g.png]

You think about this, and decide it would be more pointless to wait until you're full before you eat it.

AllIsLost Wrote:Use keysword to push chest into lava.
[Image: command10a.png]

The chest is nice and heavy, so this is certainly a pointless enough task for you.

[Image: command10h.png]

Whoops! You slipped. The key falls into the lock and opens the chest.

[Image: command10i.png]

Inside the chest is a Fake Inflatable Amulet of Pomposity. You recall that you put the real one in plain sight and hid the fake one in a chest.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 05-31-2009, 09:26 PM
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM