The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!

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The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss!
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

AllIsLost Wrote:Grab and throw the amulet at the GiantMonst, getting it farther away from you.
[Image: command05a.png]

As far as you know, the GiantMonst is still behind the temple. Which means it would be pointless to throw the amulet forward, so you do that! Now not only will it go further away from you, it probably won't hit the GiantMonst!

[Image: command05b.png]

The GiantMonst is confused by this strange temple. Every room looks different, and there doesn't seem to be any reason for it.

[Image: command05c.png]

Ow! Something hits the GiantMonst.

[Image: command05d.png]

The GiantMonst is angry now. Leaving the stupid thing on the ground, it heads in the direction it was thrown to find out who did that.

[Image: command05e.png]

Oh, look! You didn't manage to escape the GiantMonst after all! How delightful, that means it was even more pointless than you thought to retrace your steps!

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Re: The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss! - by Dragon Fogel - 05-24-2009, 02:50 AM
SAGE - by OTTO - 06-21-2009, 05:13 AM