The Firebird and Three Princes

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The Firebird and Three Princes
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes
Solaris Wrote:Demitri: Offer riches to him in an abiguous way that can mean whatever the hell you want it to.
[Image: erh17a.jpg]
"Now, listen to me. If you catch up to that horse, I'll see to it that you're given ample compensation for your services."
"Er... what? Could you explain that again?"

[Image: hu59io.jpg]
"It's simple, really. Once you catch that horse, you'll be granted a suitable reward for your assistance."
"I'm not quite sure I follow, sir. What exactly are you saying?"

[Image: 2wp5csl.jpg]
"What? It's nothing complex. I'm simply telling you that you'll receive adequate recompense..."
"Sir, I'm not smart enough to know what those words mean."

GreyGabe Wrote:Dimitri: Tell him that if he doesn't move faster, he will have to clean every chamber pot in the castle. With his toothbrush. For a week.
[Image: 54y58j.jpg]
"Don't we have a maid to clean those? Also, what's a toothbrush?"

[Image: 2wrizpc.jpg]
"Yes sir! We'll catch that horse, sir!"

GreyGabe Wrote:Vasilii: Ask the wizard if he can cast a spell on the books that will make them read themselves to you.
[Image: 2uyg7eb.jpg]

[Image: 2d29nko.jpg]
"How did you know what I was going to..."
"Because I'm a wizard."

Ixcaliber Wrote:Vasili: Go into town, find someone who looks down on his luck. Offer him a shiny gold coin if he finds anything helpful in those books.
[Image: 28t6yb.jpg]
"Excuse me! Can you read a bunch of books for me?"

[Image: 24evznq.jpg]
"Hey! You're one of the Tsar's sons, aren't you?"
"Uh... yeah..."

[Image: 35899w6.jpg]
"This is insulting! Do you think I'll just throw away my pride and work for the Tsar's oppressive regime? I'd sooner die!"
"All right, geez, I'll just hire someone else..."

[Image: e7z4vp.jpg]
"...How much are you paying?"
"Uh, one gold coin."

[Image: nye3vk.jpg]
"You've got yourself a deal!"

[Image: 2zh1wko.jpg]
Well, that was weird... hey, what's going on over there?

[Image: 21mfbsj.jpg]
It's Dimitri! He's headed for that forest in the distance. You might actually be able to catch up to him from here!

Solaris Wrote:Ivan: It means that we are going to go and THROW A LARGE PARTY
[Image: akbw5t.jpg]
"It means we PARTY HARD! Come on, let's find some guests!"
"But... where? All the servants are busy, and technically I'm supposed to be working, too..."

Ixcaliber Wrote:Ivan: It means you wear cool costumes and play a game of 'lead the rebellion' with all those revolting peasants.
[Image: 2mfhvnn.jpg]
"Uh... We can invite them! Yeah!"
"Are you sure about that? They look, um, angry."

[Image: o1wyw.jpg]
"Relax, it'll be fine! We'll just put these costumes on!"
"...Where did you get those?"

[Image: 29xt9x.jpg]
"Hey guys! What's up?"

[Image: nvb0ic.jpg]
"Oh my! Can it be? Have we finally found a charismatic leader to guide our revolution to victory?"

[Image: w1pqar.jpg]
You have no idea what that means, but it sounds good.
"Yeah, that's right!"

[Image: 2hxbuhd.jpg]
"You're a natural leader! We'll follow you anywhere!"
"Uh... what?"

[Image: 30aqkw6.jpg]
Hey! It's Vasilii! Where's he headed?

Pick Yer Poison Wrote:Chase after him on your skateboard!
[Image: acs6s2.jpg]
You bet Vasilii is totally running off to do something fun without you. Well, you're not letting that happen!

[Image: 22x4m.jpg]
You're Dimitri now. It looks like your horse ran into this forest. But which way did he go?

[Image: 2i0x0eg.jpg]
You investigate the sign at the crossroads.

[Image: 2eb8w12.jpg]
Who rides straight forward shall know both hunger and cold.
Who rides to the right shall live, though his steed be dead.
Who rides to the left shall die, though his steed shall live.

[Image: 123odon.jpg]
Oh dammit. It's a riddle. You hate riddles.

So, what are you going to do?

Messages In This Thread
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RE: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Solaris - 08-01-2012, 07:04 PM
RE: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Ixcaliber - 08-01-2012, 07:12 PM
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Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Solaris - 07-24-2011, 11:23 PM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Ixcaliber - 07-27-2011, 02:45 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Solaris - 08-27-2011, 12:55 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Ixcaliber - 08-27-2011, 01:01 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by GreyGabe - 10-07-2011, 12:49 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Dragon Fogel - 10-26-2011, 02:05 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Woffles - 10-28-2011, 11:10 AM