The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!

The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!
RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.5: RETURN!
Name: Tracker Unit B00M3R
Race: Combat Android
Gender: Indeterminate
Text Color: #BBAC1C

Description: Humanoid appearance to facilitate infiltrations. Better-than-average musculature, both to support additional systems and to impress certain categories of human to better gain their trust.
Also provided with external gear to protect ocular systems from ultraviolet radiation. Gear has been designed according to human aesthetic preferences in order to avoid drawing suspicion.
Personality module currently set to "Tough Guy". Abrasive but generally cooperative.
Warning: Unit has not yet undergone loyalty testing. Recommend against deploying until potential for disobedience can be determined to be below acceptable levels.

Weapons and Abilities: Unit possesses higher-than-average strength and durability for a tracker unit. Carries a small projectile weapon, specialized for stunning targets who must be captured alive. Aerodynamics of projectile design makes retrieval nearly automatic. Furthermore, nanotech augmentations in projectile allow it to extract itself if necessary.
In addition, if escape becomes necessary, unit's consciousness can be transferred to projectile instantaneously. Nanites stored in projectile can rebuild unit over time.
Design flaw: Unit is meant to be able to alter exterior features with nanites. However, this has not been fully implemented yet. Appearance can only be changed by reconstruction of unit, which takes too long to be viable except in specific circumstances. Currently evaluating possible fixes.

Biography: Unit created to infiltrate and destroy human resistance cells. Specialized for tailing particular targets. Still in development. Features are not finalized.
ALERT! Unit location indeterminate. All communication and tracking systems failing to return information. No signs of human interference near last confirmed location. High probability of rogue action, either by tracker unit or by a supervisory system. Low probability of capture by extradimensional entity for gladiatorial combat.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.5: RETURN! - by Dragon Fogel - 08-26-2018, 05:23 AM