GB Disc 1: Untold Prophecy (Round 1 - Heatstroke)

GB Disc 1: Untold Prophecy (Round 1 - Heatstroke)
RE: GB Disc 1: Untold Prophecy
Name: Ferdinand Flag
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Color: Um, is this one taken? If it is, that's okay, I'll pick another one.

Biography: Up until late in his college days, Ferdinand was a bright and outgoing young man, and very passionate. He was involved in more than a few student protests, which usually ended in fights.
But just before getting his degree, Ferdinand took a job as a research assistant in a government-funded laboratory. The posting sounded vague, but he figured, the pay was good enough to take a chance.
He arrived for first day on the job, and a few hours later, the entire lab was a smoking ruin.
Ferdinand was the only survivor, and he was too terrified to offer any details on what happened. Anyone who pressed would only get the answer "please, let's not talk about that, I don't want to get angry".

Description: Ferdinand is a man in his late 20s, and he seems completely broken.
He apparently suffers from survivor's guilt from whatever disaster destroyed the lab, but his primary concern since then has been anger management. He's tried all sorts of medications, stress toys, and meditative techniques for keeping his anger under control.
Nobody can recall seeing him get angry since the incident, but he still never seems quite satisfied with his methods and is always looking for something more effective.
The overall effect has been that Ferdinand has become very withdrawn. He seems to have largely settled on the idea that the less he talks to people, the less chance they have of upsetting him.

Items/Abilities: At the time of abduction, Ferdinand had a container of his latest mood stabilizing pills in his pocket and a bag filled with stress toys slung across his shoulder. He was also holding a copy of a book entitled "Managing Your Anger Through Yoga", but he'd feel a little guilty about reading it because he was grabbed on his way to the cashier to pay for it. Maybe he'd consider it if the pills run out.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: GB Disc 1: Untold Prophecy - by Gatr - 07-21-2017, 05:50 AM
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RE: GB Disc 1: Untold Prophecy - by Akumu - 07-25-2017, 05:32 PM