Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest 6.0
The Postmaster was concerned. Despite his best efforts, the rules were still unclear.
There was only one option he could see for continuing this game: a battle to the death.
The Postmaster sent letters out across the dimensions - invitations to beings of similar power to him. All they asked for was the profile of a combatant who would prove interesting in the coming skirmish.
Then, the Postmaster would unleash them into the thread. This would surely reveal the rules... or, failing that, leave the thread a smoking crater from which no rules would ever escape again.
For the Postmaster, that was an acceptable outcome.

The letters read as follows:

Username: Your username. This is VERY IMPORTANT, be sure to include it.
Name: The combatant's name. This is less important, but the Postmaster would very much like to see it. Group entries are allowed.
Race: Is the combatant an ordinary human except with some additional trait? Or perhaps an elf? Maybe even a sentient cabbage? Or an entire universe occupying the body of a suffocating trout? All of these are acceptable, just be sure to note it down here accurately for the Postmaster's records.
Gender: The Postmaster recognizes that the often-used male/female gender binary is inadequate for many species. Please make any notes about the gender identity of the combatant in this field.
Text Color: The Postmaster requests that all replies be a different color, distinguishable from the rest. This will simplify sorting your mail when it arrives.
Biography: The Postmaster would also like details of what, precisely, this entrant in the battle has been doing with their life up to now, as you have no doubt been using a small portion of your omniscience to monitor them, as all extradimensional entities have a tendency to do.
Description: Please state the entity's physical and psychological attributes, so that the Postmaster may more readily identify them. The Postmaster is not an expert on every species across the multiverse, after all.
Weapons and Abilities: This field is for describing what the contestant can do in a fight. Or when they aren't fighting, as that might be relevant somehow. But just who would join a battle to the death and then not engage in combat, that seems absurd and the Postmaster hopes none of you will submit such a nonsensical entry.
The Postmaster thanks you in advance for your participation, and hopes that your entrant performs well in the upcoming battle.

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