Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!

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Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!
You have a cunning plan.

First, you kick the cop in the knee as hard as you can. Not only is this a good distraction, it should also make it harder for him to chase you.

Then, while he's howling in pain, you take advantage of the distraction to hop on his back. You promptly order him to chase the other cop so you can fight him.

He just screams something about how his knee is broken. Geez, what a whiner. You kick him in the back. Then you ask him if he's read any good books lately, because you're really in the mood for a good conversation.

He doesn't seem inclined to give it to you. All he does is whine about his stupid knee and his stupid back pain while very slowly chasing the other cop.

This is so boring.


I stole a glance behind me. The criminal was riding on the local officer's shoulders, and they were headed this way. So, they were working together now? That was trouble.

I needed a plan, fast. And I knew the first step in the plan was going to be getting these handcuffs off. But how?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament! - by btp - 08-20-2016, 06:17 AM
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament! - by Dragon Fogel - 05-21-2017, 03:50 AM