You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
Oh, I missed the supplement, was only looking at the generic ingredients. (also: it's Fogel, not Dragon)

Might as well start making the supplement when we get a chance then, then, so we have it available. Spending Magic Grass on it seems like the best idea, since we have the most of that and no other particular need for it right now. (And even if a need comes up, we can probably get more easily.)

My concern about the Puni quest is we have a three-quest limit. If this were an actual game I'd be confident about our ability to hunt down 10 in one day, but if it's going to take us two or three days, that's a bit long to be stuck with it. We can specifically look for them, though, so it probably won't be that bad.

Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Dragon Fogel - 04-18-2017, 05:42 AM