Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
<DragonFogel> Girth, sing a space song.
<Girth> His methods far too blunt
<Manbot> Little high, little low
<Girth> Carry on, carry on
<Manbot> Slowly growing canine teeth
<Girth> Join the triumph of the skies
<Manbot> O'er the hills we go
<Girth> Joyful all ye nations rise
<Manbot> The gene that drives the beast
<Girth> His methods far too blunt
<Manbot> The curse of double helix brings only racial wars
<Girth> ...IN SPACE!
<Manbot> You heard about me in the frontier wars
<Manbot> ...IN SPACE!

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