"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Really weird and meandering dream last night, I'm trying to write out what I remember.

So for some reason, I'm going to a New Years' party. It's some kind of public event and apparently it involves leaving gifts for completely random people?

And for reasons that I'm sure made sense in the dream, I get a big cardboard box, cut holes in it so I can wear it, then fold it so it looks like a smaller box and the holes aren't visible. Then I buy some Pac-Man game (I don't remember the title, only that it was some weird modern one) and put it in there.

And then I'm like, "wait, where is this party" and I think it's on my home block but I don't really know where.

I go down one side of the block and the party isn't there, so I go down another side and halfway down there, there's a store. And I think "hey, I'll get a bottle of orange pop and put it in the box".

So I do that. Then I absentmindedly drink a bunch of the bottle? And when I realize this, I go "oh well" and head on to find the party.

And I do, it's at some mansion at a bend in the road on the opposite side of the block (that doesn't really exist, neither does the store I stopped at now that I think about it) but at this point I realize "wait, I forgot my box".

So I run back to the store, and there are some other boxes lying around but none are mine. I figure it got stolen and sort of panic, but calm down a bit because it was just going to go to a random person anyhow.

At this point, I asked some bystanders in the store for help, and then I'm a little fuzzy about what happened next. I think for some reason I called Snow from FF13 for help (why would I even do that, there are so many way more competent fictional characters I could ask) and ran around the store for a bit, and after a while I came across the bystanders and they said something like "we vanquished the bees!" and I'm like "but did you find my box" and they go "no, but we got a quest for you".

At about this point, I decide to give up and go home. I vaguely remember telling my mom that I'm not going to the party after all. Then I see it's 11:52 PM (despite the fact that it's still light out and has been for the entirety of the dream) and I go "oh shoot, I should write before it hits midnight", so I run upstairs to my room (except it's not my actual room).

And there are dead bees on the bed. Except I think they were actually wasps, I just had bees on my mind. I tell Mom but she's all "well I'm not cleaning that up right now." So I grab a tray to write on so I don't have to be in the room with the dead "bees", and partway through I realize there's a snake on the tray and I've been writing around it without consciously noticing.

Then I wonder "is it dead too", and it starts moving and that's when I wake up.

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares - by Dragon Fogel - 10-06-2016, 02:49 PM