Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
(05-25-2016, 06:17 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »Mass Murder

I don't know what letter that starts with! It sounds very unpleasant, anyhow.

"Well, I should think so! I won't harbor murderers in my kitchen!"

Oh, it seems Carl the Chef has arrived. Er, do you know a good way to get to the library without being spotted?

(05-25-2016, 12:52 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »You'll need to go there via the Keep!

"Well... there's the old keep. You know, the one that used to be the main castle but then the seventeenth King Turnip decided he wanted it to be closer to the gardens... anyhow, the point is, it's abandoned, which means no guards. But it also means unsafe floors and the like, maybe even some old traps. There are still some passageways into it from when the new castle was first built; one's not far from here, and another near the library."

Thank you, Carl! That should be a big help. Where's the passage, exactly?

"Down the hall. I'd suggest you wait for me to chase off the guards, then make a run for it."

"Hey! Can we get some food? And have you seen any prisoners?"

Ah. Those guards, then?

"Yes. One moment. Hey! Get out of my kitchen! I've got important cooking to do!"

"Dammit, Gregory, I thought you said Carl wouldn't be here!"

"I thought he wasn't, George..."

Wow. Carl is quite, er, persuasive. I feel as though I should leave!

"Well, I do appreciate not having too many people in my kitchen. Anyhow, just pull the candlestick at the end of the hall there, and that'll open a path to the keep."

Pull...? I'm sorry, I don't have that letter yet.

"I don't know what yer yappin' about, but I'll take care of it for you."

That's Jack the Jailer talking. Thank you!

"Yeah, yeah. Just follow me, and be quick, before the guards come back."

Well, thanks to Carl and Jack, I'm in the Keep now. But which way do I go from here?

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