The Solaris Files: Dominican Republic

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The Solaris Files: Dominican Republic
The Solaris Files: Dominican Republic

These are the facts as the government would have you believe them.

1. Solaris visited the Dominican Republic, and just got back.
2. He was there to see his family.

Now, granted, these alleged "facts" are technically true. But they don't tell the whole story.

For that, we must delve into the depths of...


July 15, 2011
15:51 Eastern Standard Time

You are Solaris. You have arrived in the Dominican Republic, as planned.

Officially, you are here to visit your family, and you certainly intend to do that. But you are also here for another reason. You have been given a mission of the utmost importance. It would be no exaggeration to say that the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

So, um, what was your mission again?

Messages In This Thread
The Solaris Files: Dominican Republic - by Dragon Fogel - 08-12-2011, 03:13 AM