RE: Battle Fighting Contest
05-22-2016, 02:33 AM
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SpoilerName: Harold Sharpe, "The Battler"
Race: Bearded Swordsman
Gender: Bearded Swordsman
Text Color: Bearded Swordsman Red
Coming this summer...
"Welcome, combatants, to the Hopeless Beatdown."
One man is in for the battle of his life...
"The first of our contestants is Harold Sharpe, the greatest swordsman in the world."
For the seventh time!
"Oh hells, not this nonsense again."
Seven thrilling rounds!
"Water, water, everywhere. Are we meant to fight for our lives, or to swim?"
Seven dangerous opponents!
"I knew a ssssswordsssman like you once. I liked him."
"You don't say."
"Yessss. He wassss delicioussssss."
And seven shocking deaths!
"What's got you so worried? It's just a little thunderstorm."
It's the hottest movie of the summer!
"You see, this is why I didn't do that earlier."
"I think you've made your point."
Starring Harold Sharpe as...
"Nice sword. Compensating for something, I take it."
"I beg your pardon!"
"Well, if you want to prove me wrong..."
"You, uh. You've done this before?"
"Six times. And I've seen more threatening men than you die in the first round."
"Maybe we could, uh, talk this out instead?"
The Battler
Part VII
In theaters July 11th!
"I can't believe this," Harry grumbled. "The trailer's just come out, and we're already filming Part Eight."
"They're already complaining about us spoiling Zach Stone's death," laughed Aaron. "I can't wait until they see how that scene really ends."
"Anyone who hasn't figured out that was a misdirect hasn't been paying attention," sighed Harry. "I enjoyed the first two, but ever since then it's just been so formulaic. Why, I haven't even read the script, and I suspect the director will never notice."
"Yeah, well, it's about you more than the plot. You're the one who really sells these with your performance."
"Oh, indeed. According to the reviews, I do an excellent job of portraying a man who has grown weary of being dragged into battle after battle. Wherever do I get my inspiration?"
Aaron chuckled.
"Hey, it pays the bills, right? Anyway, I have fun with it." He put on the Subjugator's mask. "Speaking of which, it's time to film the introductions. I love this part."
"At least you get a different role each time," Harry muttered. "I could be a sorceror, or perhaps a no-nonsense cop who doesn't play by the rules. Hells, I'd even settle for playing a different swordsman at this point. One who wasn't named after me. Perhaps even one who actually shaves."
"Look, we've got to get this shooting done. And all you need to do for now is stand there and stay quiet while I introduce everyone."
"I know, I know," Harry sighed. "Really, I do like the concept. I just feel we could explore it more, rather than making the same movie two dozen times over."
"Yeah, well, we can talk to the director after this, I guess," Aaron replied. "I doubt he's going to want to mess with a winning formula, though."
"Of course not. Even if he did, I suspect his idea of 'new and different' would amount to nothing more than adding a ninth combatant."
"Save it for the cameras, okay Harry?"
"Yes, yes, all right. Let's get this over with."
The other actors were already in place, and the room was darkened; Harry had seen it often enough that he knew where to stand regardless.
At least this much would be entertaining; Harry had avoided all details of his opponents for this film, just so he could have some small surprise to look forward to. It wasn't as if he needed to read the script to know what he'd be doing.
Suddenly, he felt strange. Perhaps he was ill? That would be a stroke of good fortune, it might keep him out of this movie for at least a week.
What Harold Sharpe did not realize was that the spotlight had just been turned on for his introduction, and the crew was in a panic trying to figure out where he had disappeared to.
Harold Sharpe is a tall British man in reasonably good shape. He has red hair and a well-groomed beard. He's currently wearing his costume for the film, in which he plays Harold Sharpe, the world's greatest swordsman and the champion of seven (soon to be eight, no doubt) interdimensional battles to the death.
Harold is a creative sort, but lately he's become rather cynical, growing tired of the formulaic nature of the movies he's been in. This tends to come across in his performances; ironically, this has endeared him to many of his fans and lead the films to continued commercial success.
He also does all his own stunts, though generally they aren't that dangerous. He still keeps in shape to ensure he doesn't get injured, of course.
Weapons and abilities:
Harold wears a suit of light armor over his clothes; although it's designed mostly to look good on camera, it is made of real metal and so it offers some actual protection. Not as much as genuine armor would provide, but better than nothing.
The same cannot be said of his prop sword. It's made of plastic and is nearly useless as a real weapon. Of course, he needs to carry it around regardless.
Harold is a skilled actor, with a particular talent for improvisation. Many of his most-quoted lines were actually ad libbed.
Race: Bearded Swordsman
Gender: Bearded Swordsman
Text Color: Bearded Swordsman Red
Coming this summer...
"Welcome, combatants, to the Hopeless Beatdown."
One man is in for the battle of his life...
"The first of our contestants is Harold Sharpe, the greatest swordsman in the world."
For the seventh time!
"Oh hells, not this nonsense again."
Seven thrilling rounds!
"Water, water, everywhere. Are we meant to fight for our lives, or to swim?"
Seven dangerous opponents!
"I knew a ssssswordsssman like you once. I liked him."
"You don't say."
"Yessss. He wassss delicioussssss."
And seven shocking deaths!
"What's got you so worried? It's just a little thunderstorm."
It's the hottest movie of the summer!
"You see, this is why I didn't do that earlier."
"I think you've made your point."
Starring Harold Sharpe as...
"Nice sword. Compensating for something, I take it."
"I beg your pardon!"
"Well, if you want to prove me wrong..."
"You, uh. You've done this before?"
"Six times. And I've seen more threatening men than you die in the first round."
"Maybe we could, uh, talk this out instead?"
The Battler
Part VII
In theaters July 11th!
"I can't believe this," Harry grumbled. "The trailer's just come out, and we're already filming Part Eight."
"They're already complaining about us spoiling Zach Stone's death," laughed Aaron. "I can't wait until they see how that scene really ends."
"Anyone who hasn't figured out that was a misdirect hasn't been paying attention," sighed Harry. "I enjoyed the first two, but ever since then it's just been so formulaic. Why, I haven't even read the script, and I suspect the director will never notice."
"Yeah, well, it's about you more than the plot. You're the one who really sells these with your performance."
"Oh, indeed. According to the reviews, I do an excellent job of portraying a man who has grown weary of being dragged into battle after battle. Wherever do I get my inspiration?"
Aaron chuckled.
"Hey, it pays the bills, right? Anyway, I have fun with it." He put on the Subjugator's mask. "Speaking of which, it's time to film the introductions. I love this part."
"At least you get a different role each time," Harry muttered. "I could be a sorceror, or perhaps a no-nonsense cop who doesn't play by the rules. Hells, I'd even settle for playing a different swordsman at this point. One who wasn't named after me. Perhaps even one who actually shaves."
"Look, we've got to get this shooting done. And all you need to do for now is stand there and stay quiet while I introduce everyone."
"I know, I know," Harry sighed. "Really, I do like the concept. I just feel we could explore it more, rather than making the same movie two dozen times over."
"Yeah, well, we can talk to the director after this, I guess," Aaron replied. "I doubt he's going to want to mess with a winning formula, though."
"Of course not. Even if he did, I suspect his idea of 'new and different' would amount to nothing more than adding a ninth combatant."
"Save it for the cameras, okay Harry?"
"Yes, yes, all right. Let's get this over with."
The other actors were already in place, and the room was darkened; Harry had seen it often enough that he knew where to stand regardless.
At least this much would be entertaining; Harry had avoided all details of his opponents for this film, just so he could have some small surprise to look forward to. It wasn't as if he needed to read the script to know what he'd be doing.
Suddenly, he felt strange. Perhaps he was ill? That would be a stroke of good fortune, it might keep him out of this movie for at least a week.
What Harold Sharpe did not realize was that the spotlight had just been turned on for his introduction, and the crew was in a panic trying to figure out where he had disappeared to.
Harold Sharpe is a tall British man in reasonably good shape. He has red hair and a well-groomed beard. He's currently wearing his costume for the film, in which he plays Harold Sharpe, the world's greatest swordsman and the champion of seven (soon to be eight, no doubt) interdimensional battles to the death.
Harold is a creative sort, but lately he's become rather cynical, growing tired of the formulaic nature of the movies he's been in. This tends to come across in his performances; ironically, this has endeared him to many of his fans and lead the films to continued commercial success.
He also does all his own stunts, though generally they aren't that dangerous. He still keeps in shape to ensure he doesn't get injured, of course.
Weapons and abilities:
Harold wears a suit of light armor over his clothes; although it's designed mostly to look good on camera, it is made of real metal and so it offers some actual protection. Not as much as genuine armor would provide, but better than nothing.
The same cannot be said of his prop sword. It's made of plastic and is nearly useless as a real weapon. Of course, he needs to carry it around regardless.
Harold is a skilled actor, with a particular talent for improvisation. Many of his most-quoted lines were actually ad libbed.
There's no reason for this | Or this | Death is inevitable | You can't challenge fate | The smallest change | I'm overwhelmed
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse