RE: Post making contest
05-20-2016, 09:16 PM
Rule 1: Must quote a post from outside of the thread. Post content may or may not be edited, but the post link has to go outside of the post-making thread.
Rule 2: Post must contain a seventeen-syllable sentence. If the sentence is presented as a three-line haiku, it counts as a single sentence if there are no periods, question marks, or exclamation marks in the middle of it. Can be either quoted or non-quoted.
Made some judgement calls here, and counting syllables got tedious at times, but the success of actual haiku was enough for you to work with.
Rule 3: Post must include quoted text and non-quoted text with at least one word in common between both sets of text. Multiple quotes count as one set for what's in "quoted".
An edge case that came up: Numerals and written forms of the same number count as the same word. So, when Akumu asked about "two or three syllables" and Shredded quoted that and said "3", I decided to count that as a rule 3 pass; there were no other words in common.
Rule 4: Non-quoted text must not exceed 140 characters. I've had a Twitter tab open pretty much this whole time for cases when I couldn't check at a glance.
Rule 5: Post must include the title of one of my adventures on this forum, by which I mean "adventures where I have the opening post".
Initially I was thinking "any adventure", but there were too many to check, so I narrowed it down to just mine. (Although Space Consortium would easily pass if I had gone for the broader rule.)
List of titles I accepted, in the order they came up at the time I searched for them:
That's 30 adventures! Wow, I started a lot of those.
Rule 2: Post must contain a seventeen-syllable sentence. If the sentence is presented as a three-line haiku, it counts as a single sentence if there are no periods, question marks, or exclamation marks in the middle of it. Can be either quoted or non-quoted.
Made some judgement calls here, and counting syllables got tedious at times, but the success of actual haiku was enough for you to work with.
Rule 3: Post must include quoted text and non-quoted text with at least one word in common between both sets of text. Multiple quotes count as one set for what's in "quoted".
An edge case that came up: Numerals and written forms of the same number count as the same word. So, when Akumu asked about "two or three syllables" and Shredded quoted that and said "3", I decided to count that as a rule 3 pass; there were no other words in common.
Rule 4: Non-quoted text must not exceed 140 characters. I've had a Twitter tab open pretty much this whole time for cases when I couldn't check at a glance.
Rule 5: Post must include the title of one of my adventures on this forum, by which I mean "adventures where I have the opening post".
Initially I was thinking "any adventure", but there were too many to check, so I narrowed it down to just mine. (Although Space Consortium would easily pass if I had gone for the broader rule.)
List of titles I accepted, in the order they came up at the time I searched for them:
That's 30 adventures! Wow, I started a lot of those.
There's no reason for this | Or this | Death is inevitable | You can't challenge fate | The smallest change | I'm overwhelmed
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess
I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse