The Firebird and Three Princes

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The Firebird and Three Princes
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes
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eerr Wrote:I assumed because my dad pays extremely well?

Apparently thats not enough these days.

What do you want?

[Image: 20ayzgk.jpg]

"Hey! My dad pays your salary! Why should I have to take this kind of talk from you?"

[Image: t4xrhd.jpg]

"Exactly. Your dad pays me. Not you. And he doesn't pay me to cater to the every whim of his children. Now shut up and listen! This is important!"

Bagofnuts Wrote:Explain to him that casting a curse is magic, so his non-compliance would be compliance anyways, and if he'd really not wanted to do some magic then he'd have just refused or something.

[Image: 2w4jwqu.jpg]

"Hey, if you put a curse on me, that means you'd be casting a spell! So you'd be doing what I asked!"

[Image: 331ljfc.jpg]

"Quit being such a smarty-pants, or I'll make it a REALLY nasty curse."

Andorxor Wrote:>Let him taste his own medicine and tell him a long borring story untill he falls asleep

[Image: 2ppx5af.jpg]

"Hey, you know what this reminds me of? One time, just after Ivan was born, he snuck into this party my dad was throwing and snatched a gold bracelt off of one of the guests, and..."

[Image: 2645ll3.jpg]

[Image: qpfgbn.jpg]


[Image: 10yfnll.jpg]

[Image: pc044.jpg]

"You think you can put me to sleep with a story? Kids these days! When I was your age, we listened to our elders, especially when they could turn us into toads! And furthermore..."

ekalmid Wrote:Vasili: Let him listen to your music for awhile.

[Image: hvyv0j.jpg]

You're getting tired of this guy. You decide to give him a little taste of youth culture.

[Image: 11v6ve1.jpg]

While the wizard gets lost in his lengthy story, you put your headphone on him.

[Image: 30nkgtf.jpg]

"This is the kind of trashy music you kids listen to today? No wonder there's so much wrong with you!"

Armok Wrote:Vasilii: Point out that you're hear now, and that you'd like to be taught investigational techniques and also how to find firebirds.

[Image: 2evfcb6.jpg]

"Look, I'm really sorry for not visiting the library more often. But I'm here now, and I'd like to learn some stuff about being a detective. And finding firebirds. Can you please help me?"

[Image: fdve48.jpg]

"That's better! Politeness is very important in a future ruler."
"But I don't really want to..."

[Image: xlmnip.jpg]

"Here you go! These books should help you conduct your investigation, along with the book on firebirds I gave you before. Go sit down and read them, and feel free to ask me if you have any questions."

[Image: 20rl3xv.jpg]

Well, he seems to have calmed down. But this is a lot of books to search through. What are you going to look up first?

Armok Wrote:Ivan: Invent COMMUNISM. Decide that you cannot live like this wile outside the gates people are starving.

[Image: 33e2byr.jpg]

Yes! The proletariat will no longer be oppressed! They have nothing to lose but their chains! It is time to begin the GLORIOUS COMMUNIST REVOLUTION!

[Image: aes2kx.jpg]

"Your highness, what are you doing here? The Tsar made it clear that you are not to be allowed anywhere near this hallway."

[Image: 2nq85xl.jpg]

Well, this is a severe blow to the revolution. How are you going to get out of this mess?

Armok Wrote:Dimitrii: Get your horse and some gold, and have a goldsmith make a false apple to plant as evidence. Get caught up in this so you dont realize how absolutely horrible the idea is.

[Image: 15rgps5.jpg]

Yes! This is a plan that cannot fail in any way whatsoever!

[Image: ilvxa1.jpg]

Except that it depends on you having a horse to ride. You should probably do something about that.

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