The Firebird and Three Princes

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The Firebird and Three Princes
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes
The Firebird and Three Princes

Xander Wrote:check under the bed.

[Image: 1zx4m77.jpg]

You consider the possibility that the assassin may be hiding under the bed, but it's too dangerous to check. There's no telling what he might do if you corner him. There must be a better way to handle this.

Pick Yer Poison Wrote:> Dmitri: Set the bed on fire.

[Image: av1xtc.jpg]

Ah, of course! Destroy the bed and you'll destroy the assassin! It's so simple!

[Image: 352kvbs.jpg]

There. That should take care of the assassin. But what next?

Wojjan Wrote:>Dimitri: Go tell daddy!

[Image: afcaih.jpg]

That won't do! You can already hear him shouting at you. "Why should I make you my heir if you're just going to run to me every time there's a problem?" Ugh, no, you'll just have to deal with this matter yourself.

Loather of Irk Wrote:Dimitri: Hire an assassin of your own to make sure it's not you who'll die first.

[Image: yp7xt.jpg]

You can't afford to do that! You already spent your entire allowance on highly valuable golden trinkets. And you're certainly not going to give one of THOSE to a hired killer for payment! They just can't appreciate the quality.

tortoos Wrote:Dimitri: Headbutt Vasilii to establish superiority. In fact, might as well headbutt Ivan too. You need to show who's in charge here.

[Image: 28841m1.jpg]

Ah! Now that's the way to do this! Yes, Vasilii needs a demonstration of why you deserve to be heir. And after that you'll pay Ivan a visit - you don't need another brother getting ideas.

[Image: 9tolli.jpg]

Now, where is that worthless backstabbing brother of yours, anyways?

[Image: bevxoo.jpg]

That was close.

[Image: 2lkp5k4.jpg]

Uh-oh. You should probably get out of here before you get blamed for that.

Gustave Wrote:Vasilii: Ask which way the firebird went.


[Image: 2ez19ty.jpg]

"Wait! So, which way did this firebird go?"
"Uh... hello? It went straight up. There's no roof over the garden. That's why we couldn't catch it."

Gustave Wrote:Dimitri: Start punching and kicking everything.

[Image: 20fdp91.jpg]

"Whoa! Hey, what are you doing?"

[Image: s6ipdz.jpg]

"So! Not only did you send an assassin to my room, you're also conspiring with the guards! Were you ordering them to seize me in the night?"

[Image: 30jmng9.jpg]

"What? No, you idiot! I was asking them about the thief! They said it was a firebird."

[Image: 156r48x.jpg]

"Really now, such a pathetic cover story. I know you arranged this theft. No doubt it was a ploy to trick Father into giving you the throne. But you realized that with my cleverness, I would unravel your scheme, so you hired an assassin..."
"Whatever, dude. I'm going to keep investigating. You know, like Dad told us to."

[Image: 2ueo4ut.jpg]

What the... The nerve! He just left right in the middle of your accusation!

[Image: vcq4wm.jpg]

But your fiendishly cunning brother has a point - you are supposed to be investigating this theft. You already know Vasilii is behind it, but you don't really know how he did it yet. And you'll have to figure that out to convince Father.

[Image: ffbqqs.jpg]

What will each of you do?

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