The Firebird and Three Princes

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The Firebird and Three Princes
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes
Pick Yer Poison Wrote:> Ask a few more questions. Maybe he knows something about what might have happened to it?

[Image: 33ae81f.jpg]

"Do you have any idea what might have happened to the apple, then?"
"Beats me. Maybe the thief eats gold or something. How should I know?"

Hmm. That wasn't very helpful.

Jambalaya Soprano Wrote:>Interrogate him some more, ask where would he hide such a valuable object if he stole one.

[Image: k9do95.jpg]

"Well, let's say you had stolen it. Where would you hide it? Maybe the thief had the same idea."
"Pfft. Like I'd tell you where my hiding spots are. I checked 'em all already, anyhow. No apple there."

Dmabster Wrote:Frisk your little brother to see if he has the apple on him.

[Image: dh4jg2.jpg]

"Hmm. Stand up."
"So I can make sure you're not hiding that apple on you."

[Image: 16k6t6f.jpg]

"Fine. But make it quick. I'm not hiding anything."
"We'll see about that..."

[Image: 3445toh.jpg]

"...What is it with you and gold, anyways?"
"Hey! Lay off me! You don't see any apples here, right? So leave me alone!"

Well, he's got a point. You could tell Dad, but you're supposed to be catching this apple thief right now. Ivan's rampant kleptomania can be dealt with later.

ekalmid Wrote:>Apologize to Ivan before he figures out a way to get you in trouble later. Make a deal with him to help you find the thief.

[Image: of1v6b.jpg]

"Uh, sorry, Ivan. I guess I should have believed you. Tell you what, want to help me catch the apple thief?"
"Nah, not really. Doesn't sound fun."

Xander Wrote:See if your brother will work with you to one-up Dimitri.

[Image: 2qlxu1f.jpg]

"Aw, what a shame. Because Dimitri would be so humiliated if I caught the thief before him..."
"Wait, what? Dimitri humiliated? Okay, this sounds fun after all! I want in!"

[Image: 140xhl4.jpg]

Ivan has decided to help you catch the thief!

Now that you've got a helper, what will you do?

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Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Dragon Fogel - 07-24-2011, 09:42 PM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Solaris - 07-24-2011, 11:23 PM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Ixcaliber - 07-27-2011, 02:45 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Solaris - 08-27-2011, 12:55 AM
Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Ixcaliber - 08-27-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: The Firebird and Three Princes - by Woffles - 10-28-2011, 11:10 AM