Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread

Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread
Oh hey, another week's gone by.

Season 1 (S1):
None this week.

Season 2 (S2):
The Battle Royale Season 2 [BRS2] - 1 post (Dragon Fogel)

Season 3 (S3):
None this week.

Season Intermission (S!):
None this week.

Season Unknown (S?):
None this week.

One post, whee.

Remember the days when I'd post if no one else did that week, even if it meant double-posting?

Let's see if we can avoid finding out if they're back.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Grand Battle Post-Tracking And Incentives Thread - by Dragon Fogel - 02-08-2015, 03:45 AM