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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
09-15-2011, 05:11 AM
That is my favourite Malkyquote ever.
And since I'm here:
Quote:<MalkyTop> Do you eeel my teeth
<MalkyTop> velvet is not my teeth
<MalkyTop> Feel it
<Pinary> You should get some pearls, Malky,and rub them on your teeth
<MalkyTop> noooooooooooooooo
<Pinary> No really
<MalkyTop> Pearls are not for rubbing
<MalkyTop> Pearls are for
<MalkyTop> eating
<Pinary> It is how you identify if they're genuine!
<MalkyTop> They make your stomach
<MalkyTop> valuable
<MalkyTop> Then you can sell it
<MalkyTop> it's like a calm
<MalkyTop> But
<MalkyTop> it's a stomach
<Pinary> So does gasoline, but I wouldn't cover that in ketchup either
<Ixcaliber> why not just sell the pearls?
<MalkyTop> A surprise grab clam stomach!
<MalkyTop> no
<MalkyTop> Ix
<MalkyTop> You don't understand
<MalkyTop> It's like grab bags
<Ixcaliber> clearly
<MalkyTop> The excitement
<MalkyTop> Of opening a bag
<MalkyTop> Except with stomachs
<MalkyTop> You know
<Ixcaliber> i don't find excitement in opening a stomach
<MalkyTop> No
<MalkyTop> It's like
<Pinary> In fairness, have you ever tried?
<MalkyTop> Um
<MalkyTop> No
<Pinary> Ix, I meant
<Ixcaliber> to be fair i have not
<MalkyTop> Opening a bag luck bag
<MalkyTop> That have things inside
<MalkyTop> But the bag is a stomach
<MalkyTop> That still have things inside
<MalkyTop> And you don't know what the things are inside
<MalkyTop> But you hope they're good
<MalkyTop> like Christmas
<MalkyTop> Christmas present stomachs
<Ixcaliber> things in a stomach would not be pleasant
<MalkyTop> But it's not Christmas
<MalkyTop> No
<MalkyTop> But
<MalkyTop> pearls
<MalkyTop> Didn't you read
<MalkyTop> The thing about pearls
<Ixcaliber> i read it
<Ixcaliber> i feel a stomach makes things less plesant
<MalkyTop> Noooo
<MalkyTop> Noooooo
<MalkyTop> It's also
<MalkyTop> Organ donar
<Ixcaliber> you aren't increasing the value of the stomach so much as you are decreasing the value of the pearls
<Pinary> Donair?
<MalkyTop> People need
<MalkyTop> stomachs
<MalkyTop> sometimes
<MalkyTop> look
<MalkyTop> Pearls
<MalkyTop> Need to be eaten
<MalkyTop> Okay
<Ixcaliber> okay fine
<MalkyTop> Haven't you ever looked at a pearl necklace
<MalkyTop> And you're like
<MalkyTop> "I gotta eat that shit"
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
09-20-2011, 07:17 PM
Quote:<clock> malky go to sleep
<MalkyTop> No shut up
<MalkyTop> I have a post to write
<DragonFogel> Doesn't she have a post to write too?
<MalkyTop> ....
<MalkyTop> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
09-23-2011, 04:00 AM
Quote:MalkyTop Time pirates
Solaris time pirates are cool
MalkyTop The worst kind of pirates
MalkyTop Once you plunder time
MalkyTop what else can you plunder
Sanzh Time > space
MalkyTop Plunder sunder
MalkyTop WAIT
MalkyTop I named one of you plunder
MalkyTop Who did I name Plunder
DragonFogel I think that was me.
elpie I was Chunder I think
MalkyTop Okay.
Anomaly[drawing] i don't remember what i was
Sanzh I think I was Blunder, then Wunder?
Ixcaliber after you have plundered time you can plunder fogel?
Sanzh I dunno
MalkyTop ...
MalkyTop Why do we all remember this
MalkyTop That was
MalkyTop The most stupid thing
DragonFogel I have logs.
MalkyTop I ever rambled on
MalkyTop No Fogel shush
MalkyTop Shut up
MalkyTop I smeeelll of ooolleeannder
MalkyTop Lint lint lint
MalkyTop Porky gun to shooot yooooooooooou
Ixcaliber malky have i ever told you how you are the best?
MalkyTop NO
MalkyTop GO AWAY
MalkyTop I'M NOT
MalkyTop Kint kint
MalkyTop Kink?
Whim Malky you are the ~â wâ~
MalkyTop No wait
MalkyTop That's already a word
MalkyTop Oooooooooooooooooooooollllllpal
MalkyTop Doldier
MalkyTop Look
MalkyTop Look
MalkyTop I just
MalkyTop have sounds
MalkyTop in my head
MalkyTop that I have to make up
MalkyTop And say
MalkyTop It is the osund
MalkyTop Of
MalkyTop death
MalkyTop It whistles through my brain
MalkyTop And it sounds like
MalkyTop Poldt
Ixcaliber fuck that's the sound of death
MalkyTop Plkundl
Ixcaliber now we are all going to die
|<-- PickYerPoison has left irc.esper.net (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
Sanzh But kink has that hard k sound
Ixcaliber pyps was the first to die
MalkyTop You unesrtand
MalkyTop Springs
MalkyTop Are the most important things
MalkyTop Ever
MalkyTop Made
MalkyTop Springs
MalkyTop Springs
Sanzh No Malky, nothing I do is understanding.
MalkyTop Springs
MalkyTop Springs
-->| PickYerPoison (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:~PYP@adsl-70-253-172-0.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net">~PYP@adsl-70-253-172-0.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net</a><!-- e -->) has joined #grandbattle
MalkyTop They go
MalkyTop Sproiinng
MalkyTop Sproingoboingo
MalkyTop Springs
Ixcaliber pyps you are back from the dead
MalkyTop Your intestines need springs to function
PickYerPoison You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
MalkyTop You understand
PickYerPoison Yes I am Ix
Ixcaliber cool
MalkyTop Springy intestines
Ixcaliber malky what other things have springs?
MalkyTop This is how you poo
Whim "dick" is the sound of PROGRESS (and opening puzzle doors)
MalkyTop BOOKS
MalkyTop Look there are only so many things I can put springs in
Ixcaliber those springs are the reason i don't read books any more
MalkyTop This really isn't funny at all
MalkyTop Springs
Whim Put springs in your cat
MalkyTop Springs
Whim well, on your cat
MalkyTop Springs
Whim YES
MalkyTop Springs
MalkyTop Springs
MalkyTop Wait
MalkyTop I lost my train of thought
Whim Malky
MalkyTop Hok hok
Whim Put metal springs all over the water springs in season of springs
MalkyTop Loooook
MalkyTop You can't put the psrings in the springs
MalkyTop Then
MalkyTop You get exploding slinkies
MalkyTop Jokes on you
Ixcaliber should i make the really bad joke?
Whim I
Whim I thought that was a goal, Malky!!!!
MalkyTop Springs
Ixcaliber springs in your goals?
MalkyTop I know what I want in /my/ Garfield
Ixcaliber is it springs?
MalkyTop .....
MalkyTop ....................
Whim Hey Malky
MalkyTop .......................................................
MalkyTop Yes.
Ixcaliber yay
Whim Can we have Springtime all the time
Whim 'cause 1/4th of the year
Whim Really doesn't cut it for me
MalkyTop YOU SEE
MalkyTop TEETH
Ixcaliber seasons?
Anomaly[writing] remind me where the camp is
Anomaly[writing] it's in the field of paradox grass, right
MalkyTop Hills of paradox grass
MalkyTop Everywhere
MalkyTop Shit
MalkyTop I want to think of a pun
MalkyTop This sucks
Whim Silken meadows of silly things
MalkyTop Noooooo
Whim Such as paradox grass
MalkyTop I can only rhyme
MalkyTop You have to understand
Ixcaliber malky you are not rhyming
MalkyTop No
MalkyTop No
Ixcaliber none of this rhymes
MalkyTop No
MalkyTop No
MalkyTop Look
MalkyTop No
MalkyTop Look
MalkyTop Here
Ixcaliber no?
MalkyTop No
Ixcaliber Look
MalkyTop The word you're looking for is "understand"
Ixcaliber no
MalkyTop SEVEN
MalkyTop Sponges
MalkyTop OH MY GOD
MalkyTop I just saw a connection
MalkyTop Did you see that
Ixcaliber the connection is misspelling?
MalkyTop No
MalkyTop Do you
MalkyTop Look
MalkyTop Spong
MalkyTop It's like
MalkyTop Sproing
MalkyTop Which is a part of
Ixcaliber what is a spong?
MalkyTop Spring
MalkyTop Spong
DragonFogel Hmm. I want to write something besides a Mafia day-end today.
DragonFogel Any suggestions?
MalkyTop WRITE
MalkyTop WRITE
MalkyTop WRITE
MalkyTop WRITE
DragonFogel ...is that your request, Malky?
MalkyTop ...
MalkyTop Oh yeah I still have that.
MalkyTop I want to save my request for a rainy day
MalkyTop Obviously I must save it for something special
Whim OH you mean SPROING
MalkyTop Whenever I think of it.
Whim Like the sound yus
MalkyTop NO
MalkyTop NO
MalkyTop NO
MalkyTop SPONG
MalkyTop SPONG
MalkyTop MAN
MalkyTop SPONG
MalkyTop It's very
MalkyTop Flexable
Whim Flippy?
MalkyTop Nolens volens
MalkyTop It's the sound like sproing
MalkyTop But it refers to sponges
MalkyTop Sponges are spongy
MalkyTop You see
MalkyTop It's like
MalkyTop springs
MalkyTop They sproing
MalkyTop But sponges
MalkyTop spong
MalkyTop Sometimes
MalkyTop Its like
MalkyTop Spoon
MalkyTop But
MalkyTop They only do that when
MalkyTop They're sick
MalkyTop With
MalkyTop influenza
MalkyTop That happens sometimes
MalkyTop and it's sad
MalkyTop Because Spoon is a horrible sound effect
MalkyTop I'm tired
Godbot what is 'poon the sound of
MalkyTop It's the sound of a raccoon jumping six feet out of a trashcan
MalkyTop "Wait! There's something in the trashcan!"
MalkyTop "I'll open it"
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
09-27-2011, 07:32 PM
Quote:<MalkyTop> I also happen to have Darkwing Duck comics here
<MalkyTop> Maybe I'll read 'em while walking to class
<MalkyTop> Or I could work on homework.
<MalkyTop> I can't homework while walking!
<MalkyTop> That's just silly
<MalkyTop> Silly
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
10-06-2011, 05:09 AM
Quote:* btp (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:Mibbit@">Mibbit@</a><!-- e -->) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> Oh
<MalkyTop> bob
<MalkyTop> wow
<MalkyTop> you're here
<MalkyTop> Boooob
<MalkyTop> bob
<MalkyTop> boob
<MalkyTop> booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
10-22-2011, 01:14 PM
For your amusement, and possible future posterity, I link:
A whole game of mafia based on this shit.
On the bright side, it's actually proven pretty fun so far.
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
10-29-2011, 04:08 AM
Quote:<Jacquerel> Now that Duke Nukem has come out
<Jacquerel> we talk about Half Life Episode Three instead
<MalkyTop> Jooooooookkkkk
<MalkyTop> JOOOK
<MalkyTop> juicebox
<Whimbrel> JUKEBOCKS>
<MalkyTop> BECAUSE
<MalkyTop> HORSE F
<MalkyTop> ACE
* MalkyTop has quit (Quit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.mibbit.com">https://www.mibbit.com</a><!-- m --> ajax IRC Client)
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
12-10-2011, 06:40 AM
Quote:<MalkyTop> My brain
<MalkyTop> is like a tongue
<MalkyTop> But not muscle like a tongue
<MalkyTop> Or strong like a tongue
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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Re: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
12-10-2011, 07:32 AM
Quote:<MalkyTop> I thin kI was tring to say something about candy corn
<MalkyTop> but I odn'tk now anymore
<MalkyTop> i used to be the fun facts king
<MalkyTop> the only thing that's popping into mind right now though
<MalkyTop> Is mosquito dicks
<Flummox> isn't candy corn basically burnt sugar
<MalkyTop> I donunno
<MalkyTop> shut up
<MalkyTop> shu tu ppppppppp
<Ixcaliber> mosquito ducks?
<Flummox> it's pretty tasty though
<MalkyTop> No
<MalkyTop> Ix
<MalkyTop> I did not misspell that
<Ixcaliber> i was really hoping you did
<Flummox> a mosquito duck would be badass
<MalkyTop> No
<MalkyTop> mosquidtoes don't make anything baddasss
<MalkyTop> mosquitoes suck
<Flummox> yes they do
<Ixcaliber> literally
<Flummox> literally
<MalkyTop> but sierouslyu
<MalkyTop> crossing bugs with anything is horrible
<MalkyTop> And no
<MalkyTop> Oh god my hand
<MalkyTop> my blooood
<MalkyTop> blood hands
<Ixcaliber> oh no malky what happened?
<Ixcaliber> do you need to go to a hospital?
<Flummox> mosquitoes
<Flummox> they are taking revenge
<MalkyTop> my blood is drawig naway from my jands
<MalkyTop> TANGO
<MalkyTop> TANGO
<MalkyTop> WITH
<MalkyTop> SOMEONE
<MalkyTop> now
* MalkyTop has quit (Quit: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.mibbit.com">https://www.mibbit.com</a><!-- m --> ajax IRC Client)
I have missed Sleep Deprived Malky so much.
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
01-06-2012, 05:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2012, 06:06 AM by Ixcaliber.)
Quote:<MalkyTop> I don't know what a ponce is
<MalkyTop> WAIT
<MalkyTop> Durn everything ento spinons?
<MalkyTop> That's horrible
I said this last time but I really have missed Sleep Deprived Malky sooo much.
EDIT: best malky <3
Quote:<Ix|goneish> malky i am going to join neopets and see what the fuss is all about
<MalkyTop> c9c9a jis a pflavor if falvla beans
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NO
<Ix|goneish> i take it this is not a good idea
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NOOOO
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> IX
<Ix|goneish> should i not do this then?
<MalkyTop> IX
<Flummox> ix
<MalkyTop> NO
<Agenmacy> nnnnnnmmmmmm
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NONONO
<Agenmacy> iiiiiiiiiit
<MalkyTop> NO
<Agenmacy> wellllll
<Agenmacy> dependsssssss
<Agenmacy> I gueeeeeeeeesssssssss
<Ix|goneish> i am dying
<Flummox> you must remain stalwart in the battle against nepots
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> NO
<MalkyTop> IX
<NTAFK> Go to bed, Malky
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> IX
<MalkyTop> hsut up
<Agenmacy> how prone to addiction are you :3
<MalkyTop> huss
<Flummox> nepot despots
<MalkyTop> what the heck
<MalkyTop> you're supposed to be away
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
01-13-2012, 11:28 PM
<MalkyTop> bitch what
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
03-20-2012, 04:02 AM
Quote:<pympmobile> Night malky
<MalkyTop> shut up you can't possb me around
<MalkyTop> it's night when I say it's night
<MalkyTop> okay
<MrGuy> What time is it, Malky
* Agenagen (~Agenmacy@a82-67.nat.uq.edu.au) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> it's time to stpo thinking about the Lorax forever
<MrGuy> Hi agen
<MrGuy> Malky no
<Agenagen> Rawr!
<MrGuy> that's the worst time ever!
<MalkyTop> i'll punch you
<MalkyTop> I'll punch brother you
<MalkyTop> punch with prothers
<Agenagen> Is it sad
<MalkyTop> who's sad
<Agenagen> That I can prettttyyy much figure out the minutes
<DragonFogel> Malky, I want to write something. What should I write?
<Agenagen> Preceding my arrival :3
<MalkyTop> you should write
<MalkyTop> about a magical tongue
<MalkyTop> who goes on a slef-finding existential journey
<MalkyTop> about being a tongue
<MalkyTop> his name is tongueman
<MalkyTop> well I guess he's magical apparently
<MalkyTop> his name can be tonguewizard
<MalkyTop> he wants to be a musician
<MalkyTop> but there are limited instrument choices for a tongue
<Agenagen> He must be a loudmouth :3
<MalkyTop> tongues don't have mouths
<DragonFogel> I'm not sure I can do this concept justice.
<MalkyTop> in any case it's a story about a fall from grace
<MalkyTop> and then he ends up being a tongue wrestler street fighter
<MalkyTop> because there are tongue sumo warriors
<MrGuy> tangue-gief
<MalkyTop> fighting in streets
<MalkyTop> for money
<MrGuy> edmund tonguea
<MalkyTop> and then he finds his purpose
<MalkyTop> the continent that contains all life
<MalkyTop> so that life
<MalkyTop> cna live
<MalkyTop> i mean
<MalkyTop> do you you know what I mean
<MalkyTop> I mean like
<MalkyTop> those life whales
<MalkyTop> life space whales
<MalkyTop> except it's not in space
<MalkyTop> it's on earth
<MalkyTop> and its name is pangea
<DragonFogel> I thought his name was Tonguewizard.
<MalkyTop> no shut up
<MalkyTop> don't intererupst
<MalkyTop> pangea is its true form
Quote:<pympmobile> What does mama even do
<pympmobile> Mana
<pympmobile> Stupid autocorrect mana is a word
<Schazer> mana depletes while you have your own infinities up
<MalkyTop> no look
<MalkyTop> loooooook
<MalkyTop> the problm is
<MalkyTop> bears
<MalkyTop> they feed on mana
<MalkyTop> they feed on you
<MalkyTop> your mana bones
<Schazer> so having it for longer gives you a little bit more thinking time
<MalkyTop> suck the mana right out
<MalkyTop> when you have mana
<MalkyTop> you attrackt bears
<MalkyTop> bear-attracter
<MalkyTop> like bugs bunny in a girl bear costume
<MalkyTop> if bugs bunny was ever harrassed by a hungry bear
* XX (~chatzilla@ has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> do you understand
<MalkyTop> what I'm saying
<Sanzh> hi XX
<pympmobile> Ah I see
<MrGuy> I never understand what you're saying, Malky
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
03-20-2012, 09:17 AM
Quote:<MalkyTop> the final fronteir
<MalkyTop> would be
<MalkyTop> apple soda
<MalkyTop> once we travel through that
<MalkyTop> ther eis nothing more
<MalkyTop> do you understand
<MalkyTop> because
<MalkyTop> once we send an apple soda to the moon
<MalkyTop> humanity has done all it can do
<MalkyTop> it is supplexed
<MalkyTop> all of it
<MalkyTop> the purpose
<MalkyTop> also the apple soda is sentient
<MalkyTop> we must eteach it ot be
<MalkyTop> the perfect bug snatcher
<MalkyTop> and then we make tiny little bug substitutes
<MalkyTop> these substitues go
<MalkyTop> and make bubbles
<MalkyTop> they are edible bubbles
<MalkyTop> everywhere
<MalkyTop> like tofu
<MalkyTop> tofu bugs
<MalkyTop> it's veyr nutritious
<MalkyTop> and good for the enfironemtn
<MalkyTop> and also they are numerous
<MalkyTop> but we directly control thier population
<MalkyTop> through
<MalkyTop> dials
<MalkyTop> dilals of a clock
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
03-25-2012, 05:59 AM
Quote:<MalkyTop> iunno
<MalkyTop> all i wish
<MalkyTop> is that
<MalkyTop> zits
<MalkyTop> were laser beams
<MalkyTop> laser beam zits
<MalkyTop> then everybody would love zits
<MalkyTop> because they were laser beams
<MalkyTop> it would be like having unicorns
<MalkyTop> but unicorns with laser beams insead of horns
<theFoot> And also instead of the rest of the unicorn there is a zit there
<MalkyTop> And then the unicorn is on your face
<Sanzh> Malky I think you should go to sleep
<theFoot> Look, whether someone has zits or laser beams all over their face, that's not someone you want to make out with
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> but LP
<MalkyTop> if you are friends with laser beam face
<MalkyTop> you can destroy all your enemies
<MalkyTop> very easily
<theFoot> Huh
<theFoot> Fireworks
<theFoot> Rather close
<DragonFogel> How controllable are these hypothetical laser beams?
<DragonFogel> Would you have to be careful not to laser-blast your walls?
<MalkyTop> well
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> since they're zits
<MalkyTop> you see
<MalkyTop> you laser beam by squeezing your zits
<MalkyTop> like a cow udder
<MalkyTop> except the milk is laser beams
<MalkyTop> and cow tits are your face
* Akumu (~Akumu@68-118-176-113.dhcp.asfd.ct.charter.com) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)
<DragonFogel> And the cow is a unicorn?
<MalkyTop> no
<MalkyTop> Yu odn't understand this metaphor at all
<pypmobile> Gosh Fogel
<pypmobile> How do you even get the simple metaphors
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Location: Sunshine, Lollipops and Diabetes
RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
05-27-2012, 05:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2012, 05:49 AM by AgentBlue.)
Quote:<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> so
<MalkyTop> peach rings
<MalkyTop> are delifcious
<MalkyTop> i think
<MalkyTop> right now
<MalkyTop> i should go to sleep
<MalkyTop> for my eyes
Anomaly (Mibbit@pool-173-71-45-202.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> my eyes of heavyen
<MalkyTop> the judgement beams
<MalkyTop> they decide who lives and who dies
<MalkyTop> from my eyes
<MalkyTop> my eys have been baptized
<MalkyTop> this is why
<MalkyTop> they are judgement eyes
<MalkyTop> filled with judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> the biological process of judgement beams
<MalkyTop> from judgement jelly
<Flummoy> judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> is a long
<MalkyTop> and
<MalkyTop> arduous process
<MalkyTop> involving bees
<MalkyTop> in my eyes
<MalkyTop> the eyeve mind
<MalkyTop> hohohohohohoh
<MalkyTop> these judgement bees are armed with flaming swords
<MalkyTop> in my eyes
<MalkyTop> i love these bees like I love my sons
<BigFoot> Malky you don't have any sons
<BigFoot> Only bees
<MalkyTop> EX
<MalkyTop> ACTLY
<MalkyTop> these pbbess
<MalkyTop> these bees
<MalkyTop> i want to eat some judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> it sounds
<MalkyTop> like delicacies
<MalkyTop> from the other earth
<MalkyTop> my chosen eyes
<BigFoot> Malky, one day I want to learn the summoning ritual for the entities that hijack your brain at night
<MalkyTop> it's not night
<MalkyTop> it's thencikcally
<MalkyTop> mornring
<MalkyTop> judgement
<MalkyTop> morning
<MalkyTop> oh.
<MalkyTop> the ad for the swimming pool
<MalkyTop> I misread it as "imagine your own privates installed indoors or outside"
<MalkyTop> werid.
<MalkyTop> judgement bees make judgement honey out of judgement jelly.
<MalkyTop> and then
<MalkyTop> calculations
<MalkyTop> calculatta
<MalkyTop> judgement lattes
<MalkyTop> we shoudl add judgement to every single word actually.
<MalkyTop> judgement word.
<MalkyTop> if only
<MalkyTop> i could eat
<MalkyTop> tassles
<MalkyTop> tassslesss
<MalkyTop> i love tassles
<MalkyTop> they feel good against my
<MalkyTop> cheek
<MalkyTop> tassles
<MalkyTop> but these are graduation tassles
<MalkyTop> and also my sister's
<MalkyTop> i should not eat her graduation tassles
<MalkyTop> they are pink
<MalkyTop> did you know that
<MalkyTop> heaven is only for yellow
<MalkyTop> yellow bees
<MalkyTop> beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
<MalkyTop> beebbjeeebs
<MalkyTop> beeboojabbajooo
Schazer (Mibbit@222-155-208-150.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> jabbajuujuuubaboobeep
-NickServ- Agenmacy!~Agenmacy@60-241-103-27.static.tpgi.com.au has just authenticated as you (Agenmacy)
Agenmacy (~Agenmacy@60-241-103-27.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> alphabetaomegaphikaipsi
<MalkyTop> gamma
<MalkyTop> delta
<BigFoot> If I'm going to be using this computer all summer I should get an actual IRC program
<MalkyTop> what is irc program
<BigFoot> On the other hand I don't think this thing even knows what a "program" is
<MalkyTop> booooooppbeeep i do not understand
<MalkyTop> i am judgementbot
<BigFoot> This computer has been corrupted by years of my dad
<MrGuy> Oh hey
<MrGuy> Schazer, Agen :)
<MalkyTop> out of my eyes
<MalkyTop> comes
<MalkyTop> candy
<Solaris> hi schazgen
<MalkyTop> for all children
<BigFoot> It knows how to check email and it always takes the time to ask me if it's okay before minimizing anything
<MalkyTop> are you children
<Schazer> is Malky all right
<MalkyTop> no you are not
<MalkyTop> judgementbot
<Schazer> also I am finally getting this Sen done
<BigFoot> Malky is in a Mood
<MalkyTop> is not needed here
<MalkyTop> i have
<MalkyTop> rollersckate
<MalkyTop> s
<MalkyTop> judgementbot
RhymeothyHour has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<MalkyTop> awaayyyyyy
<MalkyTop> these rollerskates
<MalkyTop> are
<MalkyTop> elecrtical
<MalkyTop> electric skates
<MalkyTop> they go like
<MalkyTop> zow
<Solaris> yay senchet
<MalkyTop> zow b'dow
<MalkyTop> dow
<MalkyTop> bow
<DragonFogel> Hi again Schazer, hi Agent.
<VivaciousOrange> Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair https://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.ph...ost6437606
<MalkyTop> what if we added h before words
<VivaciousOrange> I am become plot, destroyer of collaboration
<MalkyTop> i mean
<MalkyTop> after
* VivaciousOrange is now known as Slorange
<MalkyTop> cats
<MalkyTop> catsh
<Slorange> I only wish engie were here to fawn
<MalkyTop> fawnh
<Solaris> slor did you see my gbs3 post from earlier today
<MalkyTop> todayh
<Slorange> I did
<MalkyTop> no this makes no sense
<MalkyTop> senseh
<Solaris> okay i just wanted to make sure :x
<MalkyTop> hsense
<Slorange> It sure involved Jetsam and Velobo and a bit of Scofféd Law
<MalkyTop> sakssoooooooooooooo
<Solaris> yes that it did
<MalkyTop> these eyes
<Slorange> It is a good post
<Solaris> thank you
<MalkyTop> soopsoop
<MalkyTop> sawwururuuhhhhh
<Slorange> I wish I knew what I was going to do with my next
<MalkyTop> the judement
<MalkyTop> of explosions
<MalkyTop> i deem
<MalkyTop> explosions
<MalkyTop> of judging
<MalkyTop> i knight thee
<MalkyTop> o stop-motion explosion
<MalkyTop> with
<MalkyTop> sentience
<MalkyTop> skoooooooooosh
<MalkyTop> the scars of the eyes that this has seen
<MalkyTop> of gargoyls
<MalkyTop> have been inflicted by
<MalkyTop> the dread owls
<Agenblank> oh Malky <3
<MalkyTop> dread
<MalkyTop> fungus
<MalkyTop> owls
<MalkyTop> my scars
<MalkyTop> do you understand
* MrGuy is now known as MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE
<MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE> sleeeeeeeep
<MrGuy|ASLEEPMAYBE> why must you be mandatory
<Solaris> "I like a girl with spirit." has anyone who has ever said this ever not been creepy about it
<MalkyTop> spirit
<MalkyTop> is like heart
<MalkyTop> i have
<MalkyTop> a lot of neither
<MalkyTop> it's the
<MalkyTop> anti heart
<MalkyTop> because i am judgement bot
<MalkyTop> with my
<MalkyTop> judgement skates
<MalkyTop> do you see
<MalkyTop> these snakes
<MalkyTop> these snakes
<MalkyTop> are dangerous
<MalkyTop> snakes
<BigFoot> Probably in the 20s, Sol
<MalkyTop> sssoososouususususususu
<MalkyTop> that's how you now
<MalkyTop> they are dangerous
<MalkyTop> ssososusususususus
<MalkyTop> u
<MalkyTop> dangerous hornbelly
<MalkyTop> snake
Safknzh has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
<MalkyTop> s
<MalkyTop> you shake them
<MalkyTop> and then they don't stop
<MalkyTop> snakes
<MalkyTop> stop snakes
<MalkyTop> i can't
<MalkyTop> do that thing
<MalkyTop> where my back is straight
<MalkyTop> this is ruining my posutre
<MalkyTop> what am I typoing
<MalkyTop> i can't see
<MalkyTop> i have failed in judgement
<MalkyTop> judgement failed
<Slorange> At least in this instance he meant to be skeevy about it
<MalkyTop> my spirits
<MalkyTop> why do guys never have
<MalkyTop> spirits
<MalkyTop> when i bite your nose
<MalkyTop> is that
<MalkyTop> where your spirit lies
<MalkyTop> i will
<MalkyTop> eat your spirit
<MalkyTop> eat like
<MalkyTop> forks
<MalkyTop> spaghetti forks
<MalkyTop> spaghetto forks
<Solaris> But to devolve into bickering at the first sign of stress is to do emperor and empire a disservice, to say nothing of shaming ourselves." shouldnt it be 'to do our emperor and empire?'
<Slorange> Nah, it was meant to mirror "king and country"
<MalkyTop> what is the
<MalkyTop> life of one
<Solaris> ah
<MalkyTop> when the life of one is actually
<MalkyTop> the life of a country
<MalkyTop> this mouse
<MalkyTop> cannot move
Solaris wouldnt know
<MalkyTop> on m y face
<Solaris> uhm
<Solaris> malky
<MalkyTop> that's because
<MalkyTop> it is off
<Solaris> why would you try to move your mouse with your face
<MalkyTop> my forehead is
<MalkyTop> a surface
<MalkyTop> i cannot see your cries
<MalkyTop> i can but feel
<MalkyTop> with my
<Solaris> I suppose that you are correct
<MalkyTop> spirit
<MalkyTop> judgement psirit
Pharmacy (Mibbit@college9-20-204.resnet.ucsc.edu) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> if only i could
<MalkyTop> not stare at these lamps
<MalkyTop> lamp
<MalkyTop> one of them is off
<MalkyTop> the bulb
<MalkyTop> is off
<MalkyTop> renewable energy
<MalkyTop> judgement beam
<MalkyTop> if only everything ran on judgement beam
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> if I put the mousebad on my face
<Pharmacy> Judgement beam sounds like a scofflaw invention
<MalkyTop> and then the mouse on the mosuepad
<MalkyTop> then the mouse will be
<MalkyTop> the mouse
<MalkyTop> of victory
<Solaris> it does pharms
<MalkyTop> but then i will not see
<MalkyTop> unless
<MalkyTop> this mosue
<MalkyTop> is actually
<MalkyTop> xray
<MalkyTop> mosue
<MalkyTop> the xray mouse of the
<MalkyTop> skyyyyyyyyyyyyy
<MalkyTop> okay i figured it out
<MalkyTop> okay
Arrex (Mibbit@college9-20-204.resnet.ucsc.edu) has joined #grandbattle
Safknzh (~Sanzh@2602:306:ce65:e870:217f:68fa:72ef:3bfd) has joined #grandbattle
* Safknzh is now known as Sanzh
<Sanzh> Hi
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> okay
<MalkyTop> so i'm cold
<MalkyTop> my judgement jelly does not worm me
<MalkyTop> warm
<MalkyTop> this is because
<DragonFogel> Slorange: "A perpetually smiling face stared at thespot they had occupied,"
<MalkyTop> i cannot cry jelly
<MalkyTop> this judgement jelly
<MalkyTop> it is a curse
<Slorange> There were several such types
<Slorange> typoes
<MalkyTop> a curse of
<Slorange> I already corrected that one and some others
<MalkyTop> the duty
<MalkyTop> to be triumph
<MalkyTop> i judge
<MalkyTop> the triump of the gods
<DragonFogel> Okay then, I should reload the page then.
<MalkyTop> F4
<Solaris> slorange i really like this post and i like the various interactions you have here set up with the onlookers in the party and the grand magi back at cascala's home
<MalkyTop> when you don't F4 correctly
<MalkyTop> what has happened
<Arrex> Science
<MalkyTop> the nothing of the universe
<MalkyTop> that is
Pharmacy has quit (Quit: https://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<MalkyTop> yeast
<Slorange> Hooray
<MalkyTop> so yeasty
<MalkyTop> if only
* Arrex is now known as Pharmacy
<MalkyTop> we knew
<Slorange> I enjoyed writing the Grand Magi
<MalkyTop> that soylent green
<MalkyTop> was yeast
<MalkyTop> the living yeast monster
<MalkyTop> parasite
<MalkyTop> yeast parasite
<Slorange> I realize that character voice is one of my weak spots, writan-wise
<MalkyTop> i feel it on my tongue
<MalkyTop> yeast
<Slorange> But I feel like it flowed pretty naturally for these dudes
<MalkyTop> i hear this song
<Sanzh> snrk
<MalkyTop> this song about trains
<MalkyTop> I weep for the trains
<MalkyTop> the trains that bleed
<MalkyTop> for my pludes
<Sanzh> Malky tell me about trains
<MalkyTop> the
<Solaris> i think that without colors i probably would have still dinstguished most of their individual words except for a few of the lines between Suleiman and Nazim, so I agree!
<MalkyTop> stain glass windows
<Pharmacy> I have no idea what a plude is
<MalkyTop> understand
<MalkyTop> stain glass
<MalkyTop> when the destruction
<MalkyTop> of the trains
<MalkyTop> mean the cargo
<MalkyTop> is in danger
<MalkyTop> the plude
<Sanzh> okay
<MalkyTop> is at s take
<MalkyTop> and also the guardian
<MalkyTop> collateral
<MalkyTop> plude
<MalkyTop> pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
<MalkyTop> actually a prude
<MalkyTop> the life
<MalkyTop> is in your hands
<MalkyTop> pillars
<Sanzh> ugh I have my laptop actually on my lap
Pharmacy has quit (Quit: https://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<MalkyTop> when you look up
<MalkyTop> at the end of the pillar
<Sanzh> I can't work like this
<MalkyTop> what if that's the bottom
<Sanzh> hss
<MalkyTop> of the pillar
<MalkyTop> my legs
<MalkyTop> have been gold
<MalkyTop> from the warmsth of the space
<MalkyTop> it is unfortunate that the sun
<MalkyTop> cannot hug
Pharmacy (Mibbit@college9-20-204.resnet.ucsc.edu) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> it needs
<MalkyTop> hugs
<MalkyTop> sometimes
<MalkyTop> oh m god
<MalkyTop> it's 1 30
<MalkyTop> i siwht
<MalkyTop> i with that this wasn't
<MalkyTop> time
<MalkyTop> i bite time tongue
<MalkyTop> what if the house was made of time
<MalkyTop> this time
<MalkyTop> this cat
<Sanzh> I wish Ix were here for this
<Slorange> Okay bedtime
<Slorange> Th
<Slorange> an
<Slorange> k
<Slorange> y
<Slorange> ou
<Slorange> fo
<Slorange> r
<Slorange> you
<Slorange> r
<Slorange> words Solaris
<Sanzh> night Slor
Slorange has quit (Quit: Zzz)
<Pharmacy> Night
<MalkyTop> oh no
<MalkyTop> it's an
<MalkyTop> anagram
<MalkyTop> i know
<Solaris> awww i didnt get to goodnight
<MalkyTop> anachrogram
<MalkyTop> the cat lap
<MalkyTop> i love this
<MalkyTop> hap
<MalkyTop> she doesn't like my face
<MalkyTop> this face
<MalkyTop> of a litttile
<MalkyTop> trumpet
<MalkyTop> my universe trumpet
<Pharmacy> I feel like i am looking at lovecraft
<MalkyTop> if only
<MalkyTop> the horn of the century
<MalkyTop> i ate
<MalkyTop> this
<MalkyTop> speaker
<MalkyTop> speakersss
<MalkyTop> speakeres
<MalkyTop> now I can talk from my stomach
<MalkyTop> this mouth
<MalkyTop> of mine
<MalkyTop> mine sotmach
<MalkyTop> oh m ygod
<MalkyTop> someone
<MalkyTop> stop me
<MalkyTop> and this journal
<MalkyTop> this jounral from hell
<Agenmacy> :O
<Agenmacy> i hear Journal
<Sanzh> Malky please go to sleep
<MalkyTop> the journal
<MalkyTop> is a journey
Agenmacy the most unrelated whatsoever
<MalkyTop> i have found
<MalkyTop> the etymology
<MalkyTop> this is my
<MalkyTop> secret
<MalkyTop> i shall apply this jouranl
<MalkyTop> to my head
<MalkyTop> jourjal
<MalkyTop> journaly head
<Flummoy> man
<Flummoy> sometimes
<Flummoy> sometimes i wonder
<MalkyTop> i will be all
<MalkyTop> i will be everything and everybody
<MalkyTop> my me particles
<MalkyTop> in the world
<MalkyTop> all over
<MalkyTop> the stench
<MalkyTop> like a skunk
<MalkyTop> skunktank
<MalkyTop> this mouse doesn't wokr
<MalkyTop> my mouse miss
<Agenmacy> this entry into the hall of fame is going to be fantastic :3
<MalkyTop> spit
<MalkyTop> split
<MalkyTop> spittttt
<MalkyTop> this cat is my lovely
<MalkyTop> luute
<MalkyTop> my me
<MalkyTop> it's
<MalkyTop> gone
<MalkyTop> i am gone
<MalkyTop> from the plane
<Flummoy> gone
<MalkyTop> my only mementoes
<MalkyTop> are these
<MalkyTop> bears
<MalkyTop> my bears
<MalkyTop> if i had hair
<MalkyTop> in the eys of my
<Sanzh> your bears?
<MalkyTop> nunchucks
<MalkyTop> they would be
<MalkyTop> brown
<MalkyTop> brownberas
<Flummoy> nunchuck bears
<MalkyTop> like maracas
MalkyTop has quit (Quit: https://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
Indeedy, this log took up the entirety of Ychat's temporary capacity!
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
06-17-2012, 11:45 PM
Quote:* MalkyTop (Mibbit@ has joined #grandbattle
<MrGuy> Hi, engie, Malky.
<Bloodfist> hssss
<MalkyTop> guys
<MalkyTop> i learned a new wrorord from the internet
<MalkyTop> whats a peen
<MrGuy> Penis.
<NTA||Workin> A peen is.
<DragonFogel> Hi Malky.
<MalkyTop> Oh okay
<MalkyTop> that's all i needed to know
* MalkyTop has quit (Client Quit)
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
12-25-2012, 05:27 AM
Quote:<MalkyTop> what if you peed through your retinas
<DragonFogel> Malky, I'm pretty sure that question is a very strong sign that you need to get some sleep.
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
01-03-2013, 03:56 AM
Quote:MalkyTop (Mibbit@pool-108-28-6-248.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> i am announcing
<MalkyTop> that my fingers are jello
<MalkyTop> thank you
MalkyTop has quit (Client Quit)
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
01-03-2013, 04:02 AM
Quote:[02:39:52] MalkyTop: help me emmy eyes are spies
[02:40:17] MalkyTop: braids everywherhe......
Quote:[02:43:52] MalkyTop: everybody.....
[02:43:56] MalkyTop: my face......
[02:44:02] MalkyTop: it's like it's melting................
[02:44:10] Jacquerel: quick get like
[02:44:12] Jacquerel: a bottle
[02:44:13] Jacquerel: or some tape
[02:44:17] Jacquerel: you don't want any to get into the carpet
[02:44:40] MalkyTop: it's not actually melting....
[02:44:44] MalkyTop: what it is more like doing
[02:44:46] MalkyTop: is flaoting...
[02:47:33] MalkyTop: someone push me off
[02:47:38] MalkyTop: of this computer
[02:48:25] MalkyTop: what if
[02:48:30] MalkyTop: i had a porcelain moustache
[02:49:30] MalkyTop: i am going to
[02:49:38] MalkyTop: pass out....
[02:49:48] Dairun Cates: Oh no. Are you sick too?
[02:50:05] MalkyTop: nooooooooooooooooooooo
[02:50:08] MalkyTop: i am
[02:50:11] MalkyTop: tired
[02:50:15] MalkyTop: my face
[02:50:16] Jacquerel: she has a sickness of the mind
[02:50:26] Jacquerel: man's most terrible enemy
[02:50:29] MalkyTop: i am a woman
[02:50:33] Jacquerel: and woman
[02:50:43] MalkyTop: do nooyt onudnerstand
[02:50:47] Jacquerel: the foul and terrible demon that visits us all to steal our lives
[02:50:51] MalkyTop: the circle is the most terrible enemy
[02:50:54] MalkyTop: you don't
[02:50:56] MalkyTop: understnad
[02:50:57] MalkyTop: anything
[02:51:12] Jacquerel: no our most awful foe is... sleep
[02:51:18] MalkyTop: ducks........
[02:51:23] Dairun Cates: Sleepy Ducks
[02:51:27] MalkyTop: please just
[02:51:30] MalkyTop: shave
[02:51:30] Jacquerel: sleepy ducks are too adorable to be an enemy
[02:51:32] MalkyTop: pigs.....
[02:51:42] MalkyTop: i can't
[02:51:44] MalkyTop: ducks
[02:51:49] MalkyTop: i love ducks.....
[02:52:07] Jacquerel: ducks just kind of waddling around, struggling to keep their heads up as they slowly fall asleep
[02:52:16] MalkyTop: this isn't making me sleepier
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RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
03-13-2013, 03:43 AM
Been a while.
Quote:16:46 MalkyTop my cheeks feel like hard rock lasers
16:46 PickYerPoison pfffff
16:46 MalkyTop like if i blink i'm going to shoot lasers out of them
16:46 MalkyTop milk lasers
16:46 PickYerPoison I don't know how to respond to this
16:46 PickYerPoison help