One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Also what would ever make me reveal my role in this situation, all that will do is help point you in the right direction, and right now as has been said, I am extremely likely to be antitown, why would I help you on the chance that I might still be my original role, that seems like really bad play, you'll never take me alive! But if 6 people VOTE: SHUT THE HELL UP then I will promise not to post until day end where I will brag about my rediculous and near impossible victory!
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
6 votes of VOTE:GIFtime will unlock bonus gif only mode
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
(06-03-2014, 04:43 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »I was a Wolf (Vote: Faffy btw)
Seems straightforward enough.
Who've we got left? Fogel was clearly lying to cover Granola, and Garuru seems to be trying to disprove Granola's claim now that he's come clean. So I figure that's probably the minion and other wolf.
But there are way too many roles left unaccounted-for. I'd feel more comfortable if we had a clear robber.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
For what, not trusting you? Well, excuse me if I don't trust any town claims. I just don't think any of you are telling the truth. My list maxed out at 5, with the addition of SeaWyrm, which is admittedly implausible, but Fogel's lying, so nola is probably lying as well. Donut's lying. Faffy is just ???, and well I'd like to believe you, SeaWyrm, but it seems very likely you're supporting nola as well.

The problem, I suppose, is that nola probably believes that he was swapped, but Spandex is acting like a tanner that hasn't been swapped. So, okay, you're probably telling the truth, because there's no way there can be 5 scum, unless there is a drunk.

Because, guess what, I'm the seer. I saw unused roles 1 and 2, which were Hunter and Wolf. So, Fogel's lying, donut's lying. I want to say Donut used his lone wolf power to see the unused hunter, but with all these scummy people running around now, there has to be a Doppel!Wolf. Unless they were another Doppel!Robber!Wolf, in which case there's still only one scum.

It's either Donut or Faffy, I guess. If any of you are town, then I swear to god you are NOT helping at all by lying. Don't try to be cool.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Right, hang on, let me look at claims.

-Fogel: Claims Seer, checked Granola and saw Tanner
-Chwoka: Claims Insomniac, not targeted by anyone
-SeaWyrm: Claims Troublemaker, swapped Granola and Faffy
-Donut: Claims Hunter
-Granola: Claims Wolf, swapped onto Faffy
-Faffy: Has not made any useful claims at all and probably won't
-Garuru: Refuses to make a claim
-cyber95: Hasn't checked in
-Coldblooded: Hasn't checked in

The only way Granola and I can both be telling the truth is is a Doppelganger copied the Troublemaker and swapped him with the Tanner. Granola's play doesn't make any sense if he was originally Tanner unless he thinks SeaWyrm's bluffing, or if he's taking a chance as somehow ending up as Doppeltanner.

Then again, he could be trying to play us again? I don't even know, but Faffy is pretty clearly the worst lynch no matter what's going on. I'd sooner take a chance on lynching a drunk with no other information than go anywhere near that mess.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Oh hey, Garuru claimed while I was typing that. Vote: Garuru.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
EBWOP: Yes, I know I was already voting him.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
:D But seriously, I don't even know who is telling the truth (it isn't me btw) because way too many people are actually lying, I'm not even sure slorange got the roles right at this point, and I don't even care XD
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
ok cool garuru thanks for making the claim that you're still scum
vote will just sit there
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
@MOD: I suggest you check the role PM's just in case this clusterfuck isn't even supposed to be happening
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
How about this. I'm going to vote: Donut. If he's telling the truth and is the hunter then feel free to revenge kill me. If he's scum though then whoopee!
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
From my perspective none of this makes any sense
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
You're missing Pala on your notes Fogel
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Oh, so I am. Let's see... made one post and hasn't claimed.

WELL THEN. Pala, do you have anything to add to this mess?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
I mean if you want I could claim doppeldrunk and suggest that even I don't know what nola is, but then, that might be a clever lie
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Man wouldn't it be a thing if Doppledrunk turned the regular drunk back into a drunk. Just flavourwise, like you drank so much that you forgot you were a no-good drunk already.

Anyways, I am a Mason with a fellow mason. Was waiting to see what could be revealed but since the troublemaker's out now there's no reason to hide it. Would reveal who the other mason is, but I'd rather not give a potential scum doppleganger claim right away.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
I'm here, I'm here. Aaaand I think at this point there's no reason in withholding this kind of information so I'm the other Mason. So we can identify where another role is for trying to make things clear.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Just leaves Coldblooded, then.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Don't forget me, you don't know who I am yet :D
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
yes it is an incredible mystery
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Cool Seawyrm hasn't flipped yet. Looking legit.

Okay here's what's up:
I was lone wolf, unused card 2 was Seer.
Fogel's my Minion, I caught on to his protection gambit pretty fast.
Garuru's likely the Tanner.
Faffy is paranoid as fuck cuz he thinks he's Tanner, he was probably Drunk beforehand, that means I'm now either Robber, Seer, Doppleganger or the Wolf again. I have a 3/4ths chance of winning by lynching him, everyone else (minus poor Fogel) gets a free pass to easy street.

(I secretly hope Coldblooded claims Drunk cuz that would cinch my win too)

GG, I volunteer to host the next round.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Okay Faffy is neither the tanner nor wolf. Logic = Granola's lying about what role he saw, as role no. 2 is Wolf, to my reckoning. So, he's wolf trying to lynch minion. But I don't know where that leaves Fogel. Doppel!Minion? Hence, lynching Faffy is right out.

I maintain the town to listen to my proposal. We lynch Donut. If he's telling the truth, then he can hunter!kill whoever else we agree is scum. If he's not, then he's dead scum.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
I don't know who anyone is because there are more liars than there are scum and I love it :D
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
Garuru, that is dangerous, don't just auto-lynch hunter, it is probably one of the best roles to claim as the tanner
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Five - Day υ
alright, checks out. vote: faffy