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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:31 AM
Alright sorry for being out, I'm back. I've got very good alibis for not being in the thread for the past 18 hours. Also sorry for being such a newbie mafia-er; can someone quickly explain what the survivor deal is about?
Palamedes doesn't seem awful to me. Scum would have just shut the fuck up, or told some total lie like "another caramel townie" or come up with some other plausible harmless town/3P role. Tying yourself to this Maya Lowe business seems pointlessly risky, and I can't see any obvious purpose to doing so.
I cooould see caramel scum? That seems like the kind of amusing thing that would be thought up by the likes of Mod.
vote: Akumu
but I am also watching this not like a hawk but maybe more like a duck? A duck that is appropriately uneasy about the possibility of shenanigan overrun.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:33 AM
... Maya Lowe business?
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:34 AM
oh whoops I totally skimmed the part about akumu
vote: schazer
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:35 AM
Akumu was confirmed by Garuru to be (scum!Solaris) driven with Truegreen on N2. Scum would not drive two of their own when they could drive a guilty check with a known town inno check and get a free cop clear/guilty mislynch.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:35 AM
I was... trying to be clever like the cool kids. sorry.
Maya Lowe = MYLO.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 12:38 AM
Alright drivin exam, lemme go race around that course as fast as I can then I'll be back
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 09:58 AM
Alright alright Gnauga (and everyone else who suspects me tbh): If I'm hypothetically lynched and hypothetically flip scum, who's my scumbud to lynch tomorrow assuming you're not allowed to lynch Pala as the only other non-clear?
Also also the fact that Pala's been sitting on H-3 for twelve hours, where Seedy and Gnauga (who are the other non-clears bar the absent Nova) have checked in and not committed, is preeeeeetty telling. If scum have checked in and found out about the roles left lying around from discussions today, they would rightly be speedwagoning a town-sided Pala right now.
Unvote: Palamedes
I had a big thinkwall here about things, but the extent to which the town is fucked is pretty proportional the extent any number of non-town roles are absorbing and processing information, so you can have the below instead.
To the Survivor: I believe while it is not in your best interests to expose yourself at this juncture, considering the game state and assuming you are playing to win rather than being a sadistic little shit who wants to kingmake D9.
If you would be so kind as to reveal yourself, though, I can make it worth your while, in a manner likely equal parts hilarious and fruitful (for you) and disastrous (for me).
Eagerly awaiting your reply,
Ms. XXXX (mwah)
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 10:57 AM
saucy lass
also someone please explain the survivor thing? I thought they just had to be alive at game-end.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 11:41 AM
That's correct! It also means that they don't care whether town or scum wins, provided they're still alive and kicking when either faction's victory condition is met. For the bulk of a game's duration, a survivor's goal is to not get lynched or hit by a nightkill.
As endgame approacheth, the survivor has a choice between kingmaking (consciously choosing to play either protown or proscum) or playing "to win", wherein they run the numbers and choose the side whose victory will end the game quicker.
Thanks for claiming notSurvivor, Gnauga!
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 01:19 PM
i am totally the survivor hi
(not really the survivor is probably a lurky lurker)
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 01:31 PM
that's exactly what a survivor would say!
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 09:59 PM
Not Distracted By Werewolves Anymore Votals
Palamedes - 1 (Sotek)
Akumu - 1 (icanhasdonut)
Schazer - 2 (Palamedes, Gnauga)
With eight alive, it takes five to lynch. There is no more soft lynch.
Deadline is Tuesday, June 3rd at 11:59 Mountain time.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 10:10 PM
hhhrh i am leaning towards a pala lynch
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 10:41 PM
(05-30-2014, 09:24 PM)Sotek Wrote: »you're a mix of a third party
No I'm not a third party, I just think there is one, and our situation is a mix of that and what I've got going on.
I'm still all for a Schazer lynch but I think the best lead for a godfather/traitor lynch we could go for is probably Nova, who's kind of been in the background ever since getting cleared (as opposed to Gnauga or seedy who are still relatively active).
When Schazer flips scum I'd think Nova's still a solid option but I'd be more willing to accept seedy as a potential scumbuddy than Gnauga.
Seedy has the gist of me not saying my stuff because the only person really asking is Schazer. In no particular order here is the list of people I checked after Schazer.
Coldblooded seedy2.0 Sotek.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 10:45 PM
(05-31-2014, 09:58 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Also also the fact that Pala's been sitting on H-3 for twelve hours, where Seedy and Gnauga (who are the other non-clears bar the absent Nova) have checked in and not committed, is preeeeeetty telling. If scum have checked in and found out about the roles left lying around from discussions today, they would rightly be speedwagoning a town-sided Pala right now.
uh, maybe if it was mylo, but that doesn't really make sense when it's maybe-maybe mylo
especially if we're assuming whatever maybe-mylomaker there maybe is lies out of the hands of scum (such as a survivor)
sotek said something like "there has to be 2 scum," if pala's at h-3 why in god's name would these 2 guys try and speedwagon him especially if doing so involves relying on Survivor's Choice
it's just a terrible strategy, especially since if both you and pala were town there'd be no way to not get a mislynch. saying that mafia should have went out on a limb and speedwagon'd pala just for vague role insinuations is silly. the only way that'd make sense for mafia to do is if you're scum
it's extremely shifty logic that doesn't hold up well under bright lights and I don't really know about you trying to get the Only Other Non-Clear out of a lynch using it
also I wasn't paying attention to the votals and had the vague impression that we were close enough to hammers to hold off on voting until deadline was closer? based on how other people were acting about it
vote: Palamedes hrgh I was sold on this lynch and I still like it I'm just very ":/" about schazer's recent logic trains and where they seem to be going
ofc if pala is town that all changes and I'll just be ??? about that post
anyways @schaz if we lynched someone tomorrow that isn't one of you (as we very well might if we happen to get an inno from donut on one) I'd probably go for gnauga because I haven't really felt nova as scum much? nova's lurking but I like going for stuff I actually have a feeling on instead of "well they aren't playing."
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 11:19 PM
I don't know how to ask questions of Pala that accomplish anything if he's scum and are also not-horrible if he's not scum :(
I hate being the semi-townfirm D:
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 11:41 PM
Basically if at least two Sotek/donut/Akumu want me to spill all my details I will, but know that it does put us in some serious risk if we don't lynch scum today.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 11:43 PM
Well you're going to have to start asking who the other scumfriend is in the hypothetical scenario that it's me, because it's not me, there's at least two scum alive right now, and you're looking like the best option.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
05-31-2014, 11:43 PM
spill your info which helps town or i lynch you
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:11 AM
Oh hey also you want an extra town player to ask you to reveal?
Well this might finally convince you, because I can't tell anymore who's trying to let insinuated things not get any more said, and who's scum licking their chops.
So here we go.
Full disclosure.
Y'all asked for it.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:17 AM
More specifically (to the best of my knowledge): THE Doctor
Thank god I got that off my chest
Lord almighty now we can finally start laying stuff out in the open
My protects were Mirdini Eberron Garu and then Donut all the way to shitstorm station here on Day 8, but that even ain't the half of what I've gotta tell you folks before I eat nightkill and save Sotek and whoever the hell his lover is.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:19 AM
If Pala is town, they probably have a decent reason for being mum about this. A possibility is that doing so could somehow turn the survivor against us; dunno what the mechanics of that would be. might also be that scum can make it a MYLO tonight ex-post-facto, if they have Pala's information, like if they lynch a death-bomb aimed at a townie. But if they're scum, well, it's not like the information would do us any good anyway. pretty much what im saying is that mafia is confusing my feeble brain even more than it usually does.
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:21 AM
oh hey schazer's doing a thing hi schazer
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits Of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:22 AM
Hi Gnauga
are you gonna take your vote off me yet?
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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 8: The Seven Habits of Highly Dead People
06-01-2014, 12:27 AM
Hey, There's Some Voting Going On
Palamedes - 2 (Sotek, Seedy)
Akumu - 1 (icanhasdonut)
Schazer - 2 (Palamedes, Gnauga)
With eight alive, it takes five to lynch. There is no more soft lynch.
Deadline is Tuesday, June 3rd at 11:59 Mountain time.
Important note: Nova is under consideration for replacement if he doesn't give me some sign of paying attention by the time the day-end deadline hits.