One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Well, let's see.

SeaWyrm's probably antitown. So's Garuru.

Schazer's tanner.

Slorange has no reason to believe he's minion or tanner, so any self-vote is a loss for him.

According to Chwoka, Gnauga's a wolf.

So we might not actually have the votes of a majority. Yay?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Uh, clarification. The Voting Period means you may make one last post dedicated to finalizing your vote.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Vote: Slorange
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Vote: Gnauga
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
glad it only took two tries to find the right thread
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
And that's six confirmed against Slorange.

But before we do the killing, let's go over a few things.

(05-23-2014, 02:09 AM)Granolaman Wrote: »Man, this game really is stacked in town's favor. Scum just don't stand a chance.

Just keep this in mind.

First up, things were looking bad for Schazer early on! Let's just take a look at oh hey, she's a Doppelganger. Town-aligned Doppelganger, and more specifically, with the Robber identity. But who was the original doppelganger? And who did they copy?

Well, obviously they copied the Robber, who at the moment is Dragon Fogel.

And Fogel knew this, because he was originally the Insomniac, so he was aware of being robber when Granolaman stole from him.

The runner up popular vote, although it didn't seem to have much of a shot, was Gnauga. Shame on you, trying to kill your Seer. And said something about seeing an unused Werewolf role? That would be Unused Role 2, in fact.

The Drunk took Role 3, the Hunter, so Palamedes could have had an extra kill if targeted today.

Which leaves Unused Role 1, the Mason. Which left one mason all on his lonesome this round. Right now, that Mason is Chwoka.

And the Troublemaker swapped Chwoka and Slorange around, said troublemaker being icanhasdonut. So what is Slorange now? Well hold on a moment, just two more things to handle.

Our claimed doppelganger said they stole Seer role from SeaWyrm, but that can't be, because SeaWyrm is in fact the Tanner! And we already know the Doppelganger stole the Robber.

Which was from Granolaman of course. And maybe Schazer did actually think that Garuru was a Seer, after all, he knew that she was a Werewolf. But of course, he really just stole her lycanthropy for himself as a DoppelRobber.

Which brings us to Slorange. And, well, we have one wolf here today.

Slorange was the Minion!


Team Werewolf consisted of Garuru as the Werewolf and Slorange as the Minion!

Everybody else is overpowered and destroyed by a single wolf. Harsh.

seawyrm gets bonus points for
(05-23-2014, 01:14 AM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »Actually, Chwoka was minion.
Sorry, Slorange.
as a tanner
like was this supposed to be an incorrect claim so later on somebody could see how wrong it is and be all like 'deflecting blame seawyrm is the wolf'!! and then accidentally getting it right or what

thanks for play, it was really really funny to watch

special thanks to granolaman for the funniest post of the game

Here's a more cohesive summary

RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Oh jesus shit so lemme get this straight

Garu Doppeled Granola, the Robber, then stole off me, the Wolf, turning me into a spare Robber.
Meanwhile, original Robber Granola stole off Fogel. Fogel was an Insomniac so he got to see the change go down.
Donut Troublemade Chwoka and Slorange. Chwoka didn't know he was no longer antitown; Slorange ostensibly didn't know he had a new wincon.

This fucking game
Sign me up for Round 3
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Yes! Was not expecting that to work, I had Slorange pinned as minion around the end. I was so tense the whole game, you don't even know, I was worried over who the other wolf was.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
chwoka you fucked up
I told you you weren't antitown
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Yeah no, Chwoka was antitown (Minion) before you Troublemake'd him and turned him into the Only Mason. Because the Troublemaker hit him, he never received any indication that he turned into town.

So his actions have to be considered as though he thought he was anti-town still.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Garuru more like Garurude.

On the bright side, nobody's going to be able to trust a Seer claim now what with the Doppel-Robber combination used to such vicious effect!
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Dayend i
Also, Doppel!Robber is the best role. Good game, you all. This was probably the most intense game of mafwolfhunt I've ever played. Sign me up for round 3.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
It's more like, Doppel->Robber->Wolf gives you a ridiculous amount of information about roles in play that it's more or less the perfect storm to set up a scum win (not to discredit your play this round). It was a scenario that I hadn't even envisioned when you pulled the Seer claim which was why I was flailing so badly.

I think getting tossed in the middle of all the logic-puzzlery has, at least, switched my brain on so now I might actually be able to contribute in the upcoming round.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Geez, I didn't even think of that scenario.

Chwoka, dang it, this is your fault.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Dang, just dang.

I'll do a third round too.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Dangnabit chwoka, you team killing basterd.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Next game I'm just straight up claiming troublemaker just to mess up everything worse.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
sign me up
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
I'd like another shot at this. Don't worry everyone, I've learned my lesson about true claiming and trying to act protown.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Sign me up for the next one!
(Hah, deep down, I knew Chwoka was minion the whole time. I can read you like a book, Chwoka. Even when you haven't actually posted yet.)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
see i thought slorange was tanner, so my strategy was to convince everyone i was the wolf and then to "accidentally" discredit donut as troublemaker as subtly as i could so it looked like a rookie mistake

edit: gnauga really fucked with my head there since i knew i was a minion and was told schazer was wolf, so seawyrm and garuru's stories, both of which pile on top of and supported one of the other, checked out twice over and couldn't POSSIBLY be chalked up to chance. turns out, yeah it pretty much was. (ironic that the one guy who believed them was the leading force in painting them as scum.) tried to figure out if gnauga was tanner by seeing if they would steer into my wolfclaim, and if they did, i'd know slorange was actually mason and i could reverse my old wolfclaim — which from the looks of things would have confused things EVEN MORE. if they didn't, discrediting gnauga by extension credits schazer as surprise valid seer and her implied seer powers used on donut, thus getting me lynched because if donut's not the troublemaker i must be the wolf. i was so happy when granola ALMOST fell for it. only problem was that schazer inexplicably steered away from saying she actually used her seer powers and threw the whole thing in the trash.

overall though, fun times. i feel like i just graduated from connect four to chess
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
hahaha, this fuckin' game

i'm in again
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
i'll take another spin too, yeah
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Signups
Chwoka, you outsmarted yourself. Here's the thing.

Slorange's mason claim went unchallenged and so did Donut's troublemaker claim.

The only way they could have been lying would be if both roles weren't in the game. By the time all the claims were in, the requirements for you NOT to be a mason - and therefore town - were pretty ludicrous, as my theoretical situations showed.

-For you to not be town, one of these situations must hold: Donut isn't actually Troublemaker, or Slorange has to be a non-town role. (Tanner, Wolf, or Doppelgangercopying anti-town)
-Can these both happen at once? No, due to the lack of counterclaims. There would need to be two unused Mason cards and an unused Troublemaker, but with your minion knowledge you already knew there was only one wolf. You can't have two masons, a wolf, and a troublemaker among three unused cards.
-So let's say Slorange is lying about being the only mason. Nobody else claimed mason, so that card must not have been in the game at all. You know there was originally a wolf card not in the game. This means all other cards are in the game.
Problem: No one has, at any point, ever claimed to be a hunter. And anyone who was once a hunter would have no reason to lie about that, unless they were swapped with a wolf (which can't plausibly happen under this scenario because the Troublemaker's assumed to be telling the truth.)
-So now we're left with Donut as a liar. Again, nobody has reason to hide being Troublemaker, so that card's not in the game. You know there's only one wolf. And nobody has reason to hide second mason, so that card's not in the game either.
Problem: The hunter again. Still unaccounted for.

So with your specific knowledge that there's only one wolf, and the fact that mason and troublemaker haven't been counterclaimed, and the fact that hunter hasn't been claimed (outside of Pala saying he is but only because he was a drunk), it's impossible for you to not be a mason - and therefore town - unless town players are hiding details for no reason.

On the other hand, if you reveal that you actually were minion and Schazer's a wolf, well, I guess we assume SeaWyrm and Garuru are telling the truth and lynch her and lose anyways. I'm not even sure how we'd be able to figure it out otherwise.

We might have gotten Garuru by luck if we hadn't suspected SeaWyrm of being minion, that's probably the silliest part of all this.