Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion probably passed out somewhere in the pokemon center. Sure hope someone helps him out eventually.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Hey, we can always go back eventually. Fly there on a dragon, maybe." Clifton shrugs. "But yeah, nothin' wrong with that. You planning to put out a book or an exhibit or something, just sell 'em as souvenirs, keep them in an album once you head back home?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Um, I think I could actually get it published. Like, a collection of cool pics and junk. Although I'm not really planning that far. Right now, it's just me going with the flow, you know? That's kind of why I left home as well. You wouldn't believe the pressure I had on me there. Everybody wanted me to go to college. I'm 14! I should be enjoying life, not stuck in a classroom for the rest of my life."
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RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Preaching to the choir, man. Then again, I dunno. Maybe things would've been better if I'd stayed in school, but I didn't have the scratch to go anywhere nice unless I scored a big scholarship, and that definitely wasn't happening anytime soon." Clifton takes a long swig of water. "I guess I could always go back, but at this point I feel like it'd be more worth my time just to keep practicing. Which reminds me, if I ever get this damn thing fixed I should try and earn some money with it."

He turns to Sturm. "What about you, big guy? I don't really get your deal besides 'punching things.'"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Sturm looks up from his steak and gives Clifton a dull look. He knocks on his horned helmet indicatively and goes back to eating.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"...Right. Well, anyway, I think that nap did me good, since I've gotta pull an all-nighter if I'm going to catch that Dale guy." Clifton finishes up his meal, then heads out to the beach, bringing Calloway out to get some practice.

Upon reaching it, he stares in awe at the pile of fainted Pokemon bobbing in the water. "Guess I'm a bit late to the party, huh, Raph?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raph is standing at the edge of the water, staring anxiously out towards Stryker and some dueling Tentacools. "I...well, Sturm did most of the work..."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Marc just kind of stares, awed, at Sturm. What was his deal, anyways? Maybe he doesn't speak English? But he seems to understand them. He wondered if he should invest in a Norwegian dictionary or something. He decided that he would look for one tomorrow, when he got some sleep. Idly eating from Clif's platter, he started to nod off a little.
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RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
At the Pokemon Center, somebody nicely enough decided to carry the 12 year old collapsed kid upstairs to one of the Trainer Beds. Bastion may also be missing a potion, in other news.

Over at the beach
Clifton caught Casta!

and Raph caught Ruby!

A crab was fought, experience was gained. A good night at the beach overall.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raph clutches at her growing pokeball collection with a fire in her eyes. Slowly, she staggers back up the beach, her steps imprinted deep in the loose sand; as she enters the Pokemon center Stryker leaps onto her back and pulls out the pokeballstick. She barely registers handing all her pokemon (all her pokemon! Plural!) to the center to be healed, and getting them back. Sleepily, she heads upstairs and collapses on her bed, snoring.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Sturm goes and sleeps off his fightin' injuries.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Marc also sleeps I guess.
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RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Clifton follows shortly behind Raphael, Calloway weakly bleating as he trails behind. Once his mons are healed up, they head up to bed, but not before Clifton brings out Riff and Casta.

"Riff, Calloway, you guys did great today. I'm real proud of you, and you guys are gonna make all the gym leaders and contest... haver... competitor guys, uh, let me try that again. You guys are gonna crush the gym leaders and/or dazzle the judges all across Airot." He pets them both, Riff on the head and Calloway on the fluffy body.

He then turns his attention to Casta, who he gives a quick pat on the head. "And as for you, I'm sure you'll be great too, once I figure out what you're best at!" He returns everyone to their pokeballs and makes sure to set some form of alarm for early in the morning so he can catch Ranger Dale at the beach. Then when he wakes up he'll do that thing that I just said.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Tori is simultaneously impressed at this fat asshole's resourcefulness and how little fucks he gives. Seeing as he's technically not her Pokemon, she's not responsible if anyone gets pissed off at missing fruit. Lorin seems happy enough, too, and come to think of it would they let a wild Pokemon tromp around in a hospital?

She calls her bird over, and gives him a strap of Berry Leather. "Alright, I don't think the big guy can join us in those bunk rooms, so what do you want to do? Keep an eye on him for me, or come back to the Centre?"

I assume Lorin will play Tropius-sitter for me, so I eventually head back to the Pokemon Centre and have myself an early night.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

7:00 AM

It's a bright shiny day today in Stout City, and the alarms have gone off for those that set them. The others can sleep in or whatever or get up with everybody else. All the store are open now so feel free to visit wherever you want this morning.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Tori is going to be a contrary motherfucker and sleep until 8am at the very earliest.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Clifton brings out Calloway and heads for the beach, looking around for ranger types. He also checks to see if the Crawdaunt's body is still around, or if someone's removed it.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

"Rise and shine, Owei!"

He calls Krebscorps out, and they go on an Adventure towards the shops. Everybody is still kind of sleepy, but Marc excitedly bursts in the Perfume store, and peruses the contents.
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RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raphael rolls out of bed, wrapping the blanket around her. She inchworms sleepily out the door with Gabby standing on her head before finally thrashing free. She looks around the Pokemon center and heads out into the street with Stryker and Gabby in tow - she's not an expert but she doesn't think a jellyfish pokemon will do well out of water.

She wanders into the useless shit shop.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Clifton and the Beach
There's more activity on the beach right now than there was at night. Not much but there's a few people hanging out. You think a couple of them are trainers. Oh, hey, that looks like a Ranger who's surveying the area.

No sign of the battle you had, aside from a few marks in the sand. You think maybe it was dragged out to sea from what the indents in the sand look like.

Marc Smellin' Pretty
Marc enters Poise N' Grace and is immediately greeted by a powerful aroma. It's not... strictly unpleasant but it stings your nose a little. You'd almost think it's just from the smell being so strong if it weren't for the very large toxins warning on the wall.
It's a cozy little boutique. There are many different perfumes lining the walls, which seem to share the distinction of being all made of the toxins poison pokemon produce. They range from cheap and small 200P bottles to the more luxurious 4000P bottles. There's a noticable hatch on the ground but it's covered by one of the shelves. No getting at that unless you want to knock over tens of thousands of P worth of equipment.
At the back of the store there's a black mat covering an alcove, with scorch marks on the wall. The sign above the area indicates that the employees all have Pokemon and are willing to accept challengers there. Speaking of which, there are three. One manning the register and two by the shelves.

Raph Goes Junk Shopping
Generic brand sodas, subpar chocolate bars, party favors galore, cheap books and art supplies, lighters in every color of the rainbow, they've got everything here that you could expect to grab for cheap. Plenty of super cheap nonessentials you can find at any time, but the real attraction of these stores is the Overstock Shelf. Always front and center, sometimes they get things that you actually want, and they're real cheap.
Today's Overstock Special is a Traveller's Cooking Kit! A small kettle and firetop cooking set, along with a few plastic plates and utensils. Not fancy, but will help you get your grub on when you aren't close enough to a Pokemon Center's food replicator. On sale for an astonishing 500P while supplies last!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Clifton approaches the Ranger, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, you're Dale or whoever, right? Everything going alright over here? No more gigantic crab attacks?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion wakes up and is super chill and happy and then smiles because he's so happy and nice feeling. Yeah.

He decides to go to the beach.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Marc decides that yeah maybe he needs to get in the battling scene a bit more. The way he is, he feels like a bit of a burden to the others. So he probably goes up to the counter and politely asks for a battle, maybe? And to not be too hard on him or something. He has Krebscorps out at the moment.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Tori wakes up, acquires coffee, goes looking for Lorin and the Tropius.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raphael stands in front of the cooking kit, trying to decide whether it's worth 500 out of her dwindling stash of cash to obtain. She paces, hems and haws, and is generally an indecisive picture.

So Gabby takes the initiative, and also the kit, and also Raph's wallet. Before she knows it, Raph has become 500P poorer but she can now cook things on the go! Always essential for the camping.

Stryker wears the sturdy kettle as a hat.

Raphael makes a break for it before Gabby sees anything else he likes, and runs down to the beach. It seems like a safe enough spot.