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02-05-2014, 12:13 AM
Username: Dragon Fogel
Name: Armsbreaker
Race: Munitions Disposal Unit
Gender: None
Color: #778899
Biography: The world was at war. There were no safe havens. The tanks tore through every city, bombs were dropped on every capital, and soldiers slaughtered each other in the streets. There was no such thing as a civilian any more; either you killed or you were killed.
And Dianne Sarm was sick of it all. Twenty years ago, when this whole mess had started, she had been training as an engineer, with a dream of creating a machine that would change the world. Since then, she'd been conscripted to design new engines of war, which she only did because they needed to fight off the engines of war the enemy was using.
But over the years, and as governments fell and retained her services, she smuggled a few spare parts into a secluded area of the research bunker. Over twenty years of rare free moments, she slowly built the machine that would put an end to all war: the Armsbreaker.
Made from an incredibly durable alloy, the Armsbreaker would walk onto a battlefield and smash every piece of weaponry, from the smallest of pistols to the largest of tanks. The soldiers would be left with only knives and their bare hands if they cared to continue the fighting.
No one can say if it would have succeeded in ending the war, however, as moments after Dianne turned it on, it vanished.
Weapons and Abilities: The Armsbreaker is crafted from materials that are very hard to damage. It can walk into a hail of heavy artillery with only minor scratches, which is pretty much necessary for doing its job.
The Armsbreaker carries no weapons save its own powerful limbs; it has two powerful claws in place of arms, which it will use to physically crush any heavy weaponry it comes across. Its legs are quite powerful as well, and it can deliver a nasty kick if it needs to.
It also has jets installed in its feet, and is capable of sustained flight. Ms. Sarm realized early on that it would need to be able to challenge helicopters and planes or they'd just shoot it from the sky until it stopped moving.
Description: The Armsbreaker is a large humanoid robot, roughly the size of an adult grizzly bear. It was cobbled together from spare parts and very much looks like it; Dianne wasn't especially concerned with aesthetics so long as it worked.
Personality-wise, the Armsbreaker is completely devoted to its mission of destroying every gun it recognizes. It will pursue this task with the highest priority no matter the situation. It's capable of speech, but isn't much of a conversationalist; mostly it tells disarmed targets to surrender to avoid needless injury.
Speaking of that, the Armsbreaker will not intentionally harm humans, though it won't be especially concerned with protecting them if it's in the middle of disarmament. It also has some basic programming for self-preservation, which mostly boils down to "run away if you come across something that actually poses a threat to you".
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02-05-2014, 02:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2014, 02:58 AM by Truegreen.)
Username: Truegreen
Name: Cannone
Species: Large Tube
Gender: Tuboid
Color: An insidiously unassuming #696969
Description: Cannone appears to be an eight foot pillar of metal. Closer inspection will reveal that it is hollow in the center. Even closer inspection would reveal the minute glowing sigils engraved around this hollow space and conveniently reveal their function, violently preventing further inspection. When in motion Cannone will often roll along the ground. When threatened, however, Cannone will propel itself end over end at its attacker, a frightening and often lethal display of aggression.
Weapons/Abilities: Cannone is engraved with two different human runic languages and one of unknown but most certainly alien origin. Each of these scripts describes a specific enchantment placed upon Cannone. The original purposes of each spell are long forgotten. The spells have twisted and changed each other, interacting in unexpected ways. The result is Cannone's unique set of skills. For one thing, Cannone seems to be able to change its composition to virtually any solid. Its central chamber exerts a powerful pull towards its center. Anything unlucky enough to enter either aperture will be trapped in the center of the tube. Once an object is trapped Cannone will do one of two things. It will violently rip the object apart or expel it at great force from itself.
Biography: Cannone was originally found at the bottom of a crater in Sicily. Then, merely an inert, if unusual, metal tube it was passed on from collector to collector. Very few ever recognized it as magic. Only one was foolish enough to think he could harness its power. The Italian wizard was momentarily surprised when his runic scribbling brought the artifact to life. He was then ripped into individual atoms and scattered around the room. Cannone proceeded to rampage through the Italian countryside. Crops were torn from the ground, roads were reduced to mud, and many a small brave dog was devoured by this unstoppable terror. And then it just disappeared. Some still wonder what happened to it. Most are just glad that it's gone and pray it will never return.
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02-06-2014, 09:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 04:28 PM by Solaris.)
Username: Sols
Name: Kreder
Species: Monster, Centrall
Gender: It's a monster
Color: nothing more royal than purple
Description: Kreder is a large quadruped creature with four black claws on each of its pink feet, various white markings on its lighter pinkish-purple skin, and a white mouth with sharp black teeth. It has no eyes in the traditional sense, but still sees via the series of appendages that it also uses to eat, drink, and breath. These pink appendages are on its back and can retract and extend as Kreder needs. When the appendages are retracted, it has a sleek and smooth aerodynamic look.
Kreder is at its core, a guard dog, though a peculiar one. It simply follows the will of whoever is strongest. While it is currently devoted to keeping the Centrall Royalty safe at all costs, it is only because of the High Queen's great strength. It is not intelligent per se, it is self aware enough to not be easily fooled by tricks and is extremely devoted to whatever cause it aligns itself to. Once it has a goal in mind, it will break through everything in its path to get to it.
Weapons/Abilities: Kreder's claws and teeth only have one purpose, which is to destroy whatever needs to be destroyed. As such, they are, along with the rest of its body, nigh-unbreakable. It is far more likely that Kreder will harm itself than you will harm it, especially given its tendency to go far above the call of duty. It can also regenerate.
Biography: EMPIRACLES was the most powerful warrior of the Nyorth District to date, and it showed. The towering machine like creature easily entered the Centrall Tower, home to the Centrall High Queen and his target. EMPIRACLES let lose lasers and gunfire on the Centrall monsters, tearing through them like butter, only focusing on his target.
He would never get there.
There were tremors, a rumbling, faint at first, but it grew as EMPIRACLES moved forward. He ceased moving, having heard rumors of some creature that would stop at nothing to defend the High Queen. He took out his blade, confident that even such a creature would do nothing to him.
EMPIRACLES held out his blade defensively in the direction of tremors, there was a door, and as soon as it opened, he would swing.
Instead, Kredor broke through the doors, charging in the air like a giant bullet, breaking EMPIRACLES' blade upon contact and still flying forward into his face. EMPIRACLES used his jet propulsion to launch the beast backwards, and off of his body, and then sent forward more weaponry. It proved ineffective, with Kredor just leaping forward, ignoring the superficial damage from his weaponry and continuing his charge.
EMPIRACLES opted to hold his ground, burrowing his feet so that he could grab the beast and then pin it to the floor before tearing it apart. Kredor ceased his charge for a moment, leaped back, and then recoiled his body, his feet disappearing under his flesh. There was a moment of silence, and then Kredor leaped forward with a loud boom.
EMPIRACLES, to his credit committed to the plan and succeeded at grabbing the creature. However, Kredor's mouth opened wide and ate through his chestplate. EMPIRACLES had a hole in his chest, but the damage did not stop there. Kredor's momentum was stronger than his strength, and the creature continued through his body. EMPIRACLES screamed as his own grip on the creature caused his arms to rip off and follow Kredor through his own body.
Its job done, Kredor returned to its master, awaiting the next time that it would serve her.
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02-11-2014, 03:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 03:54 AM by Gnauga.)
Username: Gnu Gear
Name: Lacie and Browniefly
Species: Human and Landboat
Gender: Female and N/A, respectively
Color: Sedimentary orange
Description: Lacie's a young lass dressed in the typical fashion for a dust-sailor: a tightly-woven, loose poncho between red and brown, over a plain outfit, tucked meticulously to keep out the sand. She's a freelancer, sailing the sands, seeing the world, and making a living any way she can. She's the capricious sort, and lives by the rule of always doing the more interesting thing.
Browniefly's a landboat, about the size of a sport fishing vessel. Like all land-boats, it's powered by an geomancy engine. Landboats part the earth ahead of them, and propel forward into the gap. Landboats typically sail through the sands that cover most of the desert world. More solid earth is tougher to push through, although some military and specialty engines can cut through rock like fine sand. Geo-engines can't part or propel through anything but earth, and most landboats aren't buoyant either.
Weapons/Abilities: Lacie's proficient with small arms. She keeps a handful of guns aboard the Browniefly, including an elephant gun for the occasional murder-bull*. Besides that, she's a passable mechanic and an experienced trader. Not much good in hand-to-hand, but that's what the six-shooters are for.
*(A murder-bull is a towering four-legged beast that is slow when flat-footed, but reach simply unreasonable speeds in a charge. The general consensus is that murder-bulls have some form of natural rage-fueled time-dilation magic.)
Browniefly is loaded with whatever Lacie's hauling at the moment. She was in the middle of running paper from Oasis to Canyon, so they currently have a lot of that, in addition to all the crap one needs to keep a landboat running, like maintenance tools and shovels and stuff. Also rations.
Browniefly also touts a non-standard bit of equipment. A swivel-mounted cannon that fires cracks into the earth. Theoretically, it could split the earth in half. Practically, that would take too long to charge. As in, too many millenia. A typical shot would be about a ten-meter crack. The thing's not perfect and occasionally misfires, which backdrives the geo-engine and grounds the boat for a minute or two until the engine recovers. Like the landboat's propulsion, it only affects earth, so no cracking open people. Pretty sure that'd be crazy unethical. Metals take the hit roughly as if it were a cannonball, though.
Lacie's a native of Canyon, which is a small city that's carved out of a, uh, canyon. The rock around Canyon is obscenely tough. It's virtually impossible for any landvessel to get too close to Canyon; within six or seven miles, Canyon must be approached on foot. Living quarters within Canyon are blasted out with high explosives, and as a result, Canyon's most well-known and prolific trade has become bombs, explosives, artillery, and so on. Along that vein, Canyon's also home to many tinkerers, chemists, and mages, with plenty of overlap. It's one of these tinkerer-engineer-wizards that developed Browniefly's cannon. The old coot offered to let Lacie keep it if she'd test it out on the sands, which Lacie naturally agreed to because hey, free cannon. Lacie typically uses it to bury pirate vessels a meter or two, forcing most boats to spend ten or fifteen minutes wiggling out. Other uses include: mining, buried treasure-hunting, and entertaining pets and small children.
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02-11-2014, 04:31 AM
(so this is ending in like 10 hours exactly. get those last-minute profiles in, slackers.)
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02-11-2014, 02:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 02:49 PM by Gatr.)
And it's over!
Since I only got like 6 profiles, I'm only going to give out 6 awards. Deal with it. :P
The Iron Chef Special Ingredient award goes to Johann Pachelbel, because I was sincerely not expecting a character based on religious canon.
The Diligent Gentleman award goes to Maylenne, which really should be obvious. I mean, someone who can force any two people into a relationship? Fucking. Gold.
The Backdoor Worldbuilding award goes to Armsbreaker, because, while a world constantly at war is interesting, the story of a machine built to end all that fighting is even more so.
The Synergy award goes to Kreder, mainly because a powerful monster who only follows whoever is strongest would actually encourage war in a cannon-filled grand battle.
The 20Q Award for Confusing Me goes to Cannone. I imagined a long tube inscribed with magical sigils flipping itself end over end at me, with the intent to shoot me out of itself, and I was like ???.
And the Best of Show award goes to Lacie and Browniefly, who is a very nice character overall. Like, seriously, it checks off each of the categories in turn. Nice job.
Well, this was fun! Thank you everybody, and great job writing such amazing profiles!
![[Image: 6xGo4ab.png]](
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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02-11-2014, 04:51 PM
So DISCLAIMER: I don't know if anyone has already laid claim to this week's hosting spot, but I'm here now and I'd like to host a round of this.
If nobody has any objections this week's theme will be...
interpret it in any way you wish
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02-11-2014, 08:14 PM
Username: Truegreen
Name: Grin Sel
Species: Trickster
Gender: Male
Color: A surprisingly charming #DAA520
Description: Oh who is this man in a fine suit holding that dignified cane. An elegant hat tops his head. His hair hangs down like a mane. Oh but what an ugly face he has. What a short and scrawny fellow. His skin is green and wrinkled, his eyes insane and yellow. Oh who does he think he's fooling, this goblin in the finery of man. Neither you nor I, but that gleam in his eye says we should run while we still can.
Weapons/Abilities: He is frozen in form. Trapped forever in his shape. No age can move him. No injury will persist. Even should he be destroyed he will return to his final shape. He will never change and never grow. Might I remind you he carries a cane?
Biography: Grin Sel was a notorious trickster and shape-shifter. Every day he would fly around the world in search of another game. Many a man and god were made fools by his clever tricks. He was hated by many and loved by few but one despised him most of all, the god Rom, lord of the sky. Rom once owned the moon and the stars, and kept them to himself hidden away under his cloak. Grin tricked Rom and stole them, scattering them in the darkness as he fled so Rom could never again touch them. For a hundred years the god watched the shape-shifter, ever plotting his demise. Rom laid the perfect trap set with the perfect bait, the most beautiful woman on the earth or heavens, Rom's daughter Iji. Grin was flying as he always did in the form of a black raven when he spotted her. Grin had a weakness for beautiful women and could not resist flitting down to speak with her. Iji slowly lead him towards a great cabin deep in the forest. At the threshold the pair stopped and Grin leapt from her shoulder, transforming at once into a tall and handsome figure. "Oh sweet Iji" he said to her with a voice like honey. "It is clear to me you are a very lonely girl, allow me into your house and I could keep you company." "Oh I would love to," she replied with a blush "But you are simply much to tall for me!" and so Grin grew shorter and shorter until he was but half her height "Oh my Iji now will you let me in so you will not be so lonely?" he asked. "Oh I would love to" she replied, "But your skin is simply much too smooth" So Grin changed his skin, allowing it to wrinkle and warp. "Now Iji, lovely Iji, will you not let me in now?" he crooned growing somewhat impatient with this game. "Oh my darling raven" She replied, "You are so beautiful, but you remain quite mundane, if you could find it within you to become a little more exotic..." and no sooner had she spoken the words than Grin became a pale green color. "Am I exotic enough for you my lady?" exasperation growing in his voice "You are perfect" Iji replied with a smile, "why don't we go inside." But the moment Grin crossed the threshold of the cabin Rom burst forth and wrapped him in chains of gold and stole away his power over forms. Grin struggled and bit but could not break free. Rom hung him on a hook in the front hall and laughed in his victory. Night fell and while Rom slept Iji snuck off stealing Grin away. From their son was born the line of Gob and the race of Goblins. Rom's curse has kept him alive, never able to change permanently, never able to age nor die by injury. He is worshiped as a god and king by all of Goblin kind.
-Rosh Na's Tales of Myth
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02-12-2014, 04:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 04:37 PM by Solaris.)
Username: Solarisssss
Name: The Coffin of Iebem
Species: Corpse?
Gender: It... it's a box...
Color: ??????
Description: The Coffin is a stone box that is sealed with chains, various paper seals, and magic to never ever ever ever open, except in a specific set of circumstances. The seals form a star while the chains are coiled around, both of them hiding the intricate runes that have faded away over time. It is heavy and large, but oddly enough there doesn't seem to be anything inside...
Weapons/Abilities: Due to the many magical bindings, the Coffin of Iebem is completely incapable of doing anything on its own and if there is anything inside, it is completely unable to affect the world around it in any manner.
However, if for some hypothetical reason it were to activate... it is possible that whoever activated it would be possessed or empowered, depending on how you look at it, by whatever is sealed inside. If there's something in there.
Biography: It is written, in ancient script on the side of the Coffin.
Be Careful Around This Coffin, For Those Who Seek Refuge From Danger Shall Only Find More In The Form Of Their Savoir
And on the other side, there's something unintelligible...
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02-13-2014, 01:03 PM
Username: Solbruizer
Name: Mica
Species: Chitea
Gender: Genderless
Color: Beetle bright
Description: Chitea were one of Solbruin's Twelve Savage Beasts, created before the First Fall. Moulting and growing every five years or so to a maximum hundred feet in height, Mica is a juvenile standing at about eleven feet tall. Chitea are insectoid, sport an armorlike black carapace, and have two legs and four arms. They have a flat, rounded tail reminicent of an ant's abdomen which counterbalances their forward-leaning posture. Their heads are similarly antlike, though the base shape's silhouette is disrupted by enormous mandibles which fold around Mica's face. Their eyes are also obscured under a helmlike protrusion.
Being more like beasts than beings, their intelligence is limited (though Solbruin gave them a memory which can span generations). Mica's default mood is the vaguely-threatening uninterest in you you'd sense from a large, dangerous animal like a hippo or recently-fed lion.
Weapons/Abilities: Mica possesses abilities common to its kind; its hemolymph is acidic, and Mica can forcibly squirt it as a jet from two spines on their tail. Its natural armor is extremely tough. Like other Chitea born after the First Fall, it has a preternatual sense of when those moving toward it harbour ill intent, but Chitea for the most part avoid mortals unless approached. They seem to gain a greater self-awareness and intelligence as intelligent entities communicate with them, meaning messages beamed into its brain by a Grandmaster will kickstart Mica's sense of self.
A Chitea's key ability is to manipulate ambient magic and launch it as a tangible force; it does this by posing its four hands in various "forms". It can augment a physical strike, cause knockback, produce a piercing effect, generate a barrier, or stir up a vortex. The power is proportional to the Chitea's size; adults may fell entire forests and change the course of rivers; Mica could probably turn a human into a sack of meat and bone without too much trouble. Mica's ability to cast forms, however is compromised by its front right arm, which has been cut off just below the shoulder. More complex forms are beyond its abilities, restricting its magical arsenal to the simplest of spellwork.
Other than the magic and acid blood, Mica's pretty proficient at hand-to-hand combat. Being able to tank most hits helps.
Biography: Chitea were created by Solbruin to, and I quote, "add to the landscape." When two Chitea cross paths, they'll unhinge their mandibles, attempt to crush the other's head between them, and locked in this position fight to the death using their form-casting. Two mature adults will reshape much of the land around them in their fight, mating in this process, and the winner (usually mortally wounded, still with its mandibles lodged in its partner's corpse) drags itself to a location where their interlocked bodies form a creche for six to eight offspring (who will also fight to the death if they cross paths within the carapace-crypts). Here they learn the forms necessary to cast the assorted force-spells - instructions and the parents' life story are carved on the inner surfaces of their carapaces by Chiter-beetles (which the developing young eat. The number of offspring which survive to adulthood correlates positively with the size of the parents; any given offspring's chance of survival increases with more Chiter-beetles eaten).
Because they didn't instinctively hate civilisation (but did make a mess of it if a stretch of it lay between two adults who had spotted each other), the Old Races put up with them. Nomadic Catchers even took shelter in long-abandoned carapace-crypts. This arrangement turned to shit when the god Egal gave his chosen race, the Vissel, the power to steer the Chitea into the lands of their foes. War escalated, a couple of gods took more than one fair dip out of the act-jar, and the First Fall and the extinction of all the Old Races eventually played out. A new order of gods drummed up some new mortals to deal with Solbruin's Monsters, to pave the way for civilisation proper. The Chitea, after their encounters with the Vissel, were now warier of mortals and avoided their settlements, and only took a few generations to become actively hostile when approached in response to dedicated culling by a few Heroes.
Mica was one of the last Chitea born in the Disuncharted Lands; Mica and its kin were hunted down by a Hero who tracked their parents' corpses and pursued the offspring. Mica (a name given by the Hero, incidentally) was right in the middle of a fight with said Hero, and had just had their arm sliced off (at least it corroded their sword beyond repair), when the multiverse beckoned and spirited it away.
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02-15-2014, 06:58 AM
Username: Dragon Fogel
Name: Mortimer Madison Mackintosh Matheson
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Color: Vermillion
Biography: Mortimer Madison Mackintosh Matheson, or Mort as he prefers to be called, was never satisfied with being like his peers. Though he was a chemistry student, he never had much passion for it.
When he finally left college, he was tired of chemistry and ended up taking a job with a construction company. It went well enough, in just two years they promoted him to the lead on a project, but he just wasn't satisfied.
Mort left the job after another year, having saved up enough that he didn't particularly need the money. He spent the next few months engaging in political activism while he tried to work out what he wanted to do.
Then the accident happened.
Mort was protesting the lax regulations at a chemical plant when there was a sudden explosion. The protestors panicked and Mort was knocked to the ground, which turned out to be contaminated. He woke up some time later and was told that his face had terrible chemical burns.
At first, Mort was devastated. But then, a thought popped into his head. There's a theater company taking auditions for Phantom of the Opera.
He didn't know how he knew that. He'd never paid much attention to theater. But he decided to give it a try, and his twisted face proved an asset; he was hired.
As the show went on, Mort finally started to feel satisfied. But more inexplicable thoughts passed through his head. Sometimes they were warnings, such as Don't stand there moments before a chandelier fell; sometimes they were merely trivia.
But the strangest thought of all was You're about to be entered in a battle to the death, moments before he vanished.
Description: Because of the accident, Mortimer's face is quite unpleasant to look at. He wears a suit in hopes of offsetting this, and typically keeps the Phantom mask on even when he isn't on stage, but it's still noticeable.
Items and Abilities: Mort has nothing on him except his suit and Phantom mask, as well as a few essentials in his pockets. He also has strange pieces of knowledge that enter his head seemingly at random. Often these turn out to be relevant, though it isn't always obvious how.
Aside from that, he has no particular abilities, save his knowledge of chemistry and acting skills; the latter are a bit unpolished as he's only started on it recently.
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02-15-2014, 09:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2014, 09:17 AM by Gatr.)
Username: Garuru
Name: Cyburst Corps
Race: Five Giant Mechas
Color: background #333333, colors #FF0000, #FFFF00, #00FF00, #00FFFF, #FF00FF
Gender: oh my god they're giant mechas they dont have gender. what, you want pronouns? fine. male, female, male, male, female, respectively.
Description: They are a crimefighting group of five mechas! Curiously enough, they do not appear to be piloted by anyone, but they are totally sapient, and they speak like humans, not robots. There's five of them, and they all look somewhat identical, the only differences being color and face plate design. They are somewhat humanoid, but they are bulky and definitely robot-looking. They are all around 20 feet tall. Their names are Red, Yellow, Lime, Cyan, and Magenta. In combat, they normally dock together, to form many different combat poses.
Red: Red is the leader of the group. Cool-headed, confident, and capable, this mecha acts as the solid foundation of the group, and they will follow his orders no matter what. It is thanks to him that this group has managed to stick together, despite their many eccentricities. Outside of battle, however, he is somewhat shy and inept at pretty much everything. He will usually be the torso in their forms, and will act as the commander. As the torso, he is responsible for all of their power levels, and he is usually the one to initiate the docking.
Yellow: Yellow is the "pretty girl" of the bunch. Easily the most charismatic and popular one, she will often act as the public face for interviews and the like. She is somewhat airheaded and cheerful, but do not underestimate her. If something rubs her the wrong way, she will become furious, and this rage has made many of the other mechas cower before her. She will usually be the right arm in their forms, which is usually formed as a long-range weapon of sorts.
Lime: Lime is one of "those two guys", the other being Cyan. Lime is more energetic than his partner, and is usually playing around or goofing off. When things get serious, though, you can definitely count on Lime to have your back. His antics either irritate or amuse the other mechas, but the former is unfortunately more likely. Still, the others will always love him. He usually manifests as the left arm, which is normally a short-range weapon, but can also be a shield.
Cyan: Cyan is the other one of "those two guys", and hs is much more relaxed than Lime. They are the best of friends, which baffles many, because they are total opposites and are often arguing. Cyan is somewhat slow in the mind, but is very strong in body and soul. He is very altruistic, and will usually put himself before the others. He is the legs in their forms, and they support the whole body. He is often underestimated, but the legs are vital, as otherwise the whole thing wouldn't move.
Magenta: Magenta is the other girl, and she is intelligent, but withdrawn. She usually does not speak much, but she is an expert in computing and tactics. She is somewhat of a mystery amongst the group, but she has proven that she is more than reliable in the heat of combat. She is somewhat morose and infinitely patient. She would have to be, to deal with her group. She usually forms as the head, which is not the command center you would expect, but rather the sensory/tactical part.
Abilities: As previously mentioned, they usually "dock" together in one large humanoid mecha for combat, although this form can be adapted to many different forms, depending on the situation. Magenta assesses the situation and forms the plans, then relays them to Red, who initiates docking and controls each of the limbs. Yellow focus on breaking through the defense, while Lime focuses on defending the group. Cyan is the powerhouse, and supplies the power to the rest while supporting them as they move.
Biography: It was 2133, and giant reptilian aliens had invaded Earth, starting with the seas. As they moved closer and closer towards land, the Cyburst Corps were called in, as an emergency last resort. The forerunner of the invading army, a dark blue behemoth, roared and breathed jets of flame in the air. People in the city screamed and ran away from the coast, but the Cyburst Corps would not be deterred.
"Okay, squad! Let's do this thing! Magenta, any suggestions?"
"... We should go with a standard, balanced, form. Let's go with... ugh... Super Combat Form #7: The Exterminator."
"You heard her! Boy, I'm raring to go! Hurry up, everyone!"
"Easy, Lime. We need to focus on defending the city first. Priorities."
"Yup! But, I'm telling you, there's going to be a LOT of fighting today! Teehee!"
"Alright, get ready... Now!"
Red leaped up in the air, and his arms and legs retracted, the excess mass bulking up his body. Lights began blinking on his front, indicating power levels for each one of them. Thin connector cables grew out from the holes where his limbs used to be. Lime was the first to join his body, legs first. He thrust his arms forward, and formed a buzzsaw with them. Yellow joined soon after in a similar fashion, her head retracting and forming a huge hole, which plasma would blast out of. Cyan had already transformed in a pair of sturdy legs, and Red's body landed on top of it. Finally, Magenta, compressing her body into a vague hemisphere, landed on top of Red's body, eyes glowing and analyzing the scene.
"RED, 100%, IS GO!"
"YELLOW, 100%, IS GO!"
"LIME, 100%, IS GO!"
"CYAN, 100%, IS GO!"
"MAGENTA, 100%, IS GO!"
They flew forward in a blaze of glory ... and disappeared.
![[Image: 6xGo4ab.png]](
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02-17-2014, 06:57 PM
just a reminder that this is ending in less than a day if anyone has any last minute profiles
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02-18-2014, 03:59 PM
Username: G-to-the-n-to-the-a-u-ga
Name: Ego-Dine
Species: Various
Gender: Several
Color: this'un
Description: Ego-Dine appears as a vaguely humanoid glob of some weird-ass dimensionally-broken matter. It appears to be comprised of an indeterminate number of individuals in constant discourse. Heads and bodies erupt from the main mass in order to represent the personalities speaking, and are subsumed as they withdraw from the conversation. The inhabitants of Ego-Dine are mostly humans, although there several have been spotted who don't appear strictly human, including one with bunny-ears, a lizard-person, a one-eyed skeleton, and a handful of birds.
Weapons / Abilities: Ego-Dine is host to the skills and knowledge of all its inhabitants. Its amorphous form and trans-dimensional nature make it hard to seriously injure physically. Being mentally comprised of several distinct minds that come and go, psychic attacks can only affect the minds that are present in Ego-Dine at the moment of attack. Also damn good with a craft knife and card stock.
Biography: "Well, the diamond thing notwithstanding, Western-style weddings are generally cheaper than the traditional ones in Asia (source: my parents had two weddings)," said Ego-Dine, while a second body emerged briefly from the waist to interject "Citation needed: original research". "are you saying my dad isnt a reliable secondary source ill have you know hes a civil servant" retorted the first.
While they were having this discussion another, smaller set of heads elsewhere on Ego-Dine were showing each each other weird, seemingly nonsensical pictures and videos on their color-shifting mass, to their great amusement.
In fact, the entire mass of Ego-Dine seemed to bubble with ideas, jokes, conversations, even the occasional argument. Sometimes they were happy; sometimes sad. Undoubtedly, Ego-Dine was a peculiar, interesting anomaly. Interesting enough that some great omnipotent multidimensional power issued an order: "Bring me that, Eger-whatit. You know the one. That for'm of souls. Go'n fetch me that'un, minion."
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Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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02-18-2014, 04:56 PM
Okay here we go.
The Best of Show Award: For being an interesting enough character that didn't excel in any one category: Grin Sel.
The Above The Fold Award: This one doesn't really need any elaboration; no contest, it's Patience.
The (TimeothyHour Memorial) 20Qs Award For Confusing Me: Though Ego-Dine is probably weird enough, this award is going to The Coffin of Iebem because I still don't really understand what its deal is.
The Synergy Award: That said, it seems pretty clear that its vaguely ominous power would lead to some interesting interactions. The Coffin of Iebem again.
Iron Chef Special Ingredient Award: I was really tempted to give this to Schazer's terraforming monster, but Fogel's well-informed, former foreman and deformed performer Mortimer Madison Macintosh Matheson (or Four Ms for short) is the clear winner here.
The I See What You Did There Award: Ego-Dine even if I'm not sure whether Gnauga was going for the Iron Chef or the 20Qs Award.
Backdoor Worldbuilding Award: The easiest call in the whole thing; Mica's profile invokes a rich and interesting world and a unique life cycle. Not to mention the other Savage Beasts such a world might contain.
The Diligent Gentleman Award: For the final award I'm going to have to go once again with Mica. With the power to reshape entire rounds and the capacity to grow a sense of self and develop as a character, they would be particularly interesting in a Grand Battle format.
Well thanks for the effort everyone. This was fun, though I'm majorly disappointed nobody entered a bench.
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02-18-2014, 07:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 07:30 PM by Truegreen.)
Time for another round of The Grand OC.
We have a great theme for you all this week.
I want to see the spooky things that hide under your bed. The dark creatures that lurk in the corner of your eye. Show me the horrors and frightening beings that haunt even your waking moments. Tell me what terrifies you, give it form. Show me the creepy, eerie, and the bizarre!
Because the theme of this week is: NIGHTMARES
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02-18-2014, 10:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 01:49 AM by Loather.)
Username: Loather
Name: The President
Species: Rick Santorum
Gender: Male
Color: White like Jesus
![[Image: EI34jsE.jpg]](
Warrior. Hero. American.
Weapons/Abilities: Time travels. Space travels. Skin secretes bibles. Bowls? Wore a pair of boxing gloves once. Protective exoskeleton gives near-human strength. Dangerously photogenic.
Biography: Fell to the earth in a meteor shower and raised by stray cats. Elected in 2012 after going back in time to erase every other candidate from existence in a bizarre protest against the entire concept of birth control. Took a team of roughnecks to the moon as part of his promise to drill everywhere for oil. Spontaneously combusted after seeing a gay couple holding hands; as a result, wears a protective exoskeleton disguised as a sweater vest.
Edit: A picture of Rick Santorum isn't a visual aid so much as it is an experience, therefore it is okay to use pictures of Rick Santorum to describe the appearance of Rick Santorum.
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02-21-2014, 08:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2014, 05:33 PM by Solaris.)
Username: Sols
Name: Arinaye
Species: Witch
Gender: Female
Color: midnight blue
Biography: A young girl was lying in bed, she was shaking, covered in blankets. Her parents were looking over her, very worried, about what was going to happen to their daughter.
Their door is broken open as a tall woman strolls in. The parents heard about a traveling witch, but they didn't know that she was one of those types. She stared at them and pointed out of the room, leading the two of them to worriedly leave.
The witch sat near the girl and held her in her arms, closing her eyes and whispering.
If anyone else was in the room, they would see a dark whip move from the girl and into the witch's clothes. The girl slept soundly, and no one in the town saw the witch again.
Description: Pointy blue witch hat with yellow stars all over it, as a proper witch should have, long black hair that is tied up around her and that, if released, turns into a rainbow of destruction. She wears a purple dress with golden stars all over it. Pops out at the sleeves revealing golden fingerless gloves that make way to her perfect fingers with her nails painted black and white. She has gold tights and dark blue boots with heels.
She's playful, usually smiling and laughing even in the darkest of situations, which usually ends up invoking a false sense of security in her opponents, who don't assume that she's also a conniving force of destruction who ensures that what she wants happens. Who she helps and why is sort of a mystery to everyone but her...
Weapons/Abilities: Arinaye's witch powers involve summoning magic demons out from her body. Said demons are typically created from her mind, but she usually can take inspiration from other people, sometimes forcefully. The demons are sentient, but usually unable to act outside of Arinaye's wishes. In addition, she's fast and athletic, capable of doing almost super-human feats.
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02-21-2014, 05:27 PM
Username: Ixcaliber
Name: Embarrassment (Barry to his friends (if he had any))
Gender: Variable
Species: Lesser Nightmare
Colour: #C43551
Items/Abilities: You know those dreams where you're in class and you suddenly remember you have an exam that you haven't revised for, and, in fact you don't remember learning any of this stuff in the first place? Or where you have to give a speech in front of the entire school and you manage to force your way through every awkward moment of it only to realize that you've been stood there completely naked the entire time? That's this guy.
Barry has the ability to manipulate dreams. This ability is generally automatic; any dream in which he appears quickly becomes a parade of embarrassments whether he lifts a finger or not. Which is not to say that he can't control his ability; if he chooses to do so he can manipulate someone's dream to lead to a specific embarrassing outcome, but generally it's not worth the bother.
He lives in a world composed entirely of dreams and has never been in the waking world. However it is possible that his ability to manipulate the reality of the dreamworld would directly translate to the reality of the physical world (at a much reduced capacity) if he were to ever find himself there.
Description: Barry's form is malleable; he tends to blend into whatever dream he finds himself in without even realizing he's doing it. When he's not got anyone to blend in with he tends to look like an acne-ridden teenage boy in an ill-fitting school uniform. He can be distinguished (though not easily) through his eyes which are always a distinctive shade of dull grey.
He's something of a loner, world weary and generally indifferent to most things. If something manages to get through his apathy he can be really quite dynamic, with a wicked sense of humour. He doesn't have much in the way of perseverance though so it doesn't tend to last very long.
Biography: Aside from the Primals, Embarrassment is probably the longest lived nightmare; even more relevant today than the day he was created. But despite his longevity he's still just a lesser nightmare. He's seldom been shown any respect; not from Oneiros, not from his peers the Primals and not even from the younger nightmares whose relevance and influence has faded away as the world has progressed past that fear.
Over the years he's got a little bitter about the whole thing and has on multiple occasions tried to make his nightmares just that little bit more scary by for example involving grotesque monsters that set unfair pop quizzes or mind-bending monstrosities that tell everyone your deepest secrets. These attempts to gain more credibility and respect never really work and he usually just ends up getting into a massive argument he can't win with whichever nightmare feels like he is infringing upon their material.
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02-21-2014, 11:45 PM
Name: Margaret "Maggie" Neison
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Color: A borrowed shade of green
Biography: Maggie was always a well-behaved girl. She ate her vegetables without complaint, always did her homework on time, got plenty of sleep, and was never late for class. She didn't make friends with the wrong crowd, but she did help out a few friends who had problems. She dated a few boys and girls over the years, but it never went further than kissing. She just wasn't ready for more.
Nobody ever thought there was anything wrong with her. There were a few rumors when she suddenly switched her major to psychology that maybe she had a problem she didn't feel comfortable talking about, but Maggie seemed like the same old Maggie so nobody really pressed the point any further.
What she hadn't told anyone was that, for as long as she could remember, Maggie had been facing a recurring nightmare.
Every night, when she went to sleep, Maggie dreamed that she was taken away from home and entered in a battle to the death against seven other strange creatures.
The exact details varied - her opponents, where they were sent to fight, who was running the battle. She did see some of the same opponents and places in more than one dream, and they tend to be reasonably consistent when they show up.
But there was one common element to all the dreams. In every single battle, Maggie died.
Every night, she swears this dream will end differently.
What she doesn't realize is that if she dies this time, she won't be waking up.
Description: Maggie is a good-looking young woman in her early twenties. Although she's very outgoing and well-behaved in the real world, she behaves very differently in a dream. She's initially suspicious of everyone, and has no qualms about killing anyone she considers a threat - after all, they're not real. Even noncombatants are fair game if it's going to keep her alive.
Maggie is convinced that the only way out of the endless nightmare is to win one of the battles, and she'll stop at nothing to do so. She's wary of efforts to turn on the host, because she's already tried that several times, and they all ended in especially painful deaths.
Naturally, she's not likely to seek allies, except to backstab them. That said, if she does decide she needs someone's help, she's not above using her feminine charm to get it.
Weapons and Abilities: Maggie has no particular weapons or special abilities. However, she does remember all her past dreams, and when a round or contestant shows up again, they tend to be pretty consistent with whatever happened in the last dream. Maggie has often used this knowledge to set traps for her opponents or to avoid whatever killed her the last time around.
Maggie is also quite intelligent, so even if faced with an unfamiliar round, she can usually last for a while on her wits alone.
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02-23-2014, 05:57 PM
With only 4 posts made we are down to the wire. There is only a little more than 24 hours remaining in this contest, so now is the time to post people!
Let's see all those ghosts and goblins!
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02-23-2014, 07:37 PM
The round started on the 18th, if you're giving a full week for entries (as the other rounds have) it's closer to 48 hours than 24.
Still not that much time, though, there's no denying that.
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02-24-2014, 12:32 PM
Username: S(k)ir Zer
Name: Sir Sebae
Race: Demigod of nightmares, former Merrfolk
Gender: Male
Color: It came from the deep
Biography: Suffice to say, Merr was something of a shithead as far as gods went, which probably had to do with his main domain being Worship - he literally thrived on the stuff. He did a lot of questionable things to firstly coerce, and later cow, the race he had created (the Merrfolk) into showing him the proper respect.
Made in a self-absorbed god's image, however, had instilled a similar streak in the Merrfolk, who mostly turned their backs on their creator when the gifts began to be replaced with assorted pestilences and other deific pettiness. It eventually reached the point where all but the most devout rejected the name "Merrfolk", and took to calling themselves Seakin instead. They were ok. They had science, and libraries, and their civilisation wasn't getting burnt to the ground due to godly mismanagement. They just had to ride it out below the surface.
Enter Sebae around this point, born into a clan which still called themselves Merrfolk. This was during the closing chapters of the First Fall, a series of cataclysms which destroyed civilisation Praeterwater and spurred the Seakin into isolation, from both the fellow mortals and the Five Gods. Merr was at his petulant worst at this point, with the majority of his children (who were the majority of sentient life still remaining in the world) refusing to acknowledge the pantheon altogether. His own internal god laws prevented him from punishing the nonbelievers, and he had to settle for terrorising the few clans which still worshipped him. This mostly consisted of commanding his followers to spread discord amongst the other seakin tribes, to bring them back to Merr's waiting fold. When that plan failed, Merr demanded blood, and the clan had no choice but to offer up their children. Sebae was the youngest of fourteen Seakin sacrificed to Merr.
Merr transformed the young Seakin into avatars of chaos, and would've sent them out to wreak havoc on the apocalypse's only survivors if the goddess Solbruin hadn't stepped in. Monsters being her turf, she didn't approve of Merr's intrusion and sparked a conflict between the gods which eventually got Merr evicted from their shared universe.
Solbruin had hunted down and eradicated the other Knights, who had already left their insidious mark upon the world, but the god Egal noted Sebae's unwillingness to twist the world. With suggestions from a newcomer god (primary domain: Dreams), they convinced Solbruin to spare the Merrfolk and give him a place in the new world's order.
Since then, civilisation has been rebuilt, and Sir Sebae wanders the lands forever as the reluctant demigod of Nightmares.
Items/Abilities: Sir Sebae's divine ability, as granted by Merr, was to spread corruption. Any space he resides in physically warps in ways that defy logic, and are disturbing to make sense of on some collective unconscious level. Sir Sebae cannot control this corruption, nor do his personal fears manifest within the warped area. The effect is especially pronounced in smaller/confined spaces, such as inside a building - before Egal found him, Sebae learned to avoid buildings (which would eventually warp and distort to the point navigating to an exit became all-but impossible for him and anyone else inside).
Sebae was so horrified by his effect on reality that Rem (the dream-god) and Egal gave him an escape - into people's dreams. Sir Sebae can abandon his physical form and exist solely in the minds of sentient beings, where his corruptive influence doesn't seem to distort memories or conscious thought. Sir Sebae is, in his world, the source of nightmares - entire villages will experience several days a year when everyone experiences messed-up dreams, before Sir Sebae moves on to fresher pastures. His presence, by personal preference, was kept hidden until the wizards over the Praeterwater started looking into the phenomenon.
Description: Personality-wise, Sir Sebae is deferential to mortals and gods alike. He's soft-spoken and often apologetic for his negative effects on people, knowing the alternative is reality itself going all non-euclidian and horrible. He doesn't like people prying into his personal details, but if he feels you'll keep the information to yourself he's a polite enough conversant. He's not happy, per se, about his lot in life, but figures if the gods insisted that someone had to do it, he'd rather it was him than anyone like the other Merrfolk who were turned into Knights.
If he really wanted to, he could probably pull strings while inhabiting a person's subconscious, but that runs counter to most everything he stands for. Sir Sebae never makes his presence known when in someone's subconscious. You can only be sure he was present if your usual dreams took a turn for the unpleasant. He's even less happy to take a physical form, but he looks like a jet-black statue of a typical Seakin. Vaguely-amphibious face, two nubby horns, webbed fingers, fish from the navel down (in Sebae's case, long and eel-like). Instead of clothes, he's covered in a textured carapace, the same jet-black as the rest of him and ridged like a seahorse. It covers his eyes and sticks forwards, again, in the shape of a seahorse. Above water, where most seakin would switch to legs, Sir Sebae just hovers. His tail tends to make nervous grabby motions at nothing in particular.
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02-24-2014, 05:13 PM
(im writing a profile, dont get any funny ideas and close this round early)
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02-24-2014, 05:48 PM
Don't worry, I'll be keeping this open for another 26 hours.