Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

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Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Clifton feels something surging within him. Maybe it's pride in Riff's performance. Maybe it's his outrage at the Turtwigs' ungratefulness, kept under control by a desire to roll with the punches. Maybe it's that, like, chopping Oddishes up is surprisingly hard, man. They're RESILIENT.

Whatever the answer, a new source of power has welled up within him. From now on, his friends will dominate not just the contest field, but the battlefield as well!


e: also he had a level up I forgot about so that happens too


He stands up, stretches, and ambles over to Riff to give her another pat on the head. "You guys ready to hit the road again? We can probably be in town before sundown if we book it."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion pulls on Tori and is all "I wanna see whats on the other side of the fence and stuff, also I think we might need more berries for our friend..."
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raph kind of pokes around in the grass Oak popped out from.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
So oh yeah there's that oddish what got caught here are its stats give it a name

Poking around in the bushes, Agent finds a bottle of Stout City Stout
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Raph stares at the Stout City Stout. The bottle is very stout.

For want of anything better to do, Raph searches around for apricorns, still holding the stout.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Tori gets a nasty fucking fright and almost breaks her "no cussing in front of Bastion" rule. Almost. She has to breathe really deep for a bit until she calms down again, at which point she's feeling a bit wiser and worldly and composed about things. Or something. She's certainly gaining respect for her main partner, but with this whole "Actual Pokemon Trainer" mindset she's starting to think about how to press her little warbirds to kill things faster.


"Hm, yeah. This dude looks like he'd eat a lot. Uh," she glances up/over to make sure it's not, like, offended, or anything. "Solid appetite. I can respect that. Oi Clif! If you're done scrounging for food, can you send your bug to cut that other tree down?"
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Yeah sure." Then he does that thing with the cutting of the tree.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion makes his way FORWARD into the upper area with Hayes and stuff and notices... TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Bastion clenches his fist and CHANNELS HIS SPIRIT, then he gets down, crawls towards the creature, and is all, "Hello little buddy..." with SMILES and GOOGLY EYES.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
All right, I don't really want to stay in-character and die fighting a turtle, so I guess I'll try and have Sleipnir move as far as he can towards the Turtwig and use Ember on it? If the attack connects, Sturm will throw a Pokeball, and if it misses or Sleipnir is too paralyzed, Sturm will retreat.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Sturm takes the cowar- I mean the sensible option and orders his horse to attack the Turtwig to back him up!

i know you didn't say to do this but seriously, if you're fighting, turn order applies. You would have a hit you could personally get in before your horse tries for it.
AC4: 1d20=9
Damage: 1d10+15+5-9=14
Sturm deals 14 damage to the Turtwig!

Paralyze check 8: 1d20=14

Sleipnir's still paralyzed, but manages to move!

Sleipnir used Ember!
AC 4: 1d20=3

But it missed!

Sensing that this guy ain't gonna just let it go, the Turtwig goes for another Tackle!
AC 5: 1d20=14
Damage: 2d8+6+10-2=24
Sturm is at 3 HP!

Figuring it's now or never, (because if he tried again, he would be too unconscious to throw another one), Sturm throws a Pokeball at the Turtwig!

[Image: wMG7MZm.png]
Wiggle wiggle

[Image: 88ODDJl.png]
Wiggle wiggle

[Image: QQ0p2XL.png]
Capcheck 38: 1d100=5!
Congratualations! Turtwig was caught!


Name that before you pass out.

That there other tree gets cut down!
The Turtwig beyond it notices, and shifts her gaze over towards where it once was.

Bastion tries to calmly make his way over to it, trying to appear friendly. His friendly and charismatic demeanor helping, but his fumbly lack of finesse probably not.

The Turtwig dives into the pool of water, and hangs out next to the rock.

Raphael searches for apricorns! Using her knowledge of what apricorn trees look like, she checks the one that looks like the most likely candidate.


Yes! Raphael has found a White Apricorn!

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Tori questioningly raises Natalie's pokeball as she tromps over to the other patch of grass. "Could we let Lorin wreck the next face we run into? You've probably had enough practice for the day."

If Natalie is agreeable, Tori sends Lorin out. Let the little klepto-parakeet stretch his wings.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"...Hang on, Bastion. I got an idea." Clifton heads south and, seeing as Sturm's new Turtwig isn't eating them anymore, plucks a couple of the flowers.

He then heads back up near the pond, stretching out his arm a bit - but not enough so that the Turtwig can just snatch them up. If it approaches, he slowly backs away until it reaches land before giving up the snack.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion waits for Clifton to PLANIFY his PLAN and motions for Hayes to come over and prepare FOR COMBAT.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Tried a stick, Clifton?" Raph calls over .

She also tries to puzzle out how to get the MAGIC out of an APRICORN.

...Raphael does not know Apricorn Smith yet.

While tinkering with her Poke Ball Tool Kit, however, she manages to turn around 250P of parts into a working Great Ball! (-250P, +1 Great Ball)
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Now Sturm and Yggdrasil are best friends! That is how fighting works.

Sturm recalls Sleipnir.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Sleipnir is recalled, Nat is recalled, Lorin is sent out, and stretches his wings a little.

Raph makes a Great Ball, it's p great.

The Turtwig is allured by the delicious flowers, and cautiously makes its way over to Clifton. It then catches sight of Bastion calling over his Gastly. You can see it thinking real hard, and then it puts on a fighting stance. It seems to be ready for the challenge.

We can either do the twig fight by post or on roll20, whatever works for you. So either foightpost here or give your action in there or whatever

And then Sturm stumbles a bit. He's... he's okay. Just a little battered.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Hayes's ability, INTIMIDATE kicks in and then Hayes uses NIGHT SHADE
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Hayes throws a bit of Night Shadiness at that there turtle

AC3: 1d20=4
Hayes deals 18 damage to the Turtwig!

The Turtwig retaliates with a Razor Leaf!
AC6: 1d20=8
Damage: (2d10+8+7+3-6)/2=13

Hayes takes 13 damage!

He has been reduced to 19 HP!

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
"Okay, guys, like... probably don't hurt it anymore if you can avoid it? We don't want to knock it out by accident." Clifton thinks for a moment, then waves at Riff. "Get over here and Sing that thing to sleep!"

He doesn't think to specify precisely what area Riff should sing in/to.

RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Bastion tells Hayes to weaky lick weak while he gets a POKEBALL ready for when Riff Sings hopefully good and with a sleepy twig twig.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Alrighty then Riff got to the first close place it could Sing at the Turtwig from!

AC12: 1d20=16!
And, uh

[Image: B4OhkQf.png]

Turtwig, Hayes, Bastion, Clifton, Sleim, Lorin, and Tori all fall asleep!

As Bastion falls to the ground asleep, he drops his Pokeball, and it rolls its way across the ground, miraculously not being too slowed down by the grass, and bumps into the Turtwig.

Capcheck: 40



Wiggle Wiggle




Congratulations! Turtwig was caught!


You should name that when, uh, when you wake up.

Riff looks around. It sees Clifton asleep! Whoops. See, this is why the tactics are usually left up to the trainer.
It tries to lift Clifton, but, uh, struggles doing so, and settles for dragging him towards the road instead.

The Tropius just kinda like, rolls its eyes, and somewhat begrudgingly catches Tori before she falls, and does its best to load her onto its back. It has an easier time getting the bird on there. It knows that man, she owes him like, so many berries for this.

Hayes can not attempt to help Bastion around as he is also asleep.

It may be time to try getting people to the next town now.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!
Riff fiddles (do ho ho) with Calloway's pokeball, attempting to get a little help with moving Clifton. If they work together they can probably hold him up.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop RPG - It's Aliiiive!

Bastion drools as he flies under the powerful strength of his pokemon while sleeping. What an amazing dream he is having right now.