Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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07-17-2011, 01:42 AM
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Macula got bit but didn't died. The thing that bit him hurt her teeth and flew away.
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SpoilerThis is the new continuity.
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07-17-2011, 01:42 AM
[font=chiller]coutnawesome the awesome looked around the big platform where everyone was standing on. it was big but it was also dumb because it was from a babies show for babies and he didn't like that show.
"I must destroy everyone and then i will battle the guy who brought us here because he is a real challenge and everyone else is not a real challenge because i am [u]COUTN AWESOME THE AWESOME[u] and i will be able to kill everyone with my gun" he pulled out his gun as he said this and pointed it at the hedgehog who was on fire for some reason
"SUPER FIRE BLAST JUTSU" he yelled because that is how you use ninja poewers and he was a ninja so he had to yell that and then the gun shot fireballs all over the place and into the hedgehog even though she was already on fire. (this was SUPER fIRE and it was better than regular fire because it was made out of quantum atoms which were like regular atoms but a million billion times more powerful
the fireballs shot out of the gun and went and shot fireballs at the hedgehog who was namde rose but the fireballs didn't care because they were fireballs they can't think that would be stupid
the hedgehog was now on fire even though she was already on fire it was super fire i explained this geez
she screamed and screamed and then she went and ran really fast because she was on fire and that is what she had 2 do and she went out but count awesome the awesome didn't care and he took out his sword which looked like a big katana it was sort of like sephiroth's sword (he is the best caracter in any video game) and then he shouted "LIGHTENING" and the sword was coveredin lightening it was really bright and it would shock nayone it touched except the count because he was the count and he was the most poewrful thing in the universe
he went up to nitebat and said "hello nitebat i am count awesome the aawesome and i am going to kill you it will not even b a challenge for me so die LIGHTENING SLASH SIX"
and then the sword went thtough niteebat's body and it was all like star wars when dark mall gets cut in half and then falls down the hole. nitebat was wearing a black coat so it was just like that but there was no hole to fall down so the count quickly shot the ground with a missile rocket and the ground was destoryed and nitebat was cut in half on the end of it so the count yelled "THIS IS SPRATA" and kicked the pieces in and it was really awesome
okay GM i won round one you can start round two now[/text]
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07-17-2011, 01:45 AM
[color=justice"]The pieces of Nitebat pulled themselves together and became Nitebat again and Nitebat said "Hey, you can't kill Nitebat that easily!"
Then he summoned his sword of butter (that's a sword made of butter) and sliced Count Awesome the Awesome's head off with it.[/color]
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07-17-2011, 01:46 AM
that isnt how it works cnlol >:(
ill let you off the hook this time but next time i might have to do something about this.
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07-17-2011, 01:47 AM
Rosel got up and she said My poor friend. I have described him many times. Now to convey to you the difference. Crippled with arthritis, he propelled himself about in a wheeled chair. His once plump frame had fallen in. He was a thin little man now. His face was lined and wrinkled. His moustache and hair, it is true, were still of a jet black colour, but candidly, though I would not for the world have hurt his feeling by saying so to him, this was a mistake. There comes a moment when hair dye is only too painfully obvious. There had been a time when I had been surprised to learn that the blackness of Poirotâs hair came out of a bottle. but now the theatricality was apparent and merely created the impression that he wore a wig and had adorned his upper lip to amuse the children!
and then she went in a come
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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07-17-2011, 01:48 AM
"hey I wantd tahat saword" so bearbert took out his SECRET NIGHTH SWORD and cut time itslef and hre met a cyborg tguy who was lal" no that's a parodox" and hge was all "fuck off" and stabed him
so tehn he stole shi shield and whent back to teh future and hit nitebat over the head and took athe butter sowrd "now I'm invincible for reals" [/color]
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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07-17-2011, 01:49 AM
so look Macula got his soul because i said he did. Then he got a knife and cut the platform in half and then it broke and they all fell through the air towards the ground. How would they get out of this one?
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07-17-2011, 01:51 AM
oh man this is gun i will join plz thx
okai, so my character is the King Guragamesh, and he has a bunch of arms and metal kickers, and he goes and spinkickers rosie because she is being all centirfic and only Guragagme can be centerific because he is the bes.t
so now, that gueegeg is all centerific he can unlesah THE SPIRITE BOMB and he goes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr and then he drop kicks nitebat and dances on his butt
then Kig Guraggg high fives Cont Awseome and they totes bang
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07-17-2011, 01:52 AM
[background=black]Count awesome the awEsome laughed because you can't cut someones head off with butter thats completely silly and also nitebat doesn't have any superpowers you cheater he cant pull himself back together batman could never do that you're just ripping him off you stupid idiot who is dumb
count awesome took the super fire gauntlets from his cloak and put them on and grabbed the butter sword so it melted and nitebat was sad that his sword was gone and he was all like "wait please dont kill me"
count awesome said "why shouldn't i kill you this is a grand battle where we kill people"
"i don't want to die my parents are DEAEEAAAAD" and he started crying but the count felt bad for him for a moment but them stopped because the count had learned to get over it but nitebat hadnt so the count was better than him and desreved to win the battel
the count took his gun again and set it to plasma level eight which is hotter than the sun itself but it only hurts the thing it hits and nothing around so thats okay and he shot so nitebat was burnt up and he fell back in the hole again but there was nothing left of him except ash and bone
the count laughed again and walked away because he had won the round so gm can you start the second round please i won[/bckagounr]
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07-17-2011, 01:53 AM
Solaris you idiot you are not in this battle it is full are you blind
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07-17-2011, 01:53 AM
solaris u arent in this >:((((((
every1 plz ignore solaris posts
EDIT: an cnlol i already told u it doesnt work that way u cant just kill sum1 to end the round geeeez
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07-17-2011, 01:54 AM
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07-17-2011, 01:56 AM
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07-17-2011, 01:57 AM
[color=justice"]Then Nitebat snuck up behind Count Awesome the Awesome and shot a fireball out of his hand at him and said "Who the hell is Batman, he sounds dumb" and also it was a copy of Nitebat that he made earlier that got shot by Count Awesome but Count Awesome didn't know that so he was surprised to see Nitebat alive. Even though he shouldn't be surprised because Nitebat is too awesome to die.[/color]
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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07-17-2011, 01:59 AM
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07-17-2011, 02:00 AM
[countawesometext]count awesome wasn't surprised at all because this happens all the time and he was used to it
"i have better things to do than kill you all the time nitebat, how about we kill the hedgehog instead she seems easy to kill and it will be better to get ridd of her be4 something bad hapens"
and nitebat was all "yes you are right as always count lets go kill the hedgehog"
and so count awesome and also nitebat went over to the hedgehog and she was all dumb and stuff so the count pulled out his sword and then made it poison and stabed her in the face over and over until she was poisoned and dead
"we have killed the hedgehog lets go kill someone in the next round now" said the count to nitebat who had been watching and nitebat was like okay and so they went[/countaweometext]
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07-17-2011, 02:01 AM
I can fix it!
[color=justice"]Then Nitebat realized that with all the falling somebody could get hurt so he started concentrating and all the bits of the platform came back together and it fixed itself and everybody landed safely on it and went back to fighting.[/color]
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07-17-2011, 02:04 AM
will you bojth shut uasp ands battle right AGOD
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07-17-2011, 02:06 AM
Okay so bearbert klooked at the hedgehog and was all
soh then he hit her with heis healing asord and set her on thealthy and oned of teherm hrer arms fell of btu she aws allive again "You better thank me amigo!!!!"
soai then he atea krillin's brain because krillin sucksa nd he was hungry and the he used the butt sowrd to cut the platform aintwo agin for good measure
EDIT: so he aws now all
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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07-17-2011, 02:08 AM
Nitebat tried to run back out the door, but Mysteri Roboto cast a barrier spell, sealing it off.
"You can't run away from this, Nitebat," she said. Before he could respond, Nitebat suddenly lunged at him with his knife. Macula parried with his tool, but had little room to maneuver around it.
"You bastard!" Count Awesome screamed. "It's thanks to you that demon possessed me. It's thanks to you that I'm dead!"
Rosetta fired on Nitebat as he tried to think of a response again. "You left me to die!" she screamed. He barely got out of the way of the bullets, unable to collect his thoughts.
Desperate, Nitebat pushed Nathan aside, and ran towards the refrigerator. He opened it, looking for something he could use with his adaptive tool.
Much to his surprise, he found a familiar-looking bomb beside a carton of milk.
"What's wrong, Nitebat?" Ys taunted him. "Afraid to use it again?"
"You see, Macula," Steven explained, "you still fundamentally distrust Aeon for his willingness to sacrifice Mysteri Roboto. Focusing on that distrust affects the image of Ys, as well as Bearbert and Count Awesome, who are the most aware of Nitebat's role in her death."
The shampooer did not respond. It had remained unmoving for several minutes, not even making an effort to break out of the binding spell.
"And because Nitebat himself feels guilt for that decision," she continued, "his subconscious strengthens their hostility, now that you have forced him to confront it. Furthermore, I believe he also feels guilt for what happened to Mysteri, and to a lesser extent, Ys. Those feelings are now dominant."
Boh Ssman looked thoughtful. "An interesting tactic. Yet, I still do not understand why you proposed it. It only seems to further my ends."
"Your ends are irrelevant to me," she replied. "I am doing what is best for Macula."
The bathroom stood silent. Finally, the vacuum cleaner whirred to life, breaking free of the ground.
"This is not acceptable," it said.
"What?" Boh Ssman screamed. "Nitebat is outnumbered three-to-one, and at the mercy of his own fears. Are you seeking to rebel yet again?"
"This unit has been ordered to destroy the other contestants," Macula replied calmly. "In order to comply with this order, this unit must destroy Nitebat before the images can."
Readying its knives, Macula smashed through the bathroom door. Bossman laughed and vanished.
Steven remained, smirking.
"Good luck, Macula," she said to no one in particular.
Fairly Intelligent Foxie Hivemind
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07-17-2011, 02:25 AM
Hello guys. This is still a thing.
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07-17-2011, 02:25 AM
oh im sorry i thought i could becuz somtn didnt post yet and evryon was postin and i wante to play
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07-17-2011, 02:28 AM
EDIT oh cyber did it go cyber
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07-17-2011, 02:33 AM
Guyz is it 2 late 2 jone?
I have profile:
Nam: Harry Porter, who is a guy
Race: Wite, hes lik a wisar and britich
Ablities: He can magix stuff.
Apparase: britisch
Biography: Once he was normal guy in britland with abusive adoptive parents then he found out he was wixard and can magix so he goes to school named pigfreckles and now he magics &then this bttle happened cuz its the 4ourt book, cup of magma.
I'll just do post, too:
Harry was confus about wat happening. Everyone was fighting and ignore him like he wasn't there. he was too cool and paseificst so he yelled and everyone looked at him cuz he shot magic lite into sky.
"GUYZ STOP FITING I DUNNO WHAT IS HAPPENING," he yelled. The yelling got peep's attention cuz the yelling was loud cuz he had good vocal cords cuz magic. and thy stppd the magic misle in the air surprised thm.
"WHY WE FIGHTING!? WE BEING PAWNS OF THE PEOPLE SENTING US HERE," so they agreed to not fight and attack the grand battle guys
they fought them and they won the end of everythng we can pack it up and go home guyz
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07-17-2011, 02:39 AM
ugh you guys were are full i am going 2 update the title so people STOP DOOING THIS DDDDDD:<<<<<