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02-03-2010, 03:52 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
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SpoilerIf you had to describe this setting, the only word that would be appropriate would be "black". In every direction but one, black was the only thing visible. But in that one direction, there was a speck of brightness. A speck occupied by two beings, a table, a checker-patterned piece of wood, and thirty-two carved wooden figures.
The being on one side of the table looked right at home in this place. A shadow with a suit. Somehow, his particular style of black clashed with the blackness behind him and was entirely visible. Everyone who was anyone this side of the multiverse knew that lack-of-face as The Director, orchestrator of the original Grand Battle, a dimension-spanning battle to the death between eight hand-picked contestants.
The being on the other side did not seem to belong, though the appearance of the setting was his responsibility. Perhaps he wanted his companion to feel comfortable, or perhaps he was just lazy. Judging from his appearance, it was likely the latter. He seemed to be an ordinary human man in his early twenties. He wore a red t-shirt adorned with an image of a white pirate ship, a pair of blue jeans scuffed and torn at the knees, dirty sneakers, and a perfectly-white-toothed smirk that was increasingly annoying the longer you looked at it. His hair looked like he'd spent a while trying to emulate the way hair looks when one has just gotten out of bed, but hadn't gotten it quite right. He had a pair of aviator sunglasses obscuring his eyes.
The shadow moved his knight and captured the other man's rook. "So. Mr. Photema. I understand the, ah, selection you've made for this battle you're participating in hasn't whisked himself out of your grasp yet."
The other man hadn't moved. He remained slouched against the back of the askew chair, with his arm draped over it. "Man, c'mon. Just call me Bryce. And what, that was like, a little mistake. I totally forgot that one chick had the whole magic breaker power thing. Whatever." He snapped his fingers and the knight neatly removed itself from the table and a bishop took its place. "Check."
The Director moved a pawn between the bishop and his king. "I don't understand how. You orchestrated that whole event that gave her the power in the first place. But, as you said, 'whatever.' I doubt that's what you wanted to talk to me about."
"Yeah, man. I want to run the next one." Bryce snapped his fingers again, moving his queen.
"I beg your pardon?"
"The next grand battle thing. You said there were gonna be nine, right? I wanna run the next one. Number seven."
The Director made his move and paused before replying. "There are quite a few people who have asked me the same thing. And you've only successfully entered into one. Why should I-"
As The Director spoke, Bryce shifted forward in his chair, leaning against the table on his elbows. He removed his sunglasses, revealing a pair of entirely-black orbs in place of his eyes. His smirk disappeared in an instant.
"You know perfectly well I am capable of handling this," he interrupted, his voice taking a more serious and less earthly tone. He snapped angrily, not moving his gaze from the Director's face area, as far as the direction of his gaze was discernable, at least. His knight took a pawn.
Neither party moved for quite a while. After an appropriate period of deliberation, The Director let out a small sigh. "I suppose you are." Bryce grinned an unnervingly, almost unnaturally wide grin. His remarkably white teeth contrasted starkly with his completely dark eyes for the moment it took to return his sunglasses and his body to their prior positions. "What are you planning on calling it?"
"Check it," he replied, his voice returning to its original tone, "Mega Throwdown!"
The Director paused again. "Really? That's not quite as, shall we say, distinguished as the others."
"Yeah, yeah. How about, like, Epic Clash?"
The Director sighed once more. "I suppose that will have to do." He moved his queen from one side of the board to the other, taking a pawn directly next to Bryce's king. "Checkmate."
Bryce frowned and looked back and forth over the board, before smirking again. "Y'know dude, if I hadn't been letting you win, I'm not sure I woulda won."
A chuckle was audible from The Director's direction. "Charming, as always. Good luck with your battle." The blackness behind him seemed to intrude on the edges of his body until nothing remained visible.
Bryce adopted a completely neutral expression and sat up in his seat. He stayed that way for almost a full minute, before audibly drawing breath. He stood and snapped his fingers on both hands. The chess board and its pieces neatly rearranged themselves into their starting positions, then they, the table, and the chairs disappeared. He walked with obvious deliberation in a direction which would have seemed completely arbitrary if this man did not stride with such purpose. He disappeared into the blackness beyond the limit of whatever was illuminating the space he had been standing in, whose likewise immersion in darkness was accompanied by a quiet click.
Awwwright, guess what, this is happening. I just got done having a little chat with The Director himself, and it's time to begin The Grand Battle, Round Seven of Nine, EPIC CLASH. You know the drill. Get your nigh-omnipotent self out there and find yourself a champion from any universe, any time, any place. Pluck them out of whatever business they're getting into right now and take them here for my inspection. If they pass muster, they get thrown in a battle to the death in interesting and exotic locales! And I know you all know better than to tell them what's up or help them out; the more dazed, confused, and disoriented they are when they get here, the more hilarious it is.
I need eight champions up here quick. I've only got a few eternities. Get searching!
Welcome to the Epic Clash, the seventh in the series of eight preliminary Grand Battles. For those of you who somehow find yourselves in the metas/collabs section without knowing what this is, it's a writing contest between eight people, and I suggest you at least skim the first one. There are some minor variations in rules between each, but the gist of it is this:
1) Each player posts a character. I'll leave a form to fill out later in the post. That player controls that character throughout the duration of their participation in the contest, writing about their actions, the environment, and, to a more limited extent, the actions of the other characters.
2) There are seven "rounds" during which characters interact. At the beginning of each round, I will give you a brief outline about that round's setting. You are expected to fill in the details as your character interacts with and discovers more of the environment.
3) Whoever is judged to have written worst in each round will have their character eliminated and will no longer be able to participate actively. The remaining characters will be transported to another setting and the next round will begin. Again, it has nothing to do with how powerful the character is, it has to do with how well you write. If you make an indestructible character and don't back it up with indestructible writing, they are going to have some horrible luck befall them at the end of the round.
Those are the common elements. There are some minor variations between each Grand Battle. Here's the ground rules for this one.
Posts tend to get very lengthy, and it sucks to sit there writing a 154 page annotated post with references only to hit submit and see someone else just said something that invalidated everything your character just did. To prevent this, we have a reservation system. Just post saying you're reserving a spot, and for the next three hours, no one else can post anything in character until you've posted. After you post, or after your three hour reservation is up, the next post is fair game.
Remember that it is a WRITING contest, not a straight roleplay battle. You are permitted to control other characters once you think you have a sufficient understanding of how that character would act. So, if you make someone else's character act, well, out of character, it's your contestant that gets the axe that round, not theirs. However, if you make their character do something awesome and in line with their normal behavior, bonus points for you. The majority of your posts should be about the character you enter, though.
You, the searcher for these contestants, are not supposed to tell the character that they're going to be in a battle to the death, nor are you supposed to help them after the game starts. Typically they just disappear from wherever they were and wind up in line for battle with no idea what just happened. Helping them before the game starts, assuming they don't know what they're being helped for, is discouraged but permissible if it's interesting enough.
Contestants should not actually leave the battle arena. They can try (in fact I encourage it) as long as it doesn't actually work.
Ideally, the end of the round will come when events in that round have seemed to come to a climactic sort of head. When I have made my decision about who would be eliminated, I'll PM it to everyone, and those of you who would be interested in dealing the death blow have a short period to set your characters up to do so. The person who controls the character being eliminated then gives me tips about how they want their death scene to play out, and I write it for them. If they are eliminated due to inactivity, I'll just write it outright.
That about covers it. If you're interested in participating, you first have to submit a character, which is done by filling out the form below. If you want to write a little blurb about what they were doing before they were selected, that's cool too.
Your character's name: Tell us their name. If it's unpronounceable using the sounds represented by letters on the english keyboard, give us something to call them.
Gender: Male, female, robot, sentient shade of the color blue, whatever. If they don't fit in the typical gender roles, at least tell us what pronoun to use.
Race: What do we call things like what your character is? Human? Lizardfolk? Busty elfen temptress?
Color: You have to pick a color to post in. White text on a red background, Dark blue on pale orange, and plain black are reserved. If you're writing for another character, you can post what they say and do in their color if you want, but it's not required. Distinct colors are preferred, so the people reading can mentally associate the colors with the characters.
Physical description: What does the character look like? Pretty self-explanatory. You can draw a picture if you'd like, but it's not required.
Personality overview: Give us the basics about how we can expect your character to behave. You don't need to be too specific, a lot of it comes out of the interaction with the other players.
Abilities: What makes the character a dangerous opponent? Are they masters of swordplay? Can they conjure armies of shadow people on a whim? Are they just super street smart? Again, you don't have to be super specific. Give us an outline, a theme.
Equipment: What does your character have with them? If your character's primary form of attack or defense falls into this category, go nuts about it. Otherwise, don't worry too much. No one's going to call you out on failing to mention that your toolbox has a wrench in it. They will, however, call you out on failing to mention the bazooka hidden in your picnic basket. Use discretion.
Backstory: While this doesn't have to be massively extensive, it doesn't hurt if it is. What happened in your character's past to make them what they are now?
1) Bluestone Cave (AKA Dungeon of the Crimson Fish): A thawing cave with tricky rock people and gravity shenanigans based on a setting from Awakelemon's MSPAFA, The Deadly Dance of the Scarecrow King. Death: James Raven.
2) The Wax Colosseum: A game of tag with animated wax statues. Deaths: Emilio Nahaz and Mr. Nothing.
3) The Ascended City: An alien steampunk flying city populated by robots. Death: Michelle Davis.
4) The Unholy Fortress: Malevolent and insanity-inducing tunnels beneath a fortress and the colonists who were compelled to build them. Deaths: Coy Spender and Asteira.
5) Mnemonocyst Bearers: Two giant spherical psychic beings that recreate entities from the contestants' pasts. They are joined by two contestants from an underground, unofficial battle. Death: Glere.
Contestants (click a name to see their profile, character or author)
Thomas Packston by Pinary. One man, four minds. Each controls one classical element. From the future. Winner.
James Raven by Lighing. Black knight, troubled past, shadow magic, lightning for an arm. Rocks fell, he died.
Emilio Nahaz by Babel. Legendary heroic knight. Songs are sung about his travels. Nothing is above his abilities, except a game of tag.
Mr. Nothing by Odinod. Part-time grim reaper. Two modes: angel and skeleton. Killed while trying to escape.
Michelle Davis by Alice. Zombie apocalypse survivor. Carries a large rifle. Runs fast. Death by inability to fly.
Special Agent Coy Spender by suomynonAyletamitlU. Special agent from a multiversal defense force. Had a device that produced coins that can be used to cast magic spells. Suicide by explosion to destroy a demon.
Asteira by Wojjan. Manipulative ghost-lady, standard manipulative ghost-lady powers. Also, a magic chisel. Hung out in people's minds. Was doing so when said mind exploded.
Glere by McBatman. Fishbowl for a head, summoning cloak full of old clutter, possibly insane or possibly super-sane. Died killing The Overseer.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 04:21 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.
Yaay, chess and Grand Battles and Baphomet [img]images/smilies/pc_chummy.gif[/img]
Tempting as it is, I'm just gonna spectate on this one; Miss Kaissa's got quite enough on her multiversal plate already.
In saying that, in the highly unlikely event you'll need extra spots filled, I'd definitely find some denizen of existence to bring to your little party.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 04:23 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
I'm in. GB1 is nearing its finale, so it'll be fun to have something else to work in.
Character will be posted in a moment.
Edit: Guess who.
Name: Konka Rar
Gender: Male
Race: Cyborg Lich
Color: I guess I'll go with this one.
Physical Description: Skeleton in a black cloak with a mechanical arm, a cybernetic eye, and various patches of metal all over his body.
Personality overview: First off, he's evil. However, he's not "backstab-you-for-the-sake-of-backstabbing-you" evil; if you manage to form an alliance with him, he'll generally uphold it unless you outright betray him. He also has an intense curiosity about both magic and technology, having expertise in both and a desire to learn more.
Abilities: Very advanced offensive magic, necromancy, somewhat advanced knowledge of technology (it's newer to him, but he's picked up a lot fast). He also knows how to install cybernetic parts in any undead minions he has the opportunity to create.
Equipment: Cybernetic arm and other implants, a magic staff with a ram's head on it.
Backstory: Ages ago, he was one of the most talented wizards in his world. He was also incredibly ambitious, seeking to rule the world.
To this end, after usurping control of the kingdom he lived in, he summoned an army of demons and used them to invade neighboring lands.
Eventually, however, he was defeated, and killed.
But, his knowledge of magic allowed him to become a lich upon his death - a form of necromancy unknown in his world until that time. He was nevertheless defeated in this form, and though he remained "alive", his body was severely damaged beyond his ability to regenerate it. He lay dormant for thousands of years.
Until his descendant, the mage Sorsa Rar, found his remains.
As the end result of a process that would be a story in itself, Sorsa Rar managed to reconstruct his ancestor's body with cybernetics. Konka Rar had become a cyborg lich, and was fascinated by the technology that had brought him to life once more.
He immediately began experimenting with cybernetic undead (Eximo Pulvis being an early result), and slowly built an army of them.
He has been biding his time in his castle, waiting for the right moment to send out his army, seeking to rule the world once more.
Until one day, when he was suddenly pulled into a contest...
(Man, that backstory took me longer to do than I thought, and I even intentionally left things out to shorten it.
Real short version: thousands of years ago he was human, then a lich, then relatively recently brought back as a cyborg lich.)
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:02 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.
Oh. Shit. [img]images/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:07 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Oh, in case I need to make it clear: he can't summon demons any more. The place he summoned them from kind of doesn't have any demons left in it. Long story.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:10 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
Dammit, Fogel. You're gonna scare everyone off. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
What if you win both? The finalist battle between Eximo and Konka would be... well, pretty anticlimactic.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:12 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
I'm in the process of trying to figure out what would happen if one person won multiple battles. Because I can't have two characters from one person in All Stars.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
No problem. If I win GB1, I'll resign in this one sometime before the end. I just want to play the villain for once.
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:18 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
Or worse, if you resign or lose, then what does poor Eximo have to come home to after his long and perilous journey, if he wins?
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:19 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
THIS THREAD MAKES ME SAAAAAAAD! [img]images/smilies/pc_bemused.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash [Eight Spots Remaining]
02-03-2010, 05:32 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Baphomet Wrote:Or worse, if you resign or lose, then what does poor Eximo have to come home to after his long and perilous journey, if he wins? Such is the tragic arc of the undead vacuum cleaner.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:30 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Your character's name: Glere, aka, Fishbowl Head Man.
Gender: Male
Race: Fishbowlkin
Color: Yaaaay.
Physical description:![[Image: FHM.jpg]](
Personality overview: Sanity was a consideration at one point. Then he got pushy. Don't do that, it's dangerous. What are you doing with that fork? Then INsanity moved in. He's much more fun. What's that toaster? Another game of musical cars? Sure! Weeeeeeee.... (Glere may be faking the insanity. Or he might not be. It's hard to tell. Though really, if anyone went to such lengths to appear mad, wouldn't that be madness in of itself?...)
Abilities: Mustering of nonsensical objects from the mysterious void inside his cape. What secrets does it hold? Mostly bread, covered with mold.
Equipment: Cape of the void of nonsensical machinations. A spansive space of useless junk, however suited for one's needs. Limited to one item removed at a time, larger items do not necessarily mean increased strength to wield them.
Backstory: Where did it all begin? It's hard to remember, so much fun has been had since it all went fuzzy. Then again it was always a bit unhinged, but I don't suppose that matters too much anymore. The flavor has much improved since the days the lemonade wasn't fresh. But what can you expect from such... insipid meanderings? Dogs, the lot of them. Unappreciative of the gifts bestowed to them. A car with zebra stripes, a window with a door knob to make it easier to enter! Though they grow tired of the games. They always do. So I move on and find more subjects to play with. I do hope they aren't boring. I mean them no harm, they just don't get the rules of the game! I can adjust though, the breeze is often quite fickle with its opinions on the subject anyways. Time to go, the tea kettle is calling the pot chartreuse again. Ta-ta!
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:40 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
Alright, unless I'm mistaken, McBatman, this is your first time. Welcome to the exciting world of Grand Battles! You've got a spot for sure. Though, could you possibly change your color? that combination's a little hard to read.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Baphomet Wrote:Alright, unless I'm mistaken, McBatman, this is your first time. Welcome to the exciting world of Grand Battles! You've got a spot for sure. Though, could you possibly change your color? that combination's a little hard to read. How's the blue and white? And thanks for the warm welcome to a world of death and misery. [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
Name: James Raven
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Color: This.
Physical description: 6' 8"
Personality overview: He often attacks anything he sees because of his loss, and he is usually silent.
Abilities: His right arm is made of energy. He can stretch it for a meter, and he can lift 200 lbs. While studying the Dark Arts, he learned how to control shadows to some extent. He can only cover his sword in quickly-vibrating darkness, which makes it an efficient ax.
Equipment: His spiked shoulder generates an energetic arm. This arm is very powerful, as stated above. Touching it will "shock" things. His left hand has no fingers, but has claws. His armor generates a darkness shield whenever he is aware of an attack. No, he can not just pretend he can always be aware of an attack and always have a shield.
Backstory: James is a warrior of darkness. His family was killed by rogues, and he was wounded but he lived. His right arm and left hand were cut off when he tried to protect his parents. A powerful wizard of darkness tricked him into becoming a dark warrior, saying "The rouges will have no chance against you if you become a dark warrior, you'll be the most powerful person in the land." The wizard gave him his energy producing shoulder pad, which allows him to fight and have an arm. James forged steel claws and attached them to his left hand, and he has sworn revenge against the men who murdered his family, so he searches for them to this day.
My brother helped me with this a lot!
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 07:09 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
McBatman Wrote:Baphomet Wrote:Alright, unless I'm mistaken, McBatman, this is your first time. Welcome to the exciting world of Grand Battles! You've got a spot for sure. Though, could you possibly change your color? that combination's a little hard to read. How's the blue and white? And thanks for the warm welcome to a world of death and misery. [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img] That'll do just fine.
Lighing Wrote:Name: James Raven
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Color: This.
Physical description: 6' 8"
Personality overview: Completely broken shell of a man. He often attacks anything he sees.
Abilities: His right arm is made of energy. He can stretch it to nearly limitless lengths. He has insane upper body strength.
Equipment: His spiked shoulder generates an energetic arm. This arm is very powerful, as stated above. Touching it will "shock" things. His left hand has no fingers, but has claws.
Backstory: James is a warrior of darkness. His family was killed by rogues, and he was mortally wounded. A wizard gave him his energy producing shoulder pad, which allows him to fight and have an arm, and he forged claws and attached them to his left hand. He has sworn revenge against the men who murdered his family, and searches for them to this day. He has been tricked by the semi-omnipotent being that the Epic Clash participants are those rogues.
My brother helped me with this a lot! This, however, needs some work. You've got the skeleton of an entry, which is to say you have the core of each part. You just have to put some meat on it. What does being a warrior of darkness entail? If he was mortally wounded, why is he still alive? What's with the armor that's in the image, but not in your equipment list? Why did this wizard help him? How does being a broken shell of a man equate to attacking everything he sees?
You're also being kind of vague about his powers. "nearly limitless length" and "insane upper body strength" don't really tell me much.
I'm also not sure he could have been tricked by someone in any meaningful way into thinking the other contestants are the rogues who killed his family. If you'd read the other grand battles, you'd see that when they start out, they give a brief intro to each character. If you lied to him and told him he'd be competing in a contest against the rogues, then you've told him about the battle and broken the rules. If you tell him after the introduction, then you've interfered after the battle started, which is also breaking the rules.
I'd recommend you go at least read through the first grand battle, linked in the first post. That should give you an idea of how these things usually work. Read some of the posts by the characters, especially in the later rounds, and see how much of an idea they have about how their character behaves and interacts with others. Then come back, throw some more meat on them bones, and I'm sure you'll have a great entry!
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 07:24 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.
I'm definitely wanna join this 'un if spots are slow to fill. Now where was that second profile I wrote before...? Or should I write a new one...?
Apparently, I'm too lazy. Meek female goooooo.
Username: MalkyTop
Name: Aventine
Gender: Feeemale
Race: I suppose you could call her human, though her race call themselves something that basically means 'Star-gazers.' The only real difference would be that her race is completely carnivorous, sporting sharp teeth and strong jaw strength.
Colour: This 'un.
Weapon: Aventine doesn't really just go around carrying weapons. She does have a knife hidden away in her sleeve in case she needs to commit suicide for whatever reason. Even though she wasn't supposed to, she learned self-defense, but it's not likely she would exhibit this skill. She has a whip hidden in her other sleeve because she has a niggling feeling that she doesn't have the guts to commit suicide.
Abilities: Aventine's home is in the middle of a desert, meaning she can handle heat pretty well. Unfortunately, she can't handle cold and would possibly freak out at the sight of snow.
Description: Aventine is a woman. For her and everybody in her village, this means that she stays in the background, tends to the house, kills herself if her honor has been defiled, so on and so forth. Her only goal is to get married, and that's indeed what she was supposed to do before getting whisked away.
She's rather conflicted about her role in life, wanting to stick with tradition because after all, tradition is right, right? But she knows she doesn't feel like committing suicide at the drop of a hat, if her husband dies or if she's been raped. She doesn't want to just stick with the title of 'trophy wife,' but also doesn't want to be condemned by those around her. She has ended up not knowing whether she's pretending to be meek and submissive to hide her intelligence or if she really is that modest.
Right now, since she's about to be married, she's almost completely covered. A white veil covers the bottom half of her face while a white shawl goes around the rest of her head, only showing her eyes and some of her black hair. The rest is basically a thick, white robe and, in case her hands accidentally peep out from her sleeves, thin gloves.
Biography: Aventine only started doubting society once she became a teenager. Knowing well enough that her questions would be frowned upon, she kept quiet, trying to work it out on her own. This lead her to explore the man's role. She watched her brother's training as she did housework and did his practice at night. She has tried wielding spears and daggers and bows. Busy with her double life, she almost forgot that she would have an arranged marriage at eighteen. She had been in her room, dressed in the traditional pre-marriage garb, contemplating the pros and cons of running away when she was entered into the tournament.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 09:03 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ed.
I get the feeling that this is going to be cool, i'll watch to see if i learn a thing or two because i really suck at writing
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 10:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
Awww, Baph, what the shit man. I thought we had something special.
I'm gunna go into a back room and draw puppies now.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 01:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Odinod.
Name: UNKNOWN (Often referred to as Mr. Nothing)
Gender: Male
Race: UNKNOWN (He most often wears a human appearance)
Color: White on Black okay?
Physical Description: Human-like man, trim, well-kept black hair, wears a simple black suit with a simple black tie. He has large, almost angelic wings. His suit has been modified to let them through. When he reaps (see below), his wings begin losing their feathers (if he stays in reaper form long enough, they degrade down to the bone, basically becoming skeletal wings) and the flesh starts falling from his skull (when he goes back to normal, everything grows back quickly, albeit very painfully). It's for this reason that he doesn't particularly like reaping.
Personality overview: A good and kind man(?), he works for the higher-ups in the afterlife, doing anything that needs to be done for them. Part secretary, part gofer; he's a jack-of-all trades, really. One of those trades happens to be taking on the guise of a Reaper. He doesn't enjoy what the job entails, but after doing it for so long, it's given him a more neutral view of the world. Everyone dies; there are no exceptions. (I am aware this is pretty much personality and backstory; I kind of mix those two together. No doubt there will be personality traits revealed in the backstory part.)
Abilities: Flight, in both his normal and Reaper forms, the ability to interact with a person's soul; one of the benefits of this is extremely limited empathy; it gets useful only when he's actually touching someone, and it's still nowhere near to mind-reading. Another benefit is that he can hit, cut, and in some extreme cases, shatter a person's soul. Some of the most cruel Reapers shatter souls as much as is allowed, for it allows them to consume them instead of bringing them to their final resting place; it's said that a good soul tastes better than anything in this universe or any other. It's also said that this practice of eating souls corrupts Reapers beyond any salvation they might have had, as well as giving them unimaginable power. When he's in his standard, angelic form, he has regenerative capabilities, which allows him to lose large chunks of skin, flesh and blood, and be perfectly fine a moment or two later. He can't regenerate limbs; however, he can reattach them if he's able to reacquire them quickly. Any and all regeneration causes extravagant pain, but because he Reaps part-time, he's learned to ignore the hurt fairly well. He can also tell a good joke every once in a while.
Equipment: Suit, comb (for fixing untidy locks; usually this is necessary after Reaper transformation) and a scythe (it folds up for easy carrying and transportation, and hangs in a sheath on his hip), though he refuses to use it unless absolutely necessary. He prefers the finesse of hand-to-hand combat.
Backstory: Mr. Nothing had been working in the offices of Hereafter & Co. for as long as he could remember. At the time of the incident, he had been sorting files into some new, overly complex organization system that was bound to be a failure. Of course, he didn't say this to anyone, because he happened to enjoy having a source of income, and when you're one of the lowest men on the totem pole, you don't want to take any chances by talking back.
"Hey, you!" Nothing looked up. This was how he was referred to by his superiors, most of the time. "Get your butt down to Accounts Receivable. They need a corpse jockey down there; Azerael called in." Nothing looked at his boss, looked at the files, then looked down and sighed. He put the files to one side and headed down to the A/R offices.
He got there, looking around for where to go. An anxious looking, bespectacled, rather mousey man caught his eye. "Hey, you! Are you the one Stephen sent down here?" Nothing nodded, saying nothing. "Alright, get over here. We're way behind schedule and we need to get you outfitted!" The man handed him a robe and what appeared to be a folded-up scythe. He took a look at Nothing's suit, cocked his head, considering, and took the robe back. "What you have on'll work well enough."
The man walked him over to a small pedestal positioned against a wall. There were several glyphs of different varieties everywhere around the area; Nothing didn't know what any of them meant. The man held one hand out before him, putting a strange glove (that also had a series of symbols on it) on. "Get on that pedestal." Mr. Nothing did so. "Now close your eyes and count to ten. You're going to feel very weird, and some guys see weird things too, but whatever you do, don't stop counting. Open your eyes when you're done." Nothing did as instructed.
One...two... Suddenly it felt like his heart was being sucked from his chest by some sort of giant vacuum cleaner. It didn't hurt, but the feeling was intense and foreign. He gasped in surprise. A voice, from miles away: "Don't stop counting!"!... His heart was gone, ripped from his body, there was such a sense of emptiness, he couldn't stand it for much longer; "Keep going, kid!" He could feel...something entering him. Something black and horrid, something slimy and putrid. It stank of death, and it was filling the hole where his heart used to be. "Almost there, almost there!" ...eight...nine... An image filled his mind; it was an image of him. It was like he was looking in a mirror. He saw himself reach up to his face, and take off his features like a porcelain mask. What was underneath was a horrible monstrosity, a skull with tendrils of rotting meat hanging off the bones, and bright red dots where the eyes used to be. "Finish, kid, jesus, you're taking forever!" ...TEN!
Nothing opened his eyes. The man was taking off the glove, which was streaked with some sort of dark ichor, and proceeded to drop it in a bin marked with a biohazard symbol. He took Nothing off the pedestal and slapped him on the back. "You did good, kid. Sometimes we have to cancel the process because some guys can't handle it. Anyways, out the door and off you go. You'll know what to do when you get there." He pushed Nothing toward the exit. "Oh! Almost forgot..." He ran over to one of the desks scattered about the room and grabbed a piece of paper. "Your list. Bring 'em back here, and we'll take care of the rest of the paperwork."
Nothing took the list, feeling strange and queasy. However, he had a job to do. He flew out the door, entering the dimensional portal that would take him to the universe and planet that he needed to go to. For the next several years, most of his work was in Accounts Receivable, simply because he was so good at his job. Tim, the mousey man who first introduced him to reaping, was even considering hiring him on for a permanent position. Reapers were paid well, and always respected. They did a dirty job, and it took guts to do it.
However, one day, Mr. Nothing didn't come back from a job, and Hereafter & Co. is desperately searching for his whereabouts...
EDIT: tl;dr version, Mr. Nothing is a part-time Reaper, part time gofer Angel.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 01:41 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
I edited it, is it any better?
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:02 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
Bryce spun slowly, apparently suspended in the air by an invisible thread connecting to somewhere in the center of his chest. Gone was the smirk, the sunglasses, the attire. His eyes were closed, his mouth hung open feebly. His arms and legs dangled in the air at his sides. His entire body and the once-white robes that draped over his limp form were coated in a thick layer of blood, which dripped to the perfect-to-the-atom 16-meter-square mirror making the floor of this place.
The walls and ceiling, likewise, were made of perfectly square mirrors - a mirrored cube, reflecting inwards, with Bryce suspended directly in the center. On each face, a perfect replica of the room, including the replicas of that room on its walls, ceiling, and floor. A three-dimensional grid stretched off into forever, but was far from perfect in its form. Each drop of blood that hit the floor distorted its face an amount imperceptible on the surface, but the changes manifested in wild spirals and shapes as the grid spun off into infinity. Watching the shapes shift, one might almost suspect they moved with purpose, with intent.
The sound of the drips was interrupted by a voice. "Hey Bryce!"
Bryce's black eyes opened immediately. His fingers snapped and instantly the entire area was immersed in total darkness, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass. A few more snaps were audible, the final of which returned light to the scene, if you could even call it the same scene at all.
It was now a comfortable wood-paneled room with a fireplace. Bryce was sprawled out across the arms of a loveseat on one side, clean and wearing his standard attire, sunglasses and all. His new guest found himself standing in front of a plush, executive-style chair. "Hey hey, it's The Chronic. Ler." He said smirkingly,"Have a seat."
The Chronicler looked conflicted. An awkward silence grew between them.
"It's funny because chronic means marijuana!" Bryce grinned a little wider.
The Chronicler looked down at his feet and rubbed his hands together nervously. "Just... just call me Miles. Or um, Fawman. No one calls you The Overseer, you don't have to call me The Chronicler."
"Alright, alright, yeah. Miles. Sit down dude, everything's cool."
The man did so. Not a man exactly, more like a glowing image of a man. It looked as though someone had screenprinted a man with an impish face in several different tones, but hadn't lined all the panels up right, leaving odd glowing colors and shifting indistinct shapes where they did not quite overlap. He looked curious and excited mostly.
"You started a new Grand Battle! Does that mean I'm gonna help you? You said!"
Bryce shifted uncomfortably and started to inspect and clean his fingernails. "Yeah bro, for sure. For sureskis. You wanna, like, help me find arenas and stuff?"
The being in the seat cocked his head to the side with a puzzled expression, as if listening intently as Bryce spoke. "Yeah! And do the speeches and stuff!"
Bryce pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dude, really? I think I can handle those."
Miles furrowed his brow deeply as Bryce spoke. "Uhm.... how do you do that thing? With the words'...colors?"
Bryce stood and stretched. "You just gotta find yourself, man."
" I have to find... who I am? Like um, what makes me, me?"
Bryce shook his head. "No dude," He poked Miles in the chest, "You're right there."
Miles looked blank for a moment, and then drew a book into existence. He fumbled through it for a moment and began scrawling. Bryce stared disapprovingly. In a swift motion, he took the book and began flipping through it.
"Hey! That's... that's unteamfriendly!"
Ignoring Miles, Bryce flipped to the end and casually threw it back.
"Pfft, man, what are you doing? Writing a picture diary?"
Miles put on a tragic frown.
"It's... it's a chronicle! That's what I got that title for! I'm recording the interesting things, and this will definitely be interesting!"
Bryce sighed, and waved his wrist in Miles' direction.
"Alright alright whatever bro. It just seems, you know, totally pointless and all."
Miles didn't respond again, furiously drawing a picture of Bryce looking comically stupid.
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SpoilerSup guys, I'm your cohost for this planecrash. I'll be adding... certain things to this. You'll see.
McBatman: from what I know about you, you seem like a good writer. However, I gotta warn you about your character. Playing as a crazy person really kills any chance of having character development, and being able to create random objects means that almost everything your character does will be an asspull.
Ix: Looks good.
Lighing: Seems like an interesting character, but seriously, your backstory section is lacking. It's like a bare flesh and bones timeline of the guy's life, and even if it's actually interesting, reading it is extremely boring. If your character is written like that, it could cause you to lose early. Also, Again, warning- characters with no emotions become boring easily.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 06:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
Malkytop goes on the list of vets, Odinod and Lighing claim the second and third sure seats. MyifanW will probably be posting something relevant fairly soon, if he's not in the process of doing it while I type this. EDIT: he was.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 07:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Odinod.
MyifanW and Baphomet, Would it be okay if I made a few changes to my profile? There's a couple things I want to clear up, so it doesn't seem like I'm making them up later (regeneration in his normal form, as an example). One of the changes is completely aesthetic, it has to do with his wings when he's in Reaper form.
And would it be okay if I drew a picture of him at some point in the future, to put with his appearance? I don't know when I would, though, because I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to projects that are only dependent on me.
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!]
02-03-2010, 08:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
That's totally fine. Any changes you want to make for now until the game starts are fine, so long as the resulting character still has enough information and doesn't break the rules.