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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 04:25 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerOkay, in about 6 hours, unless somebody else has reserved, I will make a post bringing us to just before Lutherion's death.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 05:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
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Spoilergo ahead and write the thing now. Also, i couldnt quite find it, but does Lutherion have his wightmaw again?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 05:44 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
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SpoilerNo, but he managed to take over Amethyst using black magic alone. I think the arm's still cowering in fear on what's left of the crystal island.
And yeah, I don't really have anything planned. Go ahead and go whenever.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.
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SpoilerI've nipped all I need into the GBII, so yeah. I think Samuel and Gestalt... sorry, bob and AF were planning an attack on me and Galus... Opirian, but I think whatever you have planned, as they have yet to do so, is more than welcome whenever.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 05:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Sruixan Wrote:
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SpoilerI've nipped all I need into the GBII, so yeah. I think Samuel and Gestalt... sorry, bob and AF were planning an attack on me and Galus... Opirian, but I think whatever you have planned, as they have yet to do so, is more than welcome whenever.
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SpoilerWrong thread Sruixan [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 06:23 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI stated in the GB2 thread that I'm planning to do something that will affect their battle, so he's responding to that.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 10:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-23-2009, 11:21 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Nathan was exhausted. But the demon had told him to come here. Told him he would need to in order to stop the necromancer. Yes, the demon would help him.
Dorukomets lay at his feet, unmoving. Shards of the crystal were embedded in the ghostly armor. Nathan began removing shards. The demon's voice spoke to him, sounding weak.
"Gather them together. We'll need them..."
Nathan placed the shards in a pile on the island. After he removed about half, Dorukomets began to move again; Nathan placed a hand on the ghost's shoulder, and it stopped.
"Hurry. I can't hold him for long, but we can't have him getting in the way. You want to kill that necromancer, don't you?"
"Of course I do," Nathan replied, though to an outsider it would have seemed he was talking to himself. Nathan quickly removed the rest of the shards.
"Good. Now, let's get the ghost a little more out of the way. Pick him up."
Nathan grabbed Dorukomets' body, and lifted it up. The demon channeled additional strength into his arms so he could lift the heavy armor; draining, but it would be made up for soon enough. He directed Nathan's attention towards the strange island, off in the distance.
"I can't predict what will happen if we destroy him, so we'll just keep him busy with that confusing maze. I think we'd both rather not have unknown variables running around."
Nathan nodded. With his enhanced strength, he threw Dorukomets towards the island. There was a flash of light as he landed.
The effort had nearly drained both Nathan and the demon. Escaping from Aeon's metal cocoon had been hard enough. Fortunately, the crystal shards would be able to make up for that. At least, once one last spell was cast...
The demon focused. He would be almost completely drained after this, but if it worked, that wouldn't be a problem. The shards merged together, becoming a new crystal, somewhat smaller than the original. After some more time, it took the shape of a sword.
Nathan's body collapsed as the crystal formed. But in a few minutes, he would be back to full strength thanks to the healing energy. The demon could regain some strength by feeding off of Nathan's life force as it returned, and the crystal would more than compensate for that.
As Nathan's body rested, the island drew ever closer to its destination...
Eximo was not performing at its best, but it still realized that Lutherion's spell could not be completed. It had to stop it; perhaps one of the objects it was carrying could assist it. It reached an arm into its storage compartment. Most of the objects in there were the silver knives from Killville; Eximo soon realized these would be useless. Lutherion was too far away for melee, and if thrown, the knives would be at the mercy of the winds. It searched harder, and found something better suited for the situation.
Lutherion was concentrating desperately. When he had done this before, though he had been bound, he hadn't needed to worry about the winds or the sand. He didn't want to be blown off the island before he could finish the spell, but he also didn't want the vacuum causing trouble when the wind stopped.
But he was almost done. Just one final step, and the spell would be complete...
A shot rang through the air. Lutherion's focus was broken by the unexpected noise, and a sudden feeling of pain. He looked down and noticed a wound revealing his dead heart - not that he needed it any more, but the feeling was disconcerting.
Eximo held a still-smoking gun in one of its arms, held steady by two others to keep its aim in the confusing winds. It had picked it up in the Mutewood, after Dorukomets had suddenly left it alone in the bathroom.
Eximo did not know enough of ballistics to realize that a bullet, once fired, traveled at high enough speeds to make the effects of wind negligible. But it did realize that the weapon would make a loud noise. And indeed, the sudden sound had played more of a role than the wound itself, though Lutherion certainly didn't appreciate the latter.
"You shot me! That's it, vacuum! I've had enough of you! Strawberry girl, I want you to stop the winds when we're over that island. Then..."
Whatever order Lutherion was about to give was interrupted by Nathan's sudden arrival. The boy leapt through the air, aided by the demon, and stabbed Lutherion through the bullet-wound with a sword that appeared to be made from the healing crystal.
"It'll be so much easier to kill you if you're alive, monster." Nathan sounded even crazier than Lutherion had before.
From his perch on the cube, Aeon saw the flash as Dorukomets landed on the island of bizarre staircases and warped surfaces. He couldn't see the cause, but then, just trying to look at that island was difficult for him. He didn't think having both eyes would make it any easier.
Then he heard the shot.
"Who has a gun around here?" he muttered to himself, as he ate the soup. "I swear, I have no idea what's going on in this 'game' any more. I'll probably get killed by something I won't even see coming."
He looked behind himself nervously, as if he expected to see another werewolf or some other hideous monstrosity. There was nothing.
"Might as well enjoy the soup while I can, then".
The strange reaction began again. Nathan cackled. Soon he would have his revenge. Yes, soon.
Suddenly, the winds stopped. The island had arrived, so Amethyst's body followed the part of Lutherion's order that had gone through. The island began falling.
More importantly, Eximo could move again. And it had a desperate idea. It zoomed through the sand, knocking Nathan over.
"This unit requires that item. Do not interfere."
Two arms holding knives stabbed them into the crystal. The healing power it radiated made Eximo's arms weak, but if this worked, it would be worth it.
Eximo swiftly turned towards Amethyst, who stayed eerily still, and hurled the crystal, knives still embedded within, towards her. The healing energy spread through her as the crystal struck, slowly countering the dark magics Lutherion had used to gain control of her body. She groaned, slightly, as she reacquainted herself with having physical control. As it watched her recovery, Eximo noted a strange hand-mirror in the sand in front of it; it felt strangely compelled to pick the item up, beyond the simple fact that it registered as clutter.
Nathan turned to the vacuum, angrily. "You've interfered. Don't make me destroy you, too."
Before Nathan could act on his threat, there was an ear-shattering scream from Lutherion's direction. The convulsing mass had found it difficult to determine whether it was trying to become alive or undead, as the process had been interrupted. As such, Lutherion was now a strange mix of the two. Parts of his body looked healthy and alive, while others were still decaying and rotten. The split was especially pronounced on his head, which spoke, or rather, screamed, out of both sides of its mouth at once.
"You... where... will all... am I... PAY!"
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SpoilerTime for Dex to finish this off.
Dorukomets is about to show up in GB2. I'll post there informing them.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 12:25 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion writhed around himself, curling and changing, ever being dead and ever being alive. Nothing on him was working anymore. He was a paradox, a creature that could not exist, yet here he was, smashed against the ground. When the healing seized, he was not himself, or Lutherion. He was a combination of alive and undead.
"I, This is rather, what?" "I will rip out your intestines and feast on them you!" "Gah! I dont know what." He held his hand to his head, flustered and utterly maddened by the pain and confusion.
"ENOUGH!!!" Nathan yelled, with a strength not even the demon was aware of: "I have had it with you and your freakish vacuum! I am going to end you here and now! AND NOTHING IS GOING TO STAND IN MY PATH!!!" He readied his knife, and focused on Lutherion.
Amethyst was slowly gaining control again. The dark magic was like poison. She was getting her grips when she saw that Lutherion and Nathan was directly in front of each other. "Oh no." She looked down and saw that she was pierced by the crystal sword, became frightened, but understood what had happened. She pulled the sword out slowly, and let it sink to the ground.
The necromatic side of Lutherion was staring like the psycho he was, directly at Nathan: "So! It have all come to this! I have lost not only my wightmaw, but also my newly gained puppet, and even my immortality! I owe you every drop of hurt i can squeeze out of you!!" The head turn away from Nathan: "No! We have done enough ham already! This is a new start! We can work this out!" He turned again: "Silence weakling!" He punched himself in the face, and shattered most of his frontal skull! "There! That should keep him from interfering!"
I have one trick left in my sleeve!" He dropped his staff while His arm's skin began rotting and curling up, turning black and dripping with a mysterious white liquid. "This, is my last resort! I have never used it, because i have never lost my immortality before! It wi-" "OH SHUT UP!!!" Nathan leaped ahead with a look like a madman, splicing the area in front of him. Lutherion moved just as quickly, jumping the same distance backwards. A great clean cut was where Luther had just stood. "Nice, youre really the patient type, eh devil spawn?" He pulled the hand back, showing his claws dripping with the liquid.
"HEHAHEHAEHAAA!!!" He swung the arm up after the very weakened Amethyst, launching the white waters upwards, but instead of doing any damage, the liquid hit the crystal sword, and pulled it down, gripping the sword with his hand. Mysteriously enough, nothing happened to him. "How can this be?" He said mockingly, "how can it be that the pretty crystal doesnt damage the big bad necromancer? Well my friend, that is what the water does! Look!" He made a nice cut in the ground, slicing it a fine stretch. The cut began boiling with pure puss and rot. "This white water is the essence of... ME!"
He jumped far into the air, Nathan watched him closely, he stretched backwards, and swung with force greater than lighting towards Nathan! Nathan quickly answered the attack with a powerful strike upwards! The two swords smashed against each other, The sound of bones breaking cut through the air. "AAAH!!!" Nathan held his arm, it had gotten quite a break. "Hehehahah!" Lutherions arm had almost become dust while he landed a few feet away, and the crystal sword came crashing down besides him, still covered in the necromatic water.
Lutherions rotten arm quickly got itself together, and he picked up the blade again. "This cut, will break you in half, demon spawn!" "he raised his blade, "Ignite, 1000 celcius!" "GragaGAG!" Lutherion burst into flames! Black crystal have hovered in around him, controlled by the weakened Amethyst: "I will NOT let you finish him off! YOU are the only thing stopping ud from properly working together! I will destroy you where you sta-"
Amethyst stopped. He saw Nathan, slowly walking closer to Lutherion. He reached with his good arm ahead, and was about to grab the crystal blade. "Hehaehh! You cannot touch my blade, demon spawn! The liquid will kill you!" Lutherion tried getting a hold of himself inside the flames. "Dont do it pet." The demon spoke to Nathan. "He is right. This stuff will kill you on the spot." Nathan hesitated. "I dont care!" He brushed off the demons words and grabbed the crystal! As soon as his hand touched it, he began rotting, but he didnt care. All he had to do, was kill Luther. He picked it up, and looked at Lutherion: "I can finally kill you with my own hands!" He raised the blade, and slashed Lutherions head directly down the middle!
The crystal blade fell to the ground, and the fire stopped. Lutherion look at Nathan, with an almost sorry look. "I... You, Thank... yooo<font size="4">oouu..." Lutherions body started shaking nd twitch, like a newly killed animal! From all holes in his body did liquids and puss stream! Nathan jumped back before being hit by the masses. Lutherion spread the puss and blood everywhere, until he fell over, and lied there, Lifeless on the ground.
The ground around him started to bloom with all kinds of flowers and plants. His body began turning to ash, and slowly blow away in the wind.
Lutherion, was dead.</font>
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SpoilerHows that? Too much?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 12:31 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerThat was an excellent finale for an excellent character. It's been a real pleasure having you in the game, Dex.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 12:33 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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I always get speechless in moments like these.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 12:37 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.
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SpoilerWow. It feels like the end of an era, almost.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 12:47 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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Okay, so the round is finally over! Do you want a day of RPing, or should the next post be the transition?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 01:00 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerEither way is fine with me. I don't have any particular plans for Eximo right now, but I could find something to do if we were continuing for a bit.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 01:04 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-24-2009, 08:45 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.
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SpoilerCould we have a few days of leeway for AF to post on GBII? We won't be setting up any cross-game escape plans before you guys have to leave, but I'd like a bit of crossover that's more than just implied, plus it'd piss the Sunset off no end...
Alternatively, if he doesn't post, I'm hijacking the Sunset [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]. Either way I know I have no position in asking here but could you give it a couple days?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-27-2009, 02:22 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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I made a crappy SoFAS for TGB. And when is Cyber going to post the transition?
![[Image: grandbattle.png]](
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-27-2009, 02:26 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI'm not entirely sure, but we may be waiting for a chance for someone in GB2 to do something that affects our side before we leave.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-27-2009, 03:27 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerThe way I interpreted it was that Dorukomets, when launched into the Escher zone, entered the GBII reality, meaning nothing there has any affect on us now.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
11-28-2009, 08:34 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
"W-well I suppose I'm off now-"
"Not so fast, Dexter."
The Gentleman stopped as the Director commanded.
"I admit, your entrant sure did make for an interesting contender, but you still broke the rules. You let him know before this ordeal began."
Dexter gulped. He knew what was coming next couldn't be good.
Skyscrapers, department stores, and hundreds of thousands of cars. A large city was to be the next arena for battle, it seemed. In a way, the ordinary type of setting was odd, compared to the physics breaking, extraordinary worlds each other round had offered. Something else new was here, too.
Down in the streets, in the buildings, everywhere, were people living their lives. People with no clue that their world was just another arena for battle.
The remaining four contestants found themselves in the four corners of the city. The new round had begun.
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SpoilerBattleopolis is a full city, complete with people to take collateral damage! Whatever is in the city is whatever you could expect to find in an average large city. This includes an unusually well armed police force if you start causing troublein the neighbourhood. I got into one little fight and my mom got scared and said "You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"
Wonder what happened to Dexter? He's in the city, too. Yes, a source to unleash your character's rage on! He has some power of his own, but it was mostly used to just scout for his contestant. The Director is the one responsible for actually bringing the players here.
Also here are some people that look strikingly similar to the deceased contestants. They're normal people, for the most part, but they may find themselves waking to power they didn't know they had. Power that you guys may find familiar.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
11-28-2009, 10:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"What the hell is that thing?"
"I think it just moved!"
"I bet it's some teenagers playing a prank! Looks like some kind of vacuum cleaner. Those bone arms are just glued on, I bet."
"Yeah? You want to take a closer look and make sure?"
"No way."
"I say we call the cops. Maybe it's a bomb."
Eximo was unsure what to make of the group of lifeforms that were watching it. The strange helmets they wore were unfamiliar to it; as were the large machines in the area.
There were also large quantities of exposed dirt. Eximo considered cleaning it, but the lifeforms seemed sufficiently alarmed already. It would be better to wait - perhaps they would lose interest if it stayed still long enough.
In the meantime, it occupied itself by scanning. As it widened its search, it noticed there were rather a lot of lifeforms in the area. It could not pick out Amethyst or Aeon easily.
Nathan was another matter - the oddity in his signal was still present. He barely registered at the outer range of Eximo's scans. He was some distance away, clearly, and Eximo was not sure it wanted to find him in any case. The boy had been unstable lately.
There was also a significant oddity with its scan: a large, circular area where there were no readings whatsoever.
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SpoilerSo, for clarification: Eximo is at a construction site, and the "dead zone" on the scan is in the center of the city.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
11-28-2009, 10:52 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
The people in Central Park all looked up in curiosity, as eight black crystals materialized, and flew off. Amethyst herself was amazed. This was... an actual city! Living people and everything! But there were plenty of questions to be answered.
"Load Preset, Force Shield"
she whispered. The spell had been designed to effeciently block bullets without wasting mana, so she would do good to have it enabled.
She thought for a moment, then decided the best option would probably be the simplest. She walked up to a random person- a young boy- and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, can you tell me the name of this city?"
The boy turned around and looked up naturally, but when he saw her face he did a double take. After a brief awkward moment, Amethyst realized it was her eyes. 'Solid Black' wasn't exactly a normal eye color, and that was excluding her strange clothes and purple hair.
"Oh um... colored contacts." She quickly explained. The boy nodded a little. "Umm... I don't know how you would be here but not know this, but the city's called BAttLeoPOliS."
The last word was different somehow. Not as though the boy had said it, but more as though he'd been recorded, and bits of his speech had been pasted together.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"
"BatTLeoPoLis" Again, in the twisted voice. Amethyst nodded slowly, and began to walk away.
She was about to leave the park, when she was stopped by a voice. She turned around to see a teenage boy- probably about 18- pointing a videocamera at her.
"Don't think I'm not on to you!" He had shouted.
"Please elaborate" Amethyst responded, monotone as always.
"Don't play dumb! Unless you're saying no one's left the city in weeks just coincidentally!"
Amethyst's ears perked up a little.
"Question regarding this observation of yours: Are you physically unable to leave the city borders?"
The man turned red, "I... uh..."
"If you have not considered simply leaving the city yourself to see if it is a physical seal, please say so. But it occurs to me, how have you reasoned that no one has left?"
"Look man! I got connections! Traffic records, police reports, the borders've been dead for two weeks now. You can't hide anything from me, alien chick! I got this city wired!"
Amethyst smiled slightly.
"If you know everything there is to know about this city, excellent. But truthfully, do you even know its name?"
"Eh? Of course I know the name! It's BAttLEtroPoLIs?"
Again, the word had sounded like it had gone through a filter. Looking closely, Amethyst saw the man's mouth didn't match quite up with the words.
"A message to the director, whom I know is watching:"
"H-hey! Who're you calling?"
Amethyst paused. She had been prepared to rant out loud about how pointless it seemed to filter the city name like that, but seeing the man panic gave her a better idea.
"I have encountered an individual who has uncovered the conspiracy. Requesting permission to erase... Rock bind."
The earth rose up around the man's ankle, forming a small stone shackle.
"The individual has expressed understanding of the city-seal program. He has also identified myself as an agent."
"H- HEA-"
The man's cry for help was cut off, as Amethyst herself screamed- no longer her monotone voice, but rather an impression of a scared little girl. A small crystal dagger sliced up the rock bind, before placing itself in the man's hand. He tried to drop it, but it simply flew with the same motions, effectively "stuck" to his him. Another crystal sliced several small cuts across Amethyst's body, as simple magic condensed the air, forming fake tears.
Though her 'colored contacts' and 'hair dye' made it a little less believable, it still seemed clear to the onlookers what had happened. Though Amethyst's body was about 14, the way she curled up on the ground crying made her look a bit younger. The man looked around panicked, before running off as fast as he could. Amethyst waited a bit, continuing her 'crying' until finally a concerned older woman began to approach her. Seeing this, Amethyst immediately took off running herself, chasing after the man, tracking his location through the crystal dagger.
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SpoilerSecond post means I get to make up some of the details about this arena! Yay!
Basically what I'm thinking is that this place is sorta "sealed." But it's not a literal barrier, but alot more subtle. Dates mysteriously get changed, meetings forced to be done over the internet. Lots of little things to keep people from leaving the city, without making it obvious. Even this conspiracy theorist never thought to check for a physical border, instead just assuming it was aliens.
The city name is being filtered to "Battleopolis," it does that for voices and for text. Voices it sounds like a Youtube Poop, text is up for grabs. Whether or not any other information is being 'censored' is up to the other writers. o.o
The conspiracy theorist called it "Battletropolis" because he actually got the name of the city wrong. It's irony! Yay!
Also, if my representation of how a girl getting attacked with a knife in the middle of a park in broad daylight would play out isn't exactly 'accurate,' chalk it up to different social standards in this city or something.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
11-29-2009, 02:09 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
"Hey! Get off the road!"
Aeon looked up, mildly surprised. He was no longer sitting on top of a floating cube, but rather he was sitting in the middle of a road. The fact that he was eating soup out of a can made the situation even more bizarre.
"Sorry!" Aeon said in the most ordinary tone possible, and quickly ran to the sidewalk. Well this is a definite change from previous rounds. He walked along the sidewalk aimlessly while finishing the soup as fast as possible. I have no idea who died, but luckily, I'm probably the most normal-looking person remaining. Aeon then paused and remembered that he had a crystal eyepatch, his clothes were peppered with holes, and there were small dried-up streams of blood nearly covering his body. It did not take long for Aeon to realize that he looked just like a homeless person who just got beat up. Ugh. Well so much for 'normal'.
After finishing the soup and tossing it into a nearby trash can, Aeon decided to make himself more concealable. He first went to the nearest clothes store and choosed a shirt that looked closest to his original. Upon attempting to pay with his apparently foreign currency, however, the plan failed. As he continued along the sidewalk, however, he saw a pawn shop. Aeon had an idea.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
12-01-2009, 06:26 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerThis has fallen to the second page.
OddGuy, post! At the very least, we'll want to know what's around Nathan's starting point.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round Five: Battleopolis!]
12-01-2009, 06:36 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
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