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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:49 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"This chamber has been cleansed. Proceeding to next location."
Eximo took out its scanner. The lifeforms were all over the place, and were largely proving uncooperative. For the moment, it would be best to focus on a room free of such distractions.
After a few moments, Eximo put away the scanner, left the kitchen, and headed through the door to the bathroom. Literally. It was not programmed to understand the importance of privacy.
"Status: Filthy. Objective acquired: Cleanse."
The vacuum began its work on the bathroom floor. Suddenly, there was a strange flash. A human corpse lay in the corner and blood covered the floor.
"Standing orders: Make note of any corpses, for later retrieval. Location noted. Continuing with primary objective."
The vacuum began sucking up the blood. Eximo lacked the capacity to realize the blood and corpse were illusory, but that knowledge likely wouldn't have made it stop anyways.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 01:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-huh?" the illusion dissappears, and Lutherion lies there, in the dark. he then jums up and starts... singing?! "oh what a beautiful mouuuuuuuuuurning! oh what a beautiful decaaaaaaaaaaaay! i got the beautiful feeeeeeeeeeling, that everyone shall die todaaaaaaaaaay!!! HEAHEAEHAEEEAHEAEHAAA!!!!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 01:34 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
OOC: Funny how I sorta started a chain reaction here.
Aeon entered a small room with only a staircase. Surely enough, he climbed it, and proceeded through the only door that was available. He found himself in a rather large room, the center of which was open towards the floor below. He could see clear signs of a struggle that took place, as well as what seemed like bits of dried blood and bone splinters.
Without warning, Aeon began having strange visions. It started with corpses, lying in the kitchen. He saw a vision of the delusional murderer kill them, obviously mistaking them to be a hallucination.
The vision began fading, but stopped. "The mind can only be fooled if it loses control of perception. Whatever sort of demonic force you are, you have no power over me. But, as you attempt to dismember my mind, I have a counterattack. I command you to show me the layout of this mansion."
The vision promptly dissipated, but remained existent, controlled. Whatever force caused this mansion to remain in haunting, whatever force that causes these morbid hallucinations now rests in the mind and power of Aeon.
"Possession occurs both ways... lybrarian."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 01:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Blargle, I'd like to be posting more, but it seems I chose to engage someone who wouldn't.
(No offense to Almost, I just like to express my frustration)
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 02:18 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
You can post something anyways. You're free to control Dorukomets, to an extent; I think most of us have taken some liberties with our opponents' attacks and tactics when writing our sections, it's part of the game.
Just don't write almost-there into a corner and it should be more or less fine.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily finished dispelling the creature and lowered the barrier. All that remained of it was the bone splinter. So she crushed it with her shield.
She then noticed that Lutherion had begun singing. She sighed, at least he might be busy with that for a little while. Just in case she set a barrier over the hole.
Now she had to find Alcarith. She headed for the bedroom, being careful to avoid the hole. She found Alcarith was busy meditating, and decided to guard the door.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 12:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
"There you are, dragoness," Emily said, entering.
Alcarith looked up, not too surprised Emily was there. She sat up on the bed, not taking much notice to the glass.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, ma'am," Alcarith responded. "What of that necromancer?"
"He fell down the hole in the stairway and is now...singing."
"Yes, don't ask. I wouldn't know why he's doing that. Perhaps it's a good thing the necromancer is also a lunatic."
Alcarith puts her feet on the floor and then stands up. The overshadowing of death hasn't made any effort to be pushed to the back of the mind, out of sight. If she were to win, she thought, even this old woman would have to die. She can't imagine her dying painlessly in this situation.
"Is everything alright? You didn't break anything, did you?"
Alcarith spoke up without facing Emily. "I'm fine. Let's see what else is in this house before we get distracted again."
"I hope no one else comes through this window." Emily turned around and put up her shield as she backed toward the door. Alcarith exits the room and heads to her right. There were two doors, one was open and a bed could be seen from where Alcarith currently stood. The door to her right was closed and it was unknown if the door would budge or not.
Meanwhile, Lutherion continues to hum his ridiculous tune as he walks around the basement. He picks up a pickle jar and ogles it as it were his new best friend. He then suddenly changes his mind, sets the pickle jar down and picks up a jar of pickled beets.
"Ah yes!" Lutherion exclaimed as if he discovered something the universe had never seen before. "You'll do much better than a bunch of stupid cucumbers!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 04:36 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"and i mean it! you beets are goung to be VERY useful!" Lutherion aims his wightmaw arm at the pickled beets and fires of a few rounds of splinters! he then tosses the now broken glass and beets into the floor, under the hole he came from.
"hehehe!" the beets suddenly glows a dark green and eerie color, and hten begins to grow! not in size but like an actual plant! the beet-plant grows steadily upwards, and Lutherion graps on the top and begins to be pulled of the ground by the plant. he then continues his song: "i see all dead corpses on the meadow!! i see all dead corpses on the meadow! the sun is just a big ball of burning doom! and ill make your heart explode with a boooom!!! oh what a beautiful mouuur-*GACK*" Lutherion hits the light barrier put up by Emily, and falls all the way down again, with a hard BUMB! he hits the floor.
the plant then sprouts a flower at the top very close to the barrier! this flower is filled with splinters! it then starts pummeling the barrier like a machine gun with the splinters!
OOC: the people who guesses what song is parodied wins one internet and a piece of fanart!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 05:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
dexexe1234 Wrote:OOC: the people who guesses what song is parodied wins one internet and a piece of fanart! ((*looks it up on Wikipedia* You're talking about "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'" from the Oklahoma musical.))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 05:08 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
fait Wrote:dexexe1234 Wrote:OOC: the people who guesses what song is parodied wins one internet and a piece of fanart! ((*looks it up on Wikipedia* You're talking about "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'" from the Oklahoma musical.)) DING! correct! isnt Lutherion just a MORBID person! [img]images/smilies/pc_chummy.gif[/img] wait... do you have any adventures? i owe you a fan-art you know!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 05:47 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
((Just draw me a cool gryphon if you want. Preferred color combination: white and blue. Beyond that, make it your own. I was thinking of using the gryphon's head for an avatar.))
EDIT: ((So, what's going to happen next? It looks like we're either going to attack Lutherion again or find someone else to interact with. We could use a little more direction. x.x))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-13-2009, 08:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by almost-there.
After the smoke cleared, Dokuromets was nowhere to be found. "Where'd that egotistical asshole go?" said Amythist, as she looked around the room warily.
In the room below, Dokuromets waited, silently hiding from the maniacs upstairs."What's wrong with everyone here? Why did she do that? And why am I still here? I should keep moving, i case she finds me." He thought to himself, as he slowly floated into a nearby bathroom, currently ocupied by an undead vaccum.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 12:54 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
The vacuum did not move. It seemed to simply be sucking in place.
Dokuromets found it unnerving, somehow. He was certain a vacuum couldn't suck up immaterial things, such as himself... but then, this did not seem to be an ordinary vacuum. He cautiously maintained his distance, waiting for the vacuum to make a move.
Meanwhile, in the illusory realm, the bathroom was finally clear of blood. Eximo was satisfied, and turned off its suction... a move which carried over to "reality", such as it was.
Dokuromets watched the device shut itself off. He wasn't sure what was happening, but it seemed the machine was somehow inactive. The ghost decided to strike. He lunged towards the demonic vacuum...
"Defense mode activated."
Apparently, the sudden attack was enough to shake Eximo out of its "dream". As Dokuromets approached, the vacuum reacted by reversing its suction, sending the ghost flying backwards towards the shower. A gun was blown off of the top of the shower in the process, though neither combatant noticed this at the time.
Dokuromets was not pleased. Taking a moment to regain his bearings, he turned to the vacuum.
"Now listen to me, machine..." he began, but was soon interrupted.
"Do not interfere with the cleansing. This is your final warning."
The sudden rebuke only annoyed Dokuromets further. Of all the things he didn't intend to be shown up by, a household appliance was pretty close to the top of the list.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 01:13 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
I'll probably let round one run for a while, because I'm a province away from where I live right now, and the internet here sucks. If I can get online for long enough at some point later this week, I might get prepare to end the round, but it's looking like it's gonna be a weeklong round. Other rounds probably won't last so long, but it's probably a good idea for this one anyway, so that everybody gets good at writing with each other.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 03:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily moved to check on her barrier. It appeared that Lutherion had spawned yet another mostrosity that was now pummeling the barrier.
She probably couldn't hold it for too much longer, so she quickly prepared a weakening spell and lowered the barrier to fire at it.
The flower fired a few more bone splinters upward that shattered ineffectively on the ceiling before it climbed out of the hole with Lutherion riding on it cackling before returning to his rather disturbing song.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 03:52 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
Meanwhile, Alcarith went into the open bedroom. There was a closet to the left of the door on a perpendicular wall. Next to the closet was a short but lengthy bookshelf full of paperback books. On top of the bookshelf were numerous knick-knacks varying from ornamental animals, busts of famous celebrities, framed pictures, abstract art, and so many other things. At the other end of the small room was a small bed with a blue quilt on it. At the foot of the bed is small work desk and a small file cabinet.
Above the lone window, which was opposite the door, on the ceiling, was a small, latched door. It was unknown if this hatch led to the attic or if it was a simple storage compartment in the ceiling. An ordinary human couldn't reach the latch without having to stand on a chair or anything else of suitable height.
Alcarith walks over to the book shelf and bends down on her knees so she can read the numerous book titles for anything interesting.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 06:10 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst moved through the house, looking all around, thinking about her opponents.
She was still in a state of confusion, with everyone having been plucked from their worlds at once, it seems some had taken to the idea of simply killing each other far too easily. She sighed. Perhaps it would be best to simply go along with the tournament, in which case the strategy of the allying with the weakest combatants so as to be able to easily win the final rounds would work. But still, she didn't like the idea.
She turned into the bedroom, seeing the colossal plant monster, on top of it was the Necromancer. Even if she were to attempt an escape, this individual would make that impossible. No matter what, it was vital.
The same black icicles from before circled her. "Set Influence Type to Heat" she muttered. More of the intricate magical circles surrounded her wrist. The icicles stopped in a formation, turned to face the plant monster, and fired. The creature howled in pain falling backwards, forcing Lutherion onto the ground. Amethyst casually stepped in, turning to Emily.
"Regardless of the ultimate objective, it would be to our benefit to eliminate this Necromancer as soon as is possible. Will you assist me for the time?"
Emily still wasn't sure, something was definitely off about this girl. But she was right, Lutherion was clearly the biggest threat, and would be willing to kill everyone around him regardless of the situation. Besides, his singing was really bad. She nodded slowly.
"Then surround the beast with a cylindrical barrier."
As she said this, the icicles began to circle around the monster, as though to mark the borders she had intended. Emily complied, and a pillar of light surrounded the plant monsters. The icicles remained inside the barrier, beginning to glow red themselves.
But Lutherion was not about to simply let his pet be destroyed. His Weightmaw Arm extended, grabbing Amethyst by the legs, holding her upside down.
"Just what's the big idea sweety, tryin' to beat up my poor pet? He's just a baby yaknow! *cackle cackle*"
Amethyst's eyes remained frozen.
"Increase base area temperature. Type: Uncontained. Devote all resources to heat increase."
As she said this, her own body began to go limp, but the icicles inside the barrier began to glow brighter. The plant monster itself looked to be in pain. Suddenly, the entire area inside the barrier erupted into a great spiral of flames. The beast turned black, and disintegrated into ashes, along with the floor around the barrier.
And just like that, having burned up everything inside the shield, the flames vanished. Emily gasped for air, and released the barrier. Just what kind of a spell was that? Without Emily's magic the entire house would likely be on fire by now.
Lutherion backed away, releasing his grasp on Amethyst, who fell to the ground.
"H-hey! What the hell was that?!"
"Restore default functionality."
Words said without emotion, Amethyst simply stood back up. The icicles returned to orbiting her.
"Set Influence Type: Electromagnetic"
The icicles flew into an alternate formation, they grouped into pairs, and pointed themselves at Lutherion.
"Animated plantlife is not a particularly uncommon summon type. It is common knowledge that it possesses a type disadvantage against temperature-based attacks. In the future, I would recommend familiars with a less-extreme elemental alignment."
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SpoilerAre we getting closer to those textwalls you like so much? I'd keep going, but I can't think of anything witty for Lutherion to say.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 07:53 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion looked at amethyst with a smile. "what are you smiling at!" she yelled. "oh nothing... ehhehehehh... heaheaaaha! HAAHAAHAAAHAAA!!!! YOU KILLED MY SMALL PET!!! MY LITTLE CUTE ORGANISM!!! oh. about fire, i KNEW it wouldnt like fire! HEHAAEH!!! also, FIRE!" Lutherions other hand, holding the bone-staff, began to burn in the same eerie colour that his eyes and the plant glowed in, and suddenly spreads to his whole staff: "now ill show YOU fire!!! HAHAHAEAHAA!!!" he swung his staff and out flow a fireball as big as the entire hallway!
Amethyst's iceicles quickly moved away while Emily shrieked: "jump away!" Amethyst complied and flew to the side, while Emily created another light barrier. the fire hit the barrier and burned brightly. "now, let me show you what I know about fire!" Emily said, and molded the barrier into a cube around the fireball, where it just burned out and dissappeared. "fire needs air to burn! no air, no fire!"
"wicked bacon smelling lady! but no matter! i have other tricks up my sleeve! litterally!" Lutherion whipped his wightmaw arm through the backwall of the bedroom, and jumped outside the house. "heheh! they laugh at me! they mock me because i look like mathew perry! but ill show them!"
he whipped his wightmaw arm around a few times, spreading splinters. "NOW RISE FOR YOUR GOD LUTHERION! RISE, SKELETON ARMY!!!" and just as he said it, a big part of the plain got covered in white smoke. as it lifted, there stood around fifty skeletons! they where of a weak construction though. and only some of them had weapons. under Lutherion had a small pillow made of flesh appeared that had four skeleton legs. sitting there, he looked quite happy with himself and said: "skeletons! theres a girl and a lady smelling like bacon in this house! kill the lot of them! KILL!!!"
and just like that, the skeletons rushed over to the house and began to climb up, trying to get into the very same hole that Lutherion just created!
both Emily and Amethyst goes: "oh no."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 07:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
((I'm updating anyways. It's not like she's interacting with anybody anyways. Besides, it happens around the same time Draykon and crew are fighting.))
Alcarith skimmed through a couple books and had different feelings for each one. She knew people would be fighting and had to keep aware, which kept her from grasping the things some books had to say. She also eventually had difficulty understanding what was going on in other books, resulting in many things making little to no sense. She slammed the last book back into the bookshelf in frustration.
"I don't know why I'm reading," Alcarith thought to herself. "It's getting me nowhere and someone could be dead by now."
"I wasn't sent here to read books. I was sent here to prove my worth. I'm sure that old woman could use my help. I wonder why she didn't follow me."
Alcarith walks over to the door and opens it.
"Oh no."
Alcarith makes her way to Emily and Amethyst. "What?"
"There's a skeleton army heading this way," Emily responded. "Animated skeletons are weak, but there are a lot of them."
"Who's this one?" Amethyst asked.
"I'm Alcarith."
"Nothing else?"
"That's all you need to know. Let's go." Alcarith makes her way out the door and sees the entire skeleton army on the porch. Amethyst and Emily join her on the porch.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 08:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
I thought Lutherion feared fire and the color red?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 09:02 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Aryogaton Wrote:I thought Lutherion feared fire and the color red? luther fears fire and the color red yes, bu theres no statement that the flame was red! also it was just a small burst, and he was surprised by the quick kill and just went with instinct!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by fait.
((By the way, I never got a response, but, were you still gonna do a giftart or was that only for a forum adventure?))
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 09:18 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
fait Wrote:((By the way, I never got a response, but, were you still gonna do a giftart or was that only for a forum adventure?)) [[yes i will do it but as you know i dont have acces to flash in these days]]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 09:30 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily cursed under her breath. At least she could handle these weak things.
She looked at the demon girl near her. She could handle these thing too now doubt. That and she already knew about Alcarith's abilities.
"Okay," she said looking at Alcarith,"I'll create a barrier around you and you charge. The force should be enough to shatter these thing. Understand?"
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SpoilerWhoops I didn't notice you had changed your post fait. give me a minute.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-14-2009, 09:32 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Fait, you accidentally used a player name instead of a character name in your last section. Better fix that.